One year ago today: June 20, 2020, remember the Typestar?
Five years ago today: June 20, 2016, moving to Lakeland.
Nine years ago today: June 20, 2012, ePinions, my eye.
Random years ago today: June 20, xxxx, WIP
No improvement healthwise, so I did my old motorcycle routine. Dress shirt, my best tie, and a Sunday morning drive. It’s been a while so I’ll refresh. I used to love that Sunday trip before I know it was stressing and this time, I took the van instead of the sidecar. Thanks to the station wagon, I had no trouble adapting back to a vehicle but I miss the motorcycle. Tie flapping in the wind, people tooting, thinking I just came from church, and breakfast at a mom & pop. Today, I settled for the biscuits at Hardee’s, not too bad. Home by 10:30AM utterly tapped, let me describe that.
When I say fatigue, it isn’t just a tired feeling. A heart attack depletes your core reserve of energy. Why do I need to point that out? Because you have good days unless some exertion hits you. It is not imagination, your system is running on empty. Any bump on the arm that you’d ignore now becomes a two-week painful blister, a broken fingernail can take a month. Sleep does not help, you have been drawn empty never to gain back—although I have recovered around 50% which was labeled amazing at the time. Since then, I strive to stay within known parameters. Like getting some work done every day. It was not always possible.
This morning I took that mining road south of Mulberry. Here’s a scene of some parked ore cars, part of several hundred on that section of track. Can you see them? That’s more rolling stock sitting there rusting than I could buy, used these hopper cars run around $14,000 each. I’d invest, but there is no place to park them free when not leased. Relaxing and thinking, I must get a dedicated Win 10 computer for my publishing studies. The reason for a special unit is Google Chrome. It should not be installed on any computer with business files. But the links in the course all carelessly use some of the most insecure features on the market.
It’s not a whim, I have to set up a workspace in my already limited room and a comfortable environment. It has to be near the computer used for financials, meaning I may have to build a two-level alcove. But, we will get this. I can already see how those that find the Week 2 material easy are cutting corners that will show up in the finished product. Better a few good books that sell over a spread that takes years to break even. That is tempting, but it is probably wiser to bundle your duds into a packaged set and unload them that way.
The Reb says if I have any flu, take quinine. I do, in the form of tonic water, but never heard of this property. I have noticed where before I was the only one buying a lot, the local store lately is always sold out. Must be some urban legend, but I like the flavor so no harm trying. I took a dose of cough medicine which completely fixed me up within seconds, so I baked a chocolate cake. Mix 450 times by hand. What, they think I’ve Suzie Homemaker? Anyrate, it’s my substitute for chocolate bars which I cannot even touch any more.
We were on the line over this Google sharing problem. The files are properly stored on their mini “cloud”, but we get two situations that don’t appear in the troubleshooter. We can bring the files up again, but they are blank—despite the fact the tiny icon showing the files easily shows there is data in there. Second, we both log on to the same account, we should not have to activate sharing. Others seem to breeze along without these hurdles, which is how 9500 of them at a time got castrated by Enron.
Cape Verde casino.
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I lingered over an extra coffee at the café and finished reading the Remo Williams book. It’ hard to see the action and in print he kills a lot more of the bad guys. The ladies at the Thrift have both had COVID and they say that is not what I’ve got. Why take chances, I might at best move around the yard a bit. (In the end, I didn't.) I’m at low ebb but [at least] it isn’t getting any worse. Here’s a typical scene from rural America. The road bend is only 50 yards away so these guys are either terrible shots or stinking drunk. Notice the bottom two bullets ricocheted back in their direction so maybe they hightailed it.
Next, I reviewed the latest progress with 3D printing. As ever, the printers that do what you want are priced in the stratosphere and the scanning software requires a model. If you can do these two things, you should be okay, but I’ll pass until it becomes far more user-friendly. However, if these printers go onsite and put UPS/FEDEX out of business, I’ll be first to invest. And it is confirmed, Google knocked out the codecs I needed to convert Sony video into that compatible with my editors. It is impossible to say which company is responsible or if they work together to be such pricks. And it is not like the codecs have English designations.
Oh, and to the Texas families who signed up for the “smart thermostat”, how f#cking stupid can you ignorant morons be? Don’t come crying to us that the power company turned your thermostats up to 78°F while you were asleep and your baby almost died. You just can’t get much more blubbering stupid than that, you blithering imbeciles. As usual, you will do nothing but complain uselessly because you have more important things to. Like pay back all that money you borrowed that left you so broke in the first place that you tried desperate schemes like saving money with a thermostat that belongs to somebody else. You are the reason the Urban Dictionary has 96 swear words for shithead. E-tard, f#ckwit, Homer, retaardvark, numb-nuts plonker, come to mind. Yes, it is time to cull the herd.
Have you ever heard of creeping red thyme? It is supposed to grow in the condition of my front yard. You put in some plugs and let them eventually grow together. The plugs cost over $5 each. I may try a patch.
That, and by 2:00PM I’m feeling better, so I’m going shopping. At Wal*Mart. In a week of not feeling well, that’s plenty of time to run short of cheap plastic crap. You know how Region’s Bank puts all the freaky women employees in one branch, then floats them around to the location I’ll visit next? Wal*Mart has the same arrangement with the fat-butt middle-aged ones. Youz-guyz should encourage me as I like to flirt with these gals just like they used to flirt with you when the tables were turned.
I think there are terrorists walking across the border in Texas who are aiming for America’s vulnerable drinking water supply. Crash a semi-trailer off the Boulder Dam and you got yourself a casualty list that Bin Laden would worship. Something serious has to go wrong as DC has pretty much proven they have no intention of doing a thing. Except blame everything on Trump, which nobody in their right mind is going to believe. We are heading for some major disaster and actually, the sooner the better. Nothing unites Republicans like a common enemy and this one is domestic in the extreme.
This is the Fitzpatrick Skin Type test. It was originally intended mainly for determining shades of makeup. It would have failings if applied to dermatology or facial recognition, but that is not the emerging objection. Can you guess what fault the libtards find with the chart? They are saying it is racist because it shows four categories of white and only two of black. I dunno, it looks pretty 50/50 to me. And for the Type I, at least they could have got a babe, I mean dark roots don’t cut it in the real babe department.
Ha, my old English pal is off the deep end again. He’s the type that thinks people have to prove things to him, but never accepts anything as proof. He’ll demand the pictures, then tell you pictures are posed, you know the type. He also has a severe problem with Error of Composition, always flip-flopping between the big and small picture, zooming in on the one the other guy is not talking about. What happened is I mentioned the statistic from RateHub that the average person where he live spends $11,400 per year owning and operating a vehicle. He flies off the handle saying it is half that. And I’m like, go argue with RateHub.
One thing with Elliott, you have to watch his assumptions because he’ll make them in public. Like the one time he asked me how often I go to the strip club and I said I’ve never been in a strip club, which was true at that time. I was eventually in one in Miami some 20 years later. Any, in public he goes into this big tirade how everybody goes to strip clubs so I’m this and that. Listen, the guy is okay because he’s a hard worker. But recently he’s begun to deny things happened where he was right there and saw for himself. I’ll tell you what I think.
Some people plug their lives away. Not me, I worked just until I had the wherewithal to get out of the corporation cube lifestyle. I would be very prosperous today If I’d stayed, but I don’t like the attitude of people who do that and would not like myself either if I did. You don’t sell out. Sure, I never made the big bucks but nor did I become a cog in somebody else’s machine. People who do that have a certain unpleasant air. I suspect although Elliott did not work for the man, he’s worked at his own business for so long he’s met the same destiny.
That is, he’s well off, but he’s paid for it with his youth and his enthusiasm for life. He has never heard me play bass, yet insists I’m just a hack. He’s seen me date dozens of women, but those have turned into drunken one-night-stands. Somewhere in there it seems he is telling me all the things that happened to himself, but I never knew because it was never discussed. I know he had one young girlfriend in the early 90s, so maybe that’s what he’s on about. I’ve known the guy over 30 years, meaning I’m not going to take him off the Xmas list just yet.