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Monday, May 17, 2021

May 17, 2021

One year ago today: May 17, 2020, one-time drone flight.
Five years ago today: May 17, 2016, still house-hunting.
Nine years ago today: May 17, 2012, coffee & bass.
Random years ago today: May 17, 2015 , a gear review.

           The van was in for a check, and she’s going back on Thursday to find the A/C problem. Gotta have A/C. This had me up in the north end, where I stopped at the library. Then a coffee at the library shop, now more than $3 a mug. And chicken is over $3 a pound now. This is really going to plunge a lot of people into hard times. Chicken was 67¢ a pound when I got here five years ago, and just $1.98 four months back. Ink cartridges are now pushing $40 and gas is a dollar a gallon more than a week ago. There will be some decisions made soon. I found this plan for a log birdhouse, but it will have to be modified before birds will use it. As it is, any nesting material would block the entrance.

           The real reason a lot of Americans wear masks is because, frankly, the Democrats stink. I fell out of my ergonomic chair at some scenes of “clean energy” folk festivals having to run extensions cords when a rainstorm blotted out their solar power. Big media has not done a good job glossing these problems over. We know the real reason for the Texas outages last winter were the wind turbines. I drove through there after Obama’s trillion-dollar “renewable energy” bill and saw the wind farms. Useless, mostly. Did you know only $100 billion was spent on the project? But this was the pre-Trump era when nobody dared ask the Democrats what they did with the other $900 billion.
           What’s with the silence out of Arizona? The Democrats have failed to halt the audit and their efforts at discrediting the results seem puny because they’ve denied too much too often. Something is cooking. The bigger picture is that even if the Democrats manage to contain this audit, it reveals something else—that these fraudulent activities have been on-going. That brings up other questions and the depth of the corruption reveals the Democrats have been up to no-good since long before Trump. This is not good news for Camp Biden.

           Here’s where I mention the obvious lying. The Sheriff in Maricopa has said the routers have private information, such as police and personnel files. What a liar, you cannot keep any sizeable amount of data on a route. Nor should the county be keeping files in this manner. The Sheriff is plainly on the take. Vote info is supposed to be segregated and rumor has it the unsealed ballot boxes are missing up to 17% of the ballots originally supposed to have been sealed in there. Sheer panic is setting in for the Democrats. Nobody is saying anything yet, but no way Biden won that election.
           I’ll say it again, the Democrats and their media bum-boys seemed only prepared to cast doubt over counts, motives, and procedures. They don’t seem to have had a plan over the audit uncovering vast amounts of long-term fraud. I mean, the Democrats didn’t set up such and elaborate system in just a few years. And they’ve had real struggles learning that this type of “shut up and go home, you’re disturbing the peace” stunt does not work on Trump. They had better do something fast.

Picture of the day.
$59,000 each.
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           Exactly 18 months ago to the day, the Kaiser and I conducted a jam session that would rule if we had decided to pursue it. It was not to be, as my old saying applies about once a guitarist can solo, he’s done for much else. We’ve kept in touch via my e-mail list. I’ve gotten steady reports that Nashville has really gone downhill over COVID and today he asked about the situation here. A lot of people think I live in Miami, and that includes the Kaiser. I sent a full-page definition about the difference. These days, you do not go to Miami without a damn good reason.
           Things in Nashville are worse than I thought. To shorten the telling, the Kaiser may want to try his luck in Florida, where things are certainly no worse plus Florida is open for business. I sent a list of the places I’ve played and what they paid before COVID. By the reaction, it seems Nashville must pay even worse. Strange, a town that lives by music yet can’t support musicians.

           Bottom line, if he wants to check out central Florida, I’ll make him a deal. For some help around here, he’s welcome to crash in the spare room until he gets on his feet or heads back north. I told him about the scalding hot summer but at the same time, he’d be in the top 2% of the music industry in this vicinity. My deduction is that if he winds up here, it is due to a near-collapse of what’s going on in downtown Nashville.
           Music-wise, we have very congruent songs lists. Things have moved on and these days I cannot commit to anything but my solo guitar efforts. Still, our sound is dynamite as his sizzling guitar interpretations mesh flawlessly with my piano-like bass. The secondary issue is I need some help leveling that kitchen floor and a few other chores around the house. We shall see.

           A seminar on code-breaking recently published got around ten minutes viewing time from me. I thought it would be a historical recounting of methods but it was all anti-German talking points. It kept pounding the message that the Germans did not suspect a thing. Wrong, Germany was very experienced at salting messages with tidbits that would betray any leaks. The real story of how the British knew German intentions is to this day a closely-guarded secret. The entire Enigma and Magic reports are a cover story. Most annoying was the constant referrals to submarines, tanks, and ships as “Nazi”. Then at said ten minutes, they flashed a scene of the speaker. One look at him there’s your answer. I hit the delete button.

           I also finished the audio book, “Black Widow”. This term refers to the widow of a ISIS suicide bomber. I dunno about you, but I have a tough time feeling sorry for such women. Anyway, this story does not get recommended. The action part of the 12 disks (some 19 hours listening time) is maybe 15 minutes. There are some interesting patches where you get a glimpse into the terrorist camps. Generally, the rest of the tale is your usual pro-Israeli pandering, how they are so ill done by, yet have never in 2,000 years admitted there is a reason so many people hate them. Why, all those millions and millions and millions of people must be bigots or something. There’s no other possible explanation.
           As for the plot of this book, no surprises. When the Arabs kill that’s bad, when the Jews kill that’s good. One strange aspect is the spy behavior. You get the impression they spend most of their time trying to find out each other’s real names. They do this a lot when going out to dinner. Another quirk is that the Israelis have families and are related to each other, the other side does not, except when mentioning the “Black Widow” thing. Apparently these women receive some form of money reward for life.

           It’s behind the scenes, but the Reb & I scoped out publishing a book. There is an upsurge in audio-book sales though I think that is temporary due to coof. My experience is you can drive from here to Nashville, a half-day trip, and get maybe one hour of decent radio. The remainder is sports, religion, and slanted news. And popular as it is, new country lacks charm. The solution is audio-books, so what follows is some conclusions we’ve reached.

                      a) a demand for “short” audio-books, 3 hours listening time
                      b) 3 hours is 27,000 words (20 days typing for me)
                      c) this is a relatively new market
                      d) it costs around $1,000 to get a book to market
                      e) audio-book publishing has been streamlined
                      f) ghost writers & narrators are starving to death

           You can pore over the above. It has certain attractions for us. The plain crappy American radio and the “album” concept of music recording makes for boring listening. It’s something we are looking at. The message we get from the marketplace is that how-to audio books are what is best filling that 3-hour timing slot. If the need for such books is temporary, so what. I would not mind temporarily making $10,000.
           Watch for developments. Once again, I would be funding the entire project myself. As I glance down my title list I see it would be Project 50, a nice round number. But if it offsets the $10 bowl of soup and helps develop a “retirement skill”, I can always afford the chance. After the the departure of Forex trading, there is (if you must know) $3,331 looking for something to do. I do not believe Forex trading can be run as an independent non-pyramid business by most people. That is based on first-hand experience, we really tried.
           But could I flesh that tidbit into a 3-hour recording?

Last Laugh