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Saturday, May 22, 2021

May 23, 2021

One year ago today: May 23, 2020, rare Montana pic.
Five years ago today: May 23, 2016, the cabin model.
Nine years ago today: May 23, 2012, my 5-year music pattern.
Random years ago today: May 23, 2011, early club activity.

           Twenty-five years. That’s how long since I left my last job. No doubt a few people who did not listen to my method of reverse-engineering my pension fund may now admit there was something to it. And technically it was today in 2016 that I took formal possession of this cabin. Which is still only half renovated, you know. This deserves a celebration of sorts. She’s in Nashville, I’m in Winter Haven. Florida is a wasteland for women to hang with. Getting laid is the easiest thing in the world for guys like me, but you know, I used to laugh at “old guys” who didn’t chase women. Because I thought the women were out there and they just didn’t have what it takes. On the other hand, I was 90% right, most of them didn’t.
           It’s also so close to the fifth anniversary I took possession of this house. The day I had $193 left to my name. So I call both anniversaries today. This means I’m five years behind on my renovations. But look how the joint paid for itself. I don’t mind celebrating, so let’s see what’s happening in Polk on Sunday. Checking my calendar there are no jam sessions or live bands within fifty miles.

           I was up before dawn to pursue more of the training modules. They say social media, reality TV, and Facebook are total wastes of time. Where are they learning that kind of thing from? What’s this, a millennial finally said outright to avoid lazy, unmotivated people? To no put up with bullshit? To fire people out of your life, like the guy whose life post shows him poking a turtle with a stick. They got one thing right, if you want to know how blithering shallow and stupid people are, look at what’s on the TV of medical waiting rooms. It’s 8:00AM, I’m taking a break. I want a fried egg on toast and a “Donut Shop” coffee. See nearby pic for what this turned into.
           Back to the training tapes, I must say these are a welcome departure from the politically correct junk of five years ago. Forget the go to church and love thy neighbor nonsense. You can do all that after you get rich. One concept that has not changed is their belief that rich means money. For me, a big component is the option to do as you please most of the time, they seem to think money automatically leads to that. Wrong, but for most people, money is (literally) better than nothing.

           I’m taking a Sunday drive to Bartow when the shop opens, I need the extra down time. Here’s something I hesitate to mention because the Reb, I just learned, is also listening to these modules. By subsection four, they are blasting the Internet, Facebook, Google, fake news, and what do you know—that’s 99% of what I’ve already said. She is going to pick up on this. Her and I often don’t agree on what is bad for you, but here is an entire big source coming along and parroting my points. This could be fascinating. Don’t placate bad influences, tell them to fuck off. Keep your inner projects a secret. Don’t put up with nonsense just to appear nice. Hmmmm.
           Lesson four, things start to pick up. They talk about poisonous people, you’ve heard me refer to those people as the peasant class. The ones who hate it when you get ahead, but this lesson went a bit further. They repeated my point that peasants will applaud the success of complete strangers. But if they know you by name, your success is all luck, cheating, stealing, and lying. Thus, it pays to keep peasants as strangers. Now, I’m listening.
           The US just announced the world’s biggest wind farm, off the coast of New Jersey, I think. Like nuclear power plants, the mob will soon infiltrate and rip off the taxpayers using the Democrats as their vector. This will make the electricity cheap but the towers so expensive, they will go nowhere. Just read the cost overruns of the nuclear plants, where the union bosses raked in billions. Plus, the technology is still behind. The MSM admits, “some challenges still exist”. But Jersey isn’t Texas. Nobody is going to give a hoot if a few thousand Democrats freeze next winter. Okay, I take that back. Until it happens, anyway.

Picture of the day.
DIY home kit.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Ha, now we get to the good stuff. The modules are now talking pretty much verbatim what I’ve been saying for decades. Spend countless hours on research first, work only with hard-bitten professionals, get your priorities straight, and plow profits back into the business during the growth phase. Fine for the guy from India to flash his $7,000 deposit on screen, but how much of it does he have left a month later? I still haven’t spent my February stimulus check. I like where the recordings are going, which explains why the modules are getting twenty minutes longer. How about an unrelated photo of a road sign near Melrose, Florida?
           Here’s another personal admission. I’m the one who rejected a lot of on-line businesses, but at the same time I believe it is still a new enough medium that it has created immense new opportunity. It’s making a lot of millionaires, a new breed of millionaire, most of whom I do not think are respectable or worthy of emulation. Myself, I found a happy medium of how much work I was willing to do to get the money to live my own life. I don’t want to change into even one of the people shown on these modules. Most are the shallow, duh-yup types you meet every day. Quit pretending they have a secret formula for success. Sure, they have money, but it could be daddy’s money and they still are the lunch-bunch who think the gourmet coffee is at Starbucks. Probably vaccinated, too.

           They are now at the level of this blog in 1985. A long ways behind. I have no intention of every getting up at the exact same time every morning. Nor do I plan to ever work steady 8 hour days ever again. I recognize how to some people such things are necessary to get them off their arses. They recommend traveling, which I may do again. Their first work rule is to put away your phone. I did that in 1996. I wonder if they will reach my realization that people with laptops in public are not getting a damn thing done. And as for working with a computer, if you don’t have a pencil, eraser, calculator and note pad, you have a long ways to catch up to me. Notice I said I don’t do work on the computer, I do work with the computer.
           The modules will dominate my days for a bit. It also means between my news blips come on and I get snapshots of what is happening with the election audits. They are uncovering massive fraud but I now think the lack of press reports means they may not be going after the criminal voters, but the people who enabled them. Wise. The primary Democrat practice remains the loathsome tactic pioneered by Franklin D. Roosevelt, the American who brought you World War II and the atomic bomb. When asked in September 1940 about trading American ships for British “bases” which nobody needed, his reply was, “It is all over; it is all done”.
           There was no Donald Trump back then to say, “Not so fast, there Frankie-boy.”

           I finally found some Ondura panels, shown here. Just nine, but that’s enough to fix the shed leak that won’t reveal itself. By sub-module 6, the recording gets interesting again. They advise to pack up and move to Chiang Mai, where you can live for $1,000 per month. Two things wrong with that. Where are you going to get the $1,000 per month if you move to Chiang Mai? And I beat you there by over 35 years, there is nothing in Chiang Mai, it is a tourist town. The videos say you will be surrounded by people like yourself. Yes, but they are all part of the same over-crowded crawling ant heap. They are the smoothest drug smugglers you’ll ever meet, and their participation in any on-line business is just a cover.
           True, things have changed in that the Internet brings a new dimension to living overseas, because on the things I missed most was the unavailability of resources. In 1984, I had the first computer in Thailand most people had ever seen. But I was there to party, not move out of my parent’s basement like the examples in the module. Now on to the next module about determining my fate. If these guys are bullshit artists, they’ve gotten very good at it.
You know, there is something vaguely familiar about the program so far. The intro is a massive lecture on the supposed life failures that brought you to this point. It then outlines a lengthy set of rules that, if people were capable of following them in the first place, they would not need such advice. There is also an “end of lesson” assessment that requires you to upload files and create a Facebook account. I hacked past it in less than a minute.

           Here’s a mainstream media still from a video heralding a “packed” Biden rally. Twenty people just packed in there like sardines. The video starts with a pathetic scene designed to prove Biden can walk down a flight of stairs. I’m on the phone more than ever. I think I’m going to isolate and define my theory about how people will accept items like success and criticism more in strangers than in people they personally know. It’s partially due to how people want to be liked even by strangers, but it is also a dislike of looking bad by comparison. I’m suggesting a name, the “KenKen Effect”, or the “KenKen Syndrome”. I never named it before because I thought by now somebody else must have. Nope.
           I expect the usual backlash from people with this condition, because according to what I’m learning these days, they have been transformed into a huge part of society by the Internet. Part of their objection included in my definition is always because up to the point they are diagnosed with it, they considered their behavior as normal. They are insulted when what they do has been recognized, studied, defined, and named as a defect. I’m suddenly glad I don’t live in Chiang Mai. (Phuket is better, you have the ocean.)

Last Laugh