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Friday, June 25, 2021

June 25. 2021

           The Reb’s dad is gone. It was quick and peaceful. I’m in Miami for the day at least, but I would like to get up to Nashville asap. He meant a lot to me. I won’t keep you long today. Joe Biden and his fake pandemic lockdowns say she cannot attend the funeral. Neither Joe not any left-leaning lackeys who support this nonsense will ever be forgiven. Not by me.

           The other news is my test results are back and my vision loss is permanent. Some small blood vessels have been damaged. Since I have not had any head injuries, the causes are indisctinct but he told me get used to it. For years I’ve been tripping over things in my lower right corner and attribuled it to getting older and not picking up my feet as much.

           Miami, being what it is, led to this situation. The Doc wants a follow-up on my MRI and sent me over to outpatient services to book and appointmet. I get there and the clerk informs me they do not take appointments except over the phone. This led to the charade of me hauling out my cell and making the appointment while phoning her six feet away.