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Thursday, April 29, 2021

April 29, 2021

One year ago today: April 29, 2020, the tree that died.
Five years ago today: April 29, 2016, a lick of sense.
Nine years ago today: April 29, 2012, the Pareto Principle.
Random years ago today: April 29, 2010, c) distrust.

           You would-be renovators get a tale from the trailer court. My wiring takes twice as long, but part of that is when I have to rip up floor boards to get at the work. Too many hours later, I got the last triple outlet receptacle working. These are the plugs in series, so they must engage for the rest of the circuit to work. That would include the closet light and the laundry light. Shown here is the final working wiring just before getting placed back in the box.
           Here is where you ask the big question. What are the odds of these two adjacent receptacles going bad at the same time? Different brands bought at different stores on different days, then both winding up side-by-side in the same box with the same problem. All I know is every component shown here was double-tested and passed. In the end, the only thing that worked was replacing the outlets. Yessir, that one had me scratching my head.

           Personally, I’m glad the Oscars took a hammering. I last watched them when I was something like ten, thinking it was something special. They gave the best picture award to some movie I’d never heard of. That’s why I like my idea of the annual Bass Player Award. We stand around in some auditorium in formal wear and give each other trophies. As long as there’s an open bar, sounds fine to me. The Maricopa ballot audit continues to petrify the left-wingers as video shows the paper is being scanned for watermarks. I predict all ballots that fail this test will be cast for Biden, meaning the denials of the left become meaningless.
           Police informant ransomware attack. Ha, serves them right. That is specifically the sort of information I said should never be put on a computer. I meant in the format of a computer file that has all the data in one place. I’ve always kept my sensitive data in binary format, that is, separate locations whenever there could be a match between people and data. Somebody hacked the police Gang Database and wants $50 million or they publish the ID of informants. This could be fun, if only because there’s another group of people with nothing to hide. It’s a newer twist. Before the hackers encrypted the data and charged for the key. Now they are threatening to publish the data on-line. Let this be an overdue lesson for the authorities.

Picture of the day.
Q switch laser crystals.
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           In standard Pop-Sci fashion, there has been yet another announcement of an invention that is fifty years overdue and you just know the latest version is no better. Printed circuits on paper again, right up there with another blimp and another flying car. Somebody should sign Pop-Sci up as a registered Democrat on the grounds they never give up on a losing issue. For instance, the mild disturbance at the White House. The Democrats lied it up into a riot, then an insurrection, and we thought they’d stop at siege and Pearl Harbor comparisons.
           It just keeps escalating but people are buying much from DNN these days, so do they quit? Nope, this morning they announced there was a possible “directed energy” attack. They have to keep piling on the lies now, as the whole matter is supposed to distract you from taxes, inflation, wars, and the border fiasco.
           The Democrats need a crisis and they’ve chosen this one against most common sense. Millions of Americans already thought the White House should be walled off. There is one positive outcome from all their bullshit. Like vote harvesting and Russian collusion, the majority of Americans had only heard about directed weapons until wild liberal accusations brought them clearly into focus.

           There’s a short un-edited, no-narrative video (not worth linking to) on the printed circuit, so we can assume that’s how big a story it is. Same with the HDD crisis. The drive prices are skyrocketing they say. I’m saying nope, no need to stockpile. Here’s a chart that shows prices in China. SeaGate has just had a massive recall and if you look, these are drives with capacities like 18 Terabytes. That’s enough porno for all the combined ivy league frat houses right through a short weekend. I’m not sure it’s a real story. Not only is it a rapidly changing technology, people can live without expensive drives.
           While bit-coining is intensive, I don’t see a 50% price increase as speculative enough to risk. Say five times in price, that would get my attention. Right now, like most Americans, I’m just noticing the 35% jump in food prices. And nearly 30% in gas, hooray Joe Biden. Great air play is made that Ted Cruz fell asleep during his speech. The real story is that old Joe never fully woke up.

           The citizens of New York City have successfully pressured the police to stop deploying the Digidog. That’s the robot dog the cops are contending will “save lives”, a phrase that’s getting shop-worn. Resembling a smaller version of the military pack mule contraption, this one is little more than a mobile surveillance device. What caught my eye was how the NYT presented the article. It was as if the New York citizenry was on a noble crusade to preserve human dignity. I say the true motive was far less altruistic. Most of the protesters were from the Upper East Side.
           The Arizona ballot audit continues. Why has not the left stopped it? They’ve spent years infiltrating the system to prevent just such an event. That’s how they work, like the little known law they passed decades ago that after an election the ballots were to be locked up. Who would have questioned such a law so far long ago. (Me, that’s who.) I’m saying the left has slowly crept through the system and planted dozens of these obstacles. So I ask again, why have they not been able to stop the audit? Something is amiss.
           Here we go, it is now 10:41AM and the videos are starting to disappear. “The account associated with this video has been terminated.” There’s something big happening. First to go were the youTubes, but now even Turley’s private site is going blank. Has the Arizona audit already uncovered something? Oooh, there goes Vimeo. How dumb can these leftards be, taking down the videos but leaving up the thumbnail links? This could be fun.

           Sorry for any delays. I accidentally entered one of my passwords into a Google text box in error. That entails having to go through my entire system and change all passwords. There’s rules on how you should make those changes as well, they’ve seen all the usual tricks.

Last Laugh