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Friday, June 11, 2021

June 11, 2021

One year ago today: June 11, 2020, welcome to America.
Five years ago today: June 11, 2016, Palmdale Cracker Store.
Nine years ago today: June 11, 2012, I still prefer cash.
Random years ago today: June 11, 2014, some navigation practice.

           An early start, I beat the cardinals up at dawn. This should be a good day. I found the bench vise of all time, but priced at $85. And a matching kitchen set stove & fridge for 1/3 the new price. But I do not like ranges with the dials on the backsplash. You have to reach over hot pots to turn them down. I’ll make you a deal. It says here Billie Eilish has a new tune. I’ll give it a listen. If it is a slow song, I’ll delete the link. Yep, something about My Power, bleep that. That slow crap has become dweebier than old twangy country. Do those people actually live daily with all that dragging, futile misery?
           This is what it seems, a bowl of just boiled spuds. Is the picture not clear? Darn, the steam in the morning coolness must have fogged the lens. Too bad. That is my favorite potato bowl, you know. Some say it is the bucket off an old mixmaster, others, being potato afficionados, know that spuds are best when cooled at a specific rate achievable only by those with the know-how.

           The same goes for Texas chicken pie. You can bake it for years to grandma’s recipe. But it is like bass playing. Until you have that lightbulb moment, your output, you might say, has a lid on the pot. Is this meant to imply there is just such a pie in the oven this morning? You bet. That’s 425° Burmese degrees for 31 minutes. This is approximately chicken pie number 195 for me, based on six per year when I have the facilities. On a good year, like now, about one a month. And this one has an extra smidgen of garlic as I left out the onion.
           Why? Because I sometimes like my chicken pie with a horseradish sauce and we don’t want any clashing flavors. Have I lost any gastrozombies in my reading audience? You lot can’t taste real food, I’ve seen you drinking pineapple-flavored coffee. This pie has real ingredients, you know, grown in a garden and not the lab. I hate to tell you, but real food often comes out of the dirt. And I pulled the skins off the chicken pieces by hand. If that sounds queasy to anybody, you should tour the factories that make your “natural and artificial” flavorings. Don’t forget your gas mask.

           [Author’s note: these days I am limited to one pie per month, doctor’s orders. That explains why I tend to make a deal out of it. You see, this is not diet food. The veggies are sautéed in coconut oil, the chicken is browned in a quarter cup of butter, and the pie contains a half-cup of heavy cream. Think around 80 calories per mouthful.]

           I suspect an employee at my e-mail provider has become a patron of this blog. He’s not a coder, but I think more like customer service. Which is no service, since they quickly learn to hate the customer. It must be like talking to my family, answering the same infantile questions day in and day out.
           I suspect an employee at my e-mail provider has become a patron of this blog. He’s not a coder, but I think more like customer service. Which is no service, since they quickly learn to hate the customer. It must be like talking to my family, answering the same infantile questions day in and day out. Also, Ray-B quit his old job and is heading to San Diego next week. He’s got something starting next month.

Picture of the day.
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           Okay, you been good, so here is a picture for those seeking perfection. Look no further. To the trained eye, you can see the sequence of the pictures in the backlighting. First picture is before dawn with the kitchen lights, second picture at dawn, and third picture with natural sunlight an hour later. If you are the type that loves food aromas, careful, this probably emits calories there as well.
           Before I forget again, several new birds have discovered the feeders. The newest model with the anti-squirrel mesh attracts them including this one juvenile who can’t imagine his good luck. You see, since Matilda is gone, these wild birds are getting gourmet pre-shelled seeds and grain. Some of them go bonkers over it. Standby to see if I get the gumption to take pictures.

           This morning, I began a week-end long plan to learn how scraping works on Amazon. Back in 2010 I was stunned but equally appalled that the “wired” generation were, noting but mental lemmings. They would go to Amazon, look to see what most people were buying, and buy the same for no other reason. I was greatly amused since then to watch how the selling side used this to manipulate them. Two-bit websites ranked to the top by fake robo-views Shoddy merch propelled to record sales by fake Chinese 5-star ratings. And best, how on-line selling puts a layer of anonymity between the parties. That part I liked a lot—as a seller, not a buyer.            Alas, PayPal put an end to my early ventures.
Mind you, the big box stores are paying a lot of lobby cash to force Amazon to publish the “contact information” of sellers, known as third party sellers. The usual argument is to combat counterfeit goods and increase accountability, but this fools nobody. If customers will shop from a source they know nothing about, that is not the corporation’s concern. Instead, there is some big ulterior motive that will emerge in time.

           My analysis is that this mask mandate has turned a page on these people. It’s proven they want to be taken by the nose, er . . . I mean, the hand and led down the garden path, er . . . I mean, to the Promised Land. Meanwhile Amazon continues to tell the world what to do. I’ve stated before that the American system is based on continual growth, not the old English mercantile system where everybody’s gain is another person’s loss. You cannot stand still in American business, although this work-at-home era is a breeding ground for unionism which is normally controlled at the workplace.
           Now I have seen the uneducated and unworthy make at least some money off Amazon, it’s like feeding the boilers on the Titanic. The job that keeps the system moving is the hardest and lowest paying. While there can be little doubt these Big Tech companies are sooner or later going to get their asses kicked, they always survive. But like Rockefeller and Carnegie, the US government will not allow anybody to become richer and more powerful than themselves.

           Later, I took a drive out to the old club for a few and check out the entertainment. Another solo guitar player with his mic on full bass playing the same song all night long. And the usual cluster of drunks applauding out of politeness. Which only encourages the guy.

           Get a load of that Texas bill that “bans” Critical Race Theory. Both the left and right can’t read. It does not ban anything, only states that educators shall not be “required to engage”, but that is a far cry from preventing the deed. The content of the bill goes on about racial profiling and never specifically prevents the actual teaching. So they’ll still be teaching it, they just aren’t aren’t required to, and Marxists never quit. And the latest army recruitment video is disgusting. Once again, not that the people are queer, but that they make such a constant and ostentatious issue of it.
           TMOR I would point out that this sort of ad is not representative of Americans. It is typical of the left-wing propaganda being constantly shoved on us by the Democrats. They get away with it because they know where you live and invented the cancel culture. But it is bloggable because this is the sort of incident that brings things to a boil. Most everybody knows, for example, that over the past 30 years there is just no way these liberals have been winning so many elections without cheating. But until Trump came along, there was no rallying point.

           The countdown continues in Arizona. Still no data but state after state are sending delegations into check the process. The Democrats are crying that the auditors are pro-Trump, careful not to say pro-Republican. If it is true, the Democrats made it true. Their argument that “private” money is paying for a “public” audit is a disgrace, like they don’t line their pockets with donation cash every chance they get. They know each passing day means the situation for them is deteriorating, as they try to push through immunity bills for themselves. And their media lackeys are falling over themselves to apologize and come clean. They know what’s coming.
           What’s this, Rachel Maddow Show cancelled? That’s just no fair, where else are the truly pathetic leftists going to get their doses of Leninist spin on everything? I can’t verify the show, since I’ve never seen it and can’t take even looking at that creepy woman for more than a couple seconds, I just find her that unattractive. Maybe it is that stovepipe haircut? And you know those annoying drones over urban areas that are now coordinated to fly in swarms? Here’s the latest DARPA answer, a hovering missile that shoots streamers to entangle the quadcopter blades. Works great until somebody designs a screen that tangles the streamers.

Last Laugh

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