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Monday, June 21, 2021

June 21, 2021

One year ago today: June 21, 2020, made in Taiwan.
Five years ago today: June 21, 2016, they’re not your friends.
Nine years ago today: June 21, 2012, old school relays.
Random years ago today: June 21, 2014, open mic, closed mind.

           There’s hope. I awoke at 4:30AM feeling fine, except for a mild sore throat. If I’m over whatever it was, I’ve got work to do. Actually, I feel great. Let’s finish that drywall today and set up the latest work computer. The Reb & I have to get the file sharing thing working or we fall behind. The research is my department and we need those files. Typical that Google devises a system where this can even happen. It’s a big fat share button that does not work as predicted, but I suppose it does if you are a scatter-brained hipster because that type always ken each other. These millennials have not heard of the COIK syndrome because they think it is normal.
           By mid-morning I’m still rallied. I set to work mudding the drywall in the back room, it looks like the second office in there has become a requirement. The great news was I used the air-conditioned shed for the first time and it was something else. It is so nice to work in comfort and be able to take your time as a consequence. These are small plaster casts I make with an old ice-cube mold, they decorate birdhouses and such.

           This means once I get a clean area back there, I can return to intricate tasks again. The A/C easily beats the sun on metal but let’s wait for the next electric bill. I also used my shoemaking skills to repair my favorite slip-ons. This is what I mean by small projects and I’ve got dozens I’ve been putting off because I don’t want to use the kitchen table. Lumber prices or not, I’m putting in a new wall frame in the red shed, hopefully with a window. I like a work area with a window, always have.
           I can’t figure my old pal out west who is on the warpath again. Why, I’m just an ugly, old, fat, bald, 3rd-rate hack bass player who plays 3rd-rate bars to pick up 3rd-rate women. This tips us off that is what is going on at his end, except he can’t play any music. I can’t say what’s causing this, but I associate it with men who get old before they realize they’ve missed the party boat. Sure, they now have money only to find everybody on the boat is ten to fifteen years younger. I wonder if his focus on how I look indicates he himself has gone into physical decline. He’s always been the pudgy, stocky type who imagines himself attractive to women.
           He’s going downhill fast, whatever it is. I’ve got shit happening here. One was my Internet connection failed. The transmitting device simply popped the cover off, fell on the floor and quit. Yeah, that’s a number of problems. When I bought it not that long ago, there was no warning sticker that the product was discontinued and the vendor did not stock batteries. To those who even hint, “Buyer Beware”, you are skating on thinner ice than you think.

           Here’s why. This also perfectly matches the definition of being “millennialized”. I get to the store to discover they not only do not stock batteries for the products they sell, they also do not carry the product after only a year. Funny, I did not see any warning stickers on the package about either of these, or get any notice in the incessant text messages they keep sending no matter how many times I unsubscribe. As usual, a millennial only has ideas of how I can solve the problem they created, telling me to look up a replacement battery. I actually had to tell the guy I’d like to, but you see, without that battery, I have no WiFi. Somehow I just knew he’d say I could drive to the library. (So could you, Skippy, so could you.)
           Eighteen miles away I found what the guidebook says was the replacement battery, a Duracell 11669F. But when you get home, dang, the pin contacts are in the wrong place. Argh, double-millennialized. But, it gives me a chance to check in on the gals at the Thrift as I return the $43 battery for this $49 device. The replacement battery is also too small. Folks, we have the first generation in history where it is known IN ADVANCE that the planet will be a better place when they depart.

Picture of the day.
World’s newest island.
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           Certainly, I learned something from the battery episode. One thing is do not leave them permanently plugged into the charger. Everybody knows that. Or do they, now? I come from the time before batteries were “new & improved”, where they lasted months, not hours. Chargers were made so that once the battery was full, it reverted to a trickle mode to just keep it topped. But it seems that was not good enough for some people. That was just too convenient. I thought nothing of leaving the battery plugged in overnight. After all, we hear about battery breakthroughs every other month. Turns out, overnight was much too convenient.
           Now, I must either plug the battery in during the day and watch it, or get up during the night to unplug it, or risk having it self-destruct. Way to go, there Tyler and Brandon, you could not just leave well enough alone. And you wonder why you still live in mommy’s basement. It is wipes like you who lend credence to the theory that the only thing one man should put into another man is a bullet.

           By late afternoon, I still felt fine and got into some yard work. I think our badger friend that killed the chicken is still around, I may trap it just to see it isn’t anything more dangerous. It rained just enough to keep me from any real work, but I finished the last sheets on the red shed roof and put in a rain gutter. That spot where it could leak between the buildings finally got me up there. Instead of placing the gutter on the eave, I saw it would be better to put it down along the lower roof to channel the water where it landed. Seems to work fine, it just looks a little funny. So if you are into esthetics don’t go            crawling on my shed roof.
Should I go to Tennessee? The Reb really did a number on her toe. I know that spot where the patio does not line up with the landing but the landlord never fixes anything. They gave her a special slipper she says makes walking easier but not suitable for keeping up with the doggie. These things often mend well enough in a day or two. If not, I could be there Saturday. Remind me to put a new set of tires on the back of the van. I’m still driving on the best two of what came with the unit, meaning they were parked for years. Why invite trouble?

           Later, I found the battery replacement on eBay for $10, but meanwhile managed to get the old one charged up on my universal, so there is no urgency this time around. Buy it in Tennessee maybe. The carburetor on my red scooter is going to need pro cleaning. The good news is the scooter fits in the van. You know those ramp thingees your drive your car up on the change the oil? Works great as a loading ramp, although I really should get my spare wagon on the road again. The van has a compatible hitch.
           This photo? That’s Juliana, male mini-pig, for sale on Craigslist. Neutered, vaccinated, trained to ring a bell to go outside. Currently lives with two kids, dogs, personality is “sweet & kind”. Don’t look at me. Mini or not, Juliana weighs 48 pounds and does not like car rides.

Last Laugh