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Thursday, June 10, 2021

June 10, 2021

One year ago today: June 10, 2020, Korean bibles, etc.
Five years ago today: June 10, 2016, nobody can win . . .
Nine years ago today: June 10, 2012, Maseratis, movies, music.
Random years ago today: June 10, 2010, without apparent results.

           What’s this then? It’s my first attempt at designing a book cover using the app recommended by the course. Turns out it is nothing but a cheezy copy of PowerPoint. It is also CPU-intensive and visibly slows everything down even though the rendering is mostly text. It does not center or resize as well as PowerPoint and the thousands of templates they give you free are around as useless as MicroSoft Click Art. You can see how this page is built up from around ten elements. It’s still better than paying somebody fifty bucks for the same thing.
           The Reb called, she’s going to have to handle the artistic part. This was accompanied by the news the little white doggie, Sam, is going to have a small operation. Let me see, he’d be something like 12 in doggie-years so he’s getting up therl. So, he needs a little preventative maintenace and it gets frightfully expensive. Have you seen what they charge for a doogie tooth-cleaning these days?

           The heat was over 90°F before noon, effectively cancelling the day. With the humidity at 65%, it seems uncanny this is the time the parts for my van A/C did not arrive, already two days late. You can’t touch the van, much less get inside it and drive. I took the two hour wait to deeply review the criteria on what to publish these days. I stress, I’m not the author. I’ve written the equivalent of several enclopedias in my life, but without detailed knowledge on how to publish, they collected dust. I’ve got a pretty good handle on what has to happen, that’s why you see the sample book cover above.
           I’ve got a tale from the trailer court for you. It’s about an incident that I’ve read from several sources over the years. The story has now completely disappeared. I’ve mentioned it before, as time to time I’ll try a different search. It’s the story of the US General who was shot by a buck Private sentry for failing to give the password. Then forget the General and declare a blog holiday for the Private, along with recommendations for awards for bravery.
           This blog has only declared a few Blog Holiday winners and the concept is valid. The incident seems to have been erased, not even listed with the 45 Generals in Wiki. However, I remember the book where I read it (when I was 22) and have seen it in various research sections. Details were sparse even back then. But I would love to discover the big shot tried to order the private to let him through, which resulted in, well, the big shot.

           The airwaves are alive with reports of parents blasting school boards over CRT (Critical Race Theory). This is wonderful news and great publicity for Republicans, as school boards have been far left as far back as I remember. I protested this left-wing takeover all my life, but I was a lonely voice. Marxist doctrine avidly goes for the education system. You can thank Trump again, as he was the one who showed that one person could stand up against the evil left. Let’s hope the trend is just beginning.

Picture of the day.
Downtown Kalispell.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           The heat became oppressive so I put on the birdbath and restocked the feeders. What’s this, mom & pop cardinals have been busy. We have two juveniles, both male by the looks of it. They are so tiny, they blend with the leaves. It took them less than five minutes to find the birdbath. I’ve never had chances to watch birds at this activity and it is wonderful scenery. Here’s composite photo, showing all four bird feeders and the bird bath. Along with Mr. Tomcat atop my future whirlagig post. He could easily leap to the water but at his weight he could not budge the thing.
           I’ll point out the feeders. If you peer through the screen you can see up to four different layers of fee in the tubes. Left to right, first is the wire ball. Then directly above the cat’s head are the two feeders with peanuts, shelled sunflower, and budgie seeds. On the right, another tube feeder, a favorite of the smaller birds. Each level has a different treat, this tube holds a 45 day supply. It is under the awning, so at times you’ll see them waiting out a rain shower. Some experts would say these feeders are too close together. Wrong, they attract all the birds I like and the species keep out of each other’s way. The cardinals are the rulers and let you know it.

           In another blow to the Biden regime, four election workers are to be deposed today. This means they will be questioned under oath and must sign affidavits that their testimony is the truth. Two of them are the mother-daughter team, both black, videotaped running repeat stacks of votes through the scanners. This is important, as Democrat election officials and judges previously succeeded in getting all charges dropped. It just takes one to turn state’s evidence for the lid to come off this thing. The mother can be seen pulling suitcases of “mail-in ballots” from hiding.
           At least four states may have ordinary citizens running against professional Democrat career politicians next year. The Democrats have already begun to attack these people. In Idaho, they closed the doors five minutes early so they could arrest an opponent for trespassing. The trick is in that state, if you are convicted of trespass, you cannot enter that area again for a year, which would mean you could not run in the 2022 election. Sneaky, but they are now exposed, so even when they win, they make enemies. Trump did that. He's shown us an entire layer of people who even think like that.
           The Arizona, there remains no serious doubt that the Democrats committed fraud to the highest levels. Of the ballots that are suspected as fraudulent, they are overwhelmingly votes for Biden. As if that alone isn’t evidence enough of Democrat monkey business. Equally telling is the lack of direct refutes from the Left, rather they resort to murky legal blockading and indirect stabs at witness credibility. How I love to see libtards squirm.

Last Laugh
(Avocado huggers.)