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Sunday, May 2, 2021

May 2, 2021

One year ago today: May 2, 2020, my "boxing" career.
Five years ago today: May 2, 2016, I bought the PA.
Nine years ago today: May 2, 2012, scooter, faster than Amtrak.
Random years ago today: May 2, 2004, life expectancy: 2 yrs.

           I’m awake and talkative. That means let me deal with some Internet junk, put in my two cents. It’s confirmed, Biden’s trip up the stairs got more view that his last political speech. California is going to get rid of that wimp, Newsom. There is something genetically wrong with that guy. FrankSpeech finally has it’s full page back in operation. Fact checker say Biden lied 67 times in first 100 days, saying Trump lied 511 times in the same period by telling truths the Trump-haters didn’t want to hear. Nobody could find a list of Biden’s lies. The pattern is established, whenever Biden says anything, twice as many people go listen to what Trump says about it.
           TMOR, here’s a quirky fact about American law. There is no such thing as hate speech, at least in the context that the Constitution protects all speech. All these definitions of hate speech and such are the creation of Democrats in an effort to suppress opposition. There are other laws that limit what you can say that have no political overtones. Ten minutes on Frankspeech shows it still has a ways to go. The Arizona ballot audit is not making any interim announcements, which is dirty pool for the media. They have nothing to bend and twist.

           There’s a picture of Steamboat Willies out in Palatka. Had to wait to the next day to take the picture, the streets are dark at night. You can see, I mean, but not read the signs. Coming under fire is Big Tech’s argument that their web pages are privately owned, and thus can disallow and censor content. It is illegal to use any means in the USA to suppress freedom of speech, and while the biggies dominate the internet, they do now own the Internet. I don’t have an analogy for this, but if the net effect is suppression of free speech, then it is some kind of crime.
           The 2021 Prick of the Year Award already has a serious contender. Meet Stephan Beringer. I believe that while Freedom of Speech means nobody can be silenced, that does not obligate you to listen. Thus, I believe all intrusive advertising should be banned. Intrusive includes that which gets in your face, is an unwelcome distraction, annoys you, or gets in your way. The Internet has given this brand of advertising an aggressive edge and it is AOLs like Stephan here who are behind it.

           Do you like classic movies? Old Stephan here has devised a way to put what are essentially pop-up ads into the mix. For instance, in an old scene of Bogie walking past a blank wall, that wall may now become a Coca-Cola ad. As always, it is only a matter of time before the movie becomes secondary. You can tell by the smug but blank stare in Stephan’s face that the guy is a total Prick. They are not as bad as the 7-dayers yet, but these inconsiderate louts are everywhere.
           They know they are pricks, but pretend they are providing a service, as in getting the word out. They know how deeply despised they are. The only comparable outfit I can compare them to is Revenue Canada. They have a “help desk” I once called over some bonds. They play-act like a bunch of chummy guys who stayed up late for free to help you pay every penny of tax that you possibly could. I liked the old days where you could call up pretending to be anybody and asking if you could cheat same as last year. If you don’t like me and were audited any time 1985-1995, now you know.
           This is an issue I get flak over, don’t be hasty, it is not about whether I like the other person. But we all know when somebody doesn’t like us. Since I don’t do, think, or say much to people who don’t like me, you might wonder what criterion they have to meet to get me to even notice them. Once you got that reckoned, the rest makes sense. Now Stephan, above, him I don’t like at all.

Picture of the day.
Thirty years of pie.
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           How rare a day I don’t step outside, so that’s a blog note. Talking on the phone a lot, not my favorite activity, but decisions were made this weekend. I have a list of 15 links to follow to see which formats I like. There’s little denying that these “how to meet women” scams are just as prevalent today. Some guys will spend any amount of money rather than admit they are just plain losers who will always pay for it. There’s an alternative, but since that involves changing what they think, it won’t happen. The two extremes of selling a few expensive articles is in diametric opposition to selling many small items. A couple people did not like my term diametric.
           I can’t explain, so let me say that you could make the same money both ways, but the methods of doing so are not compatible. I say again, all Internet ads read to me like old comic book scams. In content, that is what they are and placing them on a web page doesn’t change the fact they are all rip-offs to start. The trick is to take advantage, but when expanded, I just described capitalism.

           This is a used ATM, here’s the relationship. These sell for as little as $1,000 for reasonable-looking units. A new model of ATM is soon to hit the market. It requires a digital scan, a picture of your ID, and a vaccination card. We figure the backlash against that could be substantial. I know I will continue to use only regular ATMs as long as they are available. Now, we know banks must follow certain rules with ATMs, but what about non-banks? This is just an example of things being looked at.
           It doesn’t take long to figure out that a machine at the club that accepted only cards from known clientele would pay off in no time. That’s the question. Does and ATM have to provide service to anyone? Can a card be verified some other way than using the ATM system. Only questions answerable in a few minutes are being looked at just now. But I was wondering about a machine that dispensed only $50 at a time. Anyway, I’m taking a look. There is already a vaccine ATM in Virginia, which scans for UVID, the so-called subdermal quantum tattoos mentioned here a few days ago.

           The trip to Palatka was noticeable for its blandness and good food, often becomes the situation where the unusual is the event of the day. When I got home and did the books, the expenses came out to exactly $200. So I checked them again. Yep, $200. In another example of how rotten the liberals have become in this country, that kid Rittenhouse who plainly acted in self-defense, will likely get two life sentences. Based on its legal merits, everybody in this country can defend their lives. Enter politics and it becomes a matter of whether the libtard judges like you or not. Jury intimidation became normal with the Floyd issue. Do what they want or BLM burns down your house. And don’t bother calling the police, that is a hate crime.

           There’s an on-line list of items that foreigners find most shocking about America. The list contains 30 items (find it yourself) but I thought I’d reprint the ones that were mentioned in this blog before 2000, with a comment on how it was presented here.
A) overly aggressive police. This blog wanted that defunded by 1980.
B) Poverty everywhere. There is also work everywhere if you look for it.
C) Morbidly obese people. We don’t like them either.
D) Cities designed for cars. But not for parking.
E) Homeless people. Make that homeless CITY people.
F) Filthy public infrastructure. Only where welfare is prevalent.
G) Obligatory tipping. It isn’t, they’re just real AOLs about it.
H) Huge [restaurant] portions. It’s been ridiculous since 1970.
I) The number of TV commercials. It’s the American plague.
J) Prices don't include tax. Americans hate quoting full prices.
K) Crazy people in the streets. Ha, wait till you see Canada.
L) Fake kindness in servers. I know, and it is sickening.
M) Religion everywhere. It’s freedom of speech abuse.
N) Too friendly at first. They’re selling something.

Last Laugh