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Monday, May 24, 2021

May 24, 2021

One year ago today: May 24, 2020, enter the chickens.
Five years ago today: May 24, 2016, the cabin model.
Nine years ago today: May 24, 2012, playing pentatonics.
Random years ago today: May 24, 2010, comments on “normal families”

           I’m half-moduled out, but the lessons lock you out of not followed [consecutively]. Around half the time is wasted on the obvious. Let the unmotivated, the lazy, and the born losers waste their money trying to start businesses, what do I care? It’s not like if they succeed, they are going to stop sticking their noses into things or give others a break. I still read my newsfeeds during these presentations and it looks like the Democrats are coming apart at the seams. They thought they could push people around forever. I did not know who 95% of them were until they started attacking Trump. What sweet justice it would be to now watch them preside over the complete destruction of the own party.
           Only the best can keep me talking on the phone an hour. Allow me to explain something to those who would call me old-fashioned for banking by mail. You are all suckers. I do not check my balance or even have the on-line service on my formal accounts. I’ll explain something to you so-called progressives who think new is good. They are using “new” to rope you into a system over which you will have zero control of you money. With electronic banking, the system has you by the short & curlies. Oh, I hear you lot saying you’ve never had a problem, and I’ll tell you why that is.

           Because you have never really, really, really counted on the bank to do the right thing—and your turn is coming. You must be leading simple lives. Business account activity (yes, even if you do it with a checking account) is handled differently, and they WILL let you down sooner or later. But, if you do your banking by mail, then to the bank and the bureaucrats, you become a “hard target”. Something that constitutes work, which they do not like. You can’t prevent snooping, but you can make them put your file at the bottom of the pile, as the lazy are wont to do. And getting to your file last, folks, is a win.
           Are any of you thin-minded enough to think I have not repeatedly tried to find a good on-line banking system? Have any of you read all 16 pages of the banking agreement? I didn’t think so. And you call me out-of-touch? I reverted to paper banking for a reason and I’d like you to stop for a second and think of where you’d be if your bank, right now, decided they liked Joe more than they like you. Here’s the facts: the “old-fashioned” banking system was nearly perfected in their favor—and if you learn (as I did) the rules by which they operate, you always have a ton of real facts on your side.
           Does your bank record look like mine up above? Nope. Do you suppose I could instantly switch over and do banking your “easy” way? Now do you suppose you could switch over to mine? Golly, look at those code numbers, they are clearly an evolved system that means something. And look at the consistency of the balances. That doesn’t happen by accident. But the real thing that gets them is the even-number withdrawals. You can’t tell what they are for or where they went. And that folks, is why they want to shove electronic banking down your throat. They know people who swallow when they see them.

Picture of the day.
Paris, the movie set.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Ondura panels, they’ve been millennialized. Instead of increasing the panel price by half, they’ve doubled the price of fasteners and the incredibly overpriced foam inserts that seal the ends are now $13 a set of four. Each panel requires 30 to 38 fasteners which come in boxes of 55 for a price of $15. Doing the arithmetic, that’s a cost of $14 on average to fasten each $20 sheet. I got seven of the work shed pieces in place and six of the scooter canopy, but not fastened down. Let’s hope we don’t get a big wind overnight. I will require another six sheets, so the total Ondura bill comes to $460 this week.
           This was major work, humping the supplies up the ladder. It got dark before I could attach them, so we’ll be up early tomorrow. That’s the other consideration, do this now or it won’t happen to the end of summer. It is already scorching hot every afternoon. And after dark is skeeter time. I made a run over to Auburndale for parts, that’s today’s outing. Otherwise, I stayed inside this air-conditioned cabin, where it was cool enough to drink coffee and hot chocolate. I found a case of Yueng-Ling in the fridge so life is good today.
           Here’s one for you. The module recordings have an interesting view on things. Cancel Facebook, get rid of your smart phone, don’t watch TV, read every day, keep a journal, develop a regimen, avoid credit interest, shunt stupid people out of your life, and you get the idea. Makes you wonder where these yahoos are getting such crazy old-fashioned ideas. The only explanation I can think of is they tried to get ahead in this world and in the process found out what works. There is something so familiar about it all that I just can’t quite put my finger on.

           To those who’ve noticed this blog avoids pics closer than 15 feet to avoid their unintended usage, you may have not have known that all pictures of a hand holding anything have the fingerprints obscured. Paranoid? If that’s your attitude, you have the wrong blog, and you should read this article about a man sent to prison over it. Sure, a few bozos will say that’s because he was a drug dealer. And that is totally not the point. Did you know they could lift prints off pictures? We didn’t, but we guessed it would eventually happen. The danger is when they turn this technology on you. And they will. What could go wrong?
           Did you know there is software that monitors social media that counts the number of times you use keywords like, “pot”, “young”, and “panties”. We didn’t, but were just wondering if you did. The question is, how long before you get retroactively criminalized? Have you seen the stats on Gutfeld’s talk show? The significance is that his show is brand new and is NOT left-wing, like all the others. By no means right-wing (although it will be tagged as such), he is blasting the likes of Colbert off the map. Already 1.8 million are saying no thank you to recycled left-wing attempts at humor.

           Libtards digging their own graves were my primary amusement today. These are people I would never give a second of my time except for their opposition to Trump. This Psaki woman and Geraldo are people who simply don’t know when to quit. Psaki no longer gives straight answers to any question and Geraldo has lost his mind. He is painfully uneducated and flies off the handle when called out over using emotional angles to cover it. Psaki keeps replying to questions about virus investigations as something that “should be looked into” and that China “should be given an opportunity to be transparent”.
           As for running the country, it is the usual Democrat garbage. They put an outrageous bill with a fake title forward, then announce the ball is in the Republican court, that they are waiting for bipartisan agreement, and can’t understand why all their pork is being blocked. These people are heading for disaster, and I love to watch liberals crash and burn. (A reminder that I do not view liberals as a political party, but as a social cancer.)

           If you ask me, the shit going on in California is only the start of the payback for the hipster-woke-millie crowd. Venice Beach is a hell-hole, the police are thugs, and almost every homeless, jobless, uneducated lay-about blames everybody but himself. I’m willing to let every person who calls me a redneck go live in their tent on the beach. So they can see first-hand what socialism means. Now they are talking about work camps, or as I call them, Bidenvilles.
           Nearly 40 States have brought in election and ballot safeguards. New Hampshire hand recounts show “glaring” discrepancies in the once-unquestioned voting machines. The machines cannot distinguish between a ballot and a photocopy. It’s been that way for 50-some years, but the Democrats have used the civil service to lock the ballots and information away from any control or review. “It is all over; it is all done”.

           It’s only the second time in my life I’ve heard the story, but one of the modules has mentioned the “Marshmallow Test”. That’s where they put a marshmallow in front of a kid and tell them if they wait 5 minutes, they can have two marshmallows. Of course, something like 98% of the kids took the marshmallow quickly. There’s more. They then followed the kids through to adult life and found they overwhelming were losers. Constant bad decisions all the way along and a dismal concept of delayed reward.

           The problem I see with the test is from first hand experience. In my upbringing:

                      a) the marshmallow would have disappeared in 1 minute
                      b) waiting 5 minutes proved you didn’t really want the marshmallow
                      c) the second marshmallow would have to be “shared equally”
                      d) you would be accused of taking the first marshmallow
                      e) your marshmallow allowance is cut off because you like waiting.

           The Reb & I have looked closely at these examples. If they reveal what the competition is like, we’ll have no problems rising rapidly up the ranks. The first evident situation is that we do not need to worry like hell about rushing to make money as fast as we can. Quality takes a little longer and we are willing to opt for that.

Last Laugh