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Thursday, June 24, 2021

June 24, 2021

One year ago today: June 24, 2020, roofing anniversary.
Five years ago today: June 24, 2016, a closer look.
Nine years ago today: June 24, 2012, the functional equivalent.
Random years ago today: June 24, , cripple-brained.

           Ray-B left a note this morning. He begins a Great Trek West of his own. First day’s destination is Baton Rouge. That’s 600 miles today, the total distance is 2,340, so he’s planning a four day drive. Normal is five. I’ve done it in seven days by motorcycle. He’s got a new job lined up on the 2nd. I lived out west so long I grew weary of the people and climate. Prices are high and everything is so many miles away. From where I live now, in a half-hour I can be in any of maybe 30 different towns or cities. You can’t do that in Oregon or Washington. Did I leave out California? Sort of, because there you would pay extra to be as far from neighbors as possible.
           Lumber prices. A long-winded explanation came on the news as I made breakfast. It was such obsequious garbage, I had to listen. Amongst the wild claims was that due to lockdowns, massive numbers of homeowners decided to renovate. And that despite a worldwide economic slowdown, the overseas market went wild. Almost overnight, all lumber companies in unison tripled their prices nearly to the penny. And due to real-time prices, the existing stock didn’t escape the scam. Average increase? 327%. Don’t be surprised if there is a court case, we have laws in America about this form of collusion.
           Bottom line with drywalling is I’m no good at it. That extends to mudding and sanding. No matter how I research and practice, I never get a smooth finish, or get the cutouts to line up. There’s plainly a trick to it, as Wallace did it. The edges just do not feather and I get tiny spots that fall out when I sand, either by hand or by machine. Nearby, I also decided to leave drilling the hole for the guitar jack until I get back home. I gave up after a mere twenty minutes this morning and instead packed up for a trip to Miami this weekend.

           I was up on the shed roof again, ripping out the old gutter system. It was slightly too close to the wall and water could spill over when it got real stormy. It was start over again and put in a spacer, which led to other obstacles, but I got the hard part done at the expense of a few aching muscles. And I see I have to completely redo the white shed roof. That was the first roof I covered with Ondura so many years ago and I made mistakes. But now it must be fixed right, as that air-conditioner has already changed my habits. If a task can be carried and takes more than a few minutes, I find myself in the shed. And Tuesday morning, I took a cup of coffee out to work and without thinking, found myself sitting in the shed listening to the radio. That’s a first.
           That DVD of the Irish brothers is finally over. I think it is a message of how men want a relationship to reach a certain level and stay there and women, for whatever they say, want every one to continually “grow” toward a set of never-ending needs usually involving marriage and children. I’m sanding drywall making me a captive audience, so next up was the nearly total re-written one-sided documentaries of D-Day that appear like weeds every June. The fact is, Britain could not defeat Germany on land, Germany could not beat Britain at sea. So one resorted to air war, the other to undersea war and of the two, the German behavior was far more honorable and in line with internationally recognized rules of warfare. And the English would almost certainly have lost if they had not conspired to get the USA to replace their lost ships and planes.            Once more, we get the nonsense about Montgomery. No, he was not “much loved”, and in my opinion, calling him a “Field Marshall” is an insult to the proper term which applies to German commanders of outstanding ability. Germans who could fight 2,000 British tanks to a standstill with about 50 of their own. Germans who never lost until they were outnumbered five to one. I’m so tempted to produce a video series—as a spinoff of what I’m learning about on-line publication. I advised the Reb to let out mentors know they’ve made too many assumptions about how things go. They seem to think I can just download and install Chrome, when in fact, my entire home network is configured to prevent that.
           Or how I have to relearn a new vocabulary for what are NOT new concepts like they seem to think. You see the catch? Why if you don’t know the buzzword, it must be because you have fallen out of touch with progress—not the fact you’ve been calling things by their established names for the past 40 years. Though I will admit, some of the terms you out with make up for in color what they lack in descriptiveness. Onboarding is what I would do with a canoe if I had one.

           Now the news of a condo collapse in Miami Beach. The whole wing of a beach condo just went plunk. Why the alarm. Because it is on of probably a thousand condos built in the same area during the same period to the same standards, and as will soon emerge, by the same contractors. And I done told you Miami Beach is a sand bar a couple miles off the coast, a shifting, otherwise big empty paved over area of dunes alternating with salty swamp marsh. So in that sense, it is also one of many similar tourist areas developed by the same real estate speculators group with no humanitarian concerns but for their own kind. Keep an eye on that.

Picture of the day.
Princess Charlene, Monaco.
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           I empathize with the kid who got berated for posting why he hated his autistic brother. The first thing kids learn is what they can get away with and that goes for the autistic as well. This poor guy tells of growing up with suicide threats, constant yelling and screaming, punching walls, and how all his stuff was broken and thrown around. This tells you his autistic brother was never disciplined for wrongdoing, and that is malparenthood. Stand your ground, kid, never mind the scum who idealize wicked behavior, they are ignoring that you have become a victim while they stand back and see only what they want.
           Dang, the comments got locked before I could download the file . Thousand of do-gooders who did not have to put up with the hellish behavior attacked the poor kid, but he stood his ground. Good for you. I have some idea of what it’s like to grow up around people who learned to play the underdog with incredible finesse rather than make anything of themselves, and it is double tough when they are younger. Shallow people are all about the autistic, not about the innocent people forced to put up with them. Here's a picture of my foot. Shallow people are like the nail I just stepped on.
           I blame the parents for not punishing the autistic kid just as much as a regular child who misbehaves, and I don’t want to hear nonsense about them getting in trouble. They are traumatizing the other children by refusing to administer discipline where required. This is another example of a kid who tried to speak out and he was stifled by the libtards.

           Yep, not only do the smart meters adjust your thermostat, they don’t do the same for people on the special list k ept by the power company And you were warned. Windows 11. It won’t work without a MicroSoft account and an Internet connection. They willl now have not only your ID but a direct link to your data and behavior. Way to go, millennials. You have no idea how badly you are about to be fucked over. Serves you right.
           I got in the van and drove to Miami down Highway 27. It was four hours, arriving just before dark. I stopped for coffee in Clewiston, having developed a craving for a multi-grain bagel. I forgot it was south Florida. Such things are all over the place, often in your way, until you want one. JZ and I ate fried chicken and caught up on things, mostly financials. At which point we noticed the door was not locked. Taylor could have walked right in here and taken advantage of us and not a thing we could have done about it.

           I’ve received an anonymous offer on this property of $63,000. It doesn’t look like a form letter. I’m not the least interested. As we know, the corporations are turning us into a rental society and that rent is about to triple. My first reason would be my cabin is by far the lowest price decent place in the area. Everything is repaired and works fine and (careful wording here) if we are to judge by what else is available in this immediate area, at double the price it would still be among the nicest. I mean, have you seen what is out there for $100,000? Total dumps with caved in roofs and much to close to, er, the railroad tracks. The cheapest place listed was $86,000 saying “ready to be put back together”. That’s hipster for “condemned”.
           The heat got me inside to watch “The Brother’s McMullen”, which I thought might have them marching off to war or something. Nope, a chick flick with some too-realistic portrayals of their cheating on women and giving each other unsympathetic bad advice. The women all get a raw deal, but hey, they are the ones who dated Irishmen. My favorite chapter was the gal who wants one brother marry her but she will not accept he’s not ready. So she dumps him without explanation as he begs her to come back. Then it is discovered she is pregnant. He’s going through the agony of giving up his life as he knew it when she suddenly has a miscarriage. See the setup? She wants the relationship to continue on toward the marriage that was based on her pregnancy, he wants it to return to what it was before that. This movie, if Abraham Lincoln was here, I know exactly what he’d say.

Last Laugh