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Wednesday, April 28, 2021

April 28, 2021

One year ago today: April 28, 2020, the asteroid Davida.
Five years ago today: April 28, 2016, silver fiction.
Nine years ago today: April 28, 2012, some organized agency (guess).
Random years ago today: April 28, 2007, at the Edison.

           I’ve got one for you. Some may look at my aversion to texting as age-related. Nope, I looked at many of these “new” technologies very closely before rating them less efficient than e-mail. I mean, people who think the phone is efficient should time how long their calls take. Most them underestimate the waste by a factor of twice. Last time at my eye doctor, it was un-busy (COVID again), so I demonstrated how slick properly used e-mails could be. What they liked most was how to copy and paste each message as a time-stamped log. The common questions was why had nobody showed them this before. They have been laboriously keeping a log of phone calls, with notoriously inaccurate redacted comments.
           The point of all this is the way it’s played out so far. They like the system enough to flood my inbox with updates and confirmations. Good, it spurs them to keep on top of things. I think what’s happened is I insisted they don’t use an e-mail service, but message me directly. This allows them to proceed at their pace and convenience, which is ditto at my end and a yuge plus for me. I supposed it would be a novelty that wore off, but three weeks later, they are right up to the moment. The prudent observer can tell a lot from these messages.

           The Reb called, we have both been blind-sided by the ridiculous lockdowns. The mask and social distancing is a laughable joke but you get libtards thinking they can force people into “the new norm”. Problem, those norms are supposed to rise from the bottom up. I tend to walk past stores that have mask signs in the window. We talked at length, I mean this social nonsense with the virus didn’t mean squat to us for a year, but now is beginning to impact. The nation has to get rid of these no-mind clone-brain followers, but the left has kept the opposition squabbling between themselves long enough to gain the “largest minority”. Anyway, one result was this 2D bar-code, see if you can read it. It’s most of an early blog entry as I was testing the capacity.
           The first thing I’m going to do is determine the scanner speed of a smart phone. Then, see what can be done if I create a gif file of these codes at a readable rate. I tried to embed a picture, but the generator I have is text only. This took me aback because I read recently that vaccination passports had such a code that only repeated the information on the card in plain text. But, I’m brand new at this, so give me a week. I’ve already determined the encoders use that stupid “visual” chart thing from MicroSoft. Where instead of programming, you fill out a list is features or something and good luck if what you want isn’t on the menu. Like the brake button.

           Here’s a bit of information kind of neat to know. The most used 2D barcode is called QR, easily recognizable by the tiny square orientation marks in three of the corners. This code is very fast and can be easily read by free apps or some new phones apps. There is a size consideration and the QR (means Quick Response) has to get bigger to hold more data. The limit is close to the code shown above, however many characters that is.
           Ah, you want the answer to y’day’s what’s-it photo. It is a lumber vise employed in the fashion shown. It is pretty heavy duty so you are not likely to drag it out for just a cut or two. But think, the guy who invented this is comfortably retired, and us? I’m stuck writing blogs, which is probably a better deal in life that stuck reading blogs. I follow my cardinal rule in such cases. When in doubt, keep playing bass.

           It’s happened before, I find a post that is a little too close a copy of this blog. I’m not foolish enough to claim every coincidence as plagiarism. You may have spotted behind the scenes that there is an order win which I present things. This is definite and deliberate, so what are the odds of a random stranger posting a virtually identical order of events? Zero, you got that right. Mostly it concerns my questions of why Trump fought at first, then stepped down as President. Then I find videos posted this week that say the same thing in the same order, more than 20 times lifting my wording. Every writer has his own style and I recognize my own. Nothing will happen, but I note the occurrence.

Picture of the day.
The abandoned Howey mansion.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Trent got a couple of VIP passes to a songwriter’s festival. I have to pass. I really don’t know what happens, I mean, do they sing or talk or what? I searched it and they play and sell a lot of CDs. It seems they do perform, which blurs the line between artist and writer, but it makes sense. Free bring-your-own seating, drinks for sale, and no pets or firearms. I’m going to pass on that. Mainly because I lack the energy and because they mandate wearing a mask. Florida has cancelled all that baloney and I don’t trust the motives of anybody who is still power-tripping.
           In fact, to prove just how level-headed I am about things, I’m telling you that chicken can read my thoughts from up to 35 feet away. It’s the classic where’s-my-food look. I stare right back power thinking you’re-not-my-chicken. But resistance is futile. This brand of brainwave is exhausting so I had to take the afternoon off and go drink coffee over in Winter Haven. Visitors might be better off touring the small town in this area rather than the tourist traps. During the big real estate boom of 1925-ish, these towns were supposed to become part of the major central metropolis. Alas, like all booms follows the busts and some of the abandoned properties are still in foreclosure. I missed my Sunday tour tour ten days back, so the gas money is sitting there. Let’s find a museum, which is not as easy as you think in these Branch Covidian days.

           Did you know you can future-date blog posts on blogspot? You upload the post now and it will automatically display when that date rolls around. What’s weird is that date can be up to the year 2130, that is, 109 years from now. Up to this latest version (which is best known for idiot appeal), you could also change the dates [of existing posts] back into the past. I have no idea why they removed this feature, but they are 100% strict over it. Something funny happened over there. You may make new posts into the past, and even then they are limited to 1970. Earlier dates are there but greyed-out.
           How about we try to find the name of that uber-ugly spokesperson for the youTube solar panels pictured last day. I mean, the half-Jabba is annoyingly ugly. May I use a cliché from back in my day? Here it is, “If my dog was that ugly, I’d shave his ass and train him to walk around backwards.”

           I’ve already told many a time how to cut police violence in by 80% instantly. Quit allowing them to pull people over in their cars. When do most confrontations happen? Exactly. A separate type of traffic cops should take their place, but allowed only to hand out traffic violations to the owner of the vehicle, not the driver. They may not ask for ID, nor search, nor seize anything. If they find evidence of a crime, then they can summon the regular police.
           They must identify themselves in the first sentence when addressing the driver and must then state specifically what the stop is for. No other questions permitted, they issue the ticket only for the stated infraction, and send you on your way. This seems absurd to people with IQ problems, but for the rest of us, thinking it through is an enlightening process.

           The police just lost all respect as the Internet was just flooded by news of a raid on Trump’s ex-lawyer. That means they ignored the oath they took to obey the Constitution and act on the orders of their paymasters. They just lost the respect of another huge segment of society, probably permanently. Ha, have you heard PBS referring to the relatively benign disturbance at DC as “the siege”. Like they had the place surrounded for six months, starving out the citizens and catapulting diseased horse corpses over the parapets.
           It’s no better than elsewhere with modern day "police"; the Pawlowski incident in Alberta continues at a viral pace. Canadian police have no shame, but we already know that. But what an embarrassment for the province and thisa despicable “inspector” from the health department. She obtained a secret warrant to enter the church during services, something that does not happen in civilized countries.

           How about the latest arrests taking place ostensibly by using IPS setup information? Like BitCoin Fog, a service that removed any link between deposits and withdrawals. This infuriated the IRS despite the fact there is no legal requirement to have such a link and the right to examine them requires a warrant served not on the bank, but on the account holder. Why is this bloggable? For one, I’m not buying the cover story. And this proves time and again that every on-like transaction, even the supposedly untraceable BitCoin, is discoverable. I say they caught the guy because he recently made a careless transaction and the wild IPS story is to scare people away from using dark web.
           SpaceX in the news again by getting approval to double their allowable number of satellites to over 4,000. Detractors say it increases the threat of collisions, but I question their goal of providing the whole world with “affordable” Internet, wink-wink. It works like this. Once they can prove you have access even if you didn’t want it, they can flip the switch and require you to have it. Look at what you can no longer do because of smart phones. Can’t order pizza, book a hotel, or get a tooth pulled.

Last Laugh