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Thursday, July 8, 2021

July 8, 2021

One year ago today: July 8, 2020, we love “secret pricing”.
Five years ago today: July 8, 2016, 8:30AM and famished.
Nine years ago today: July 8, 2012, pre-bingo rack.
Random years ago today: July 8, 2009, remember Cash Cab?

           This is Finland from the 1923 French dictionary. Whenever I see the map, I wonder what the history is behind that little finger of land that juts into Norway at the top. There’s a town there, Kilipsjari, population 114. And the area is collectively known as Lappland. Located on the tree line above the Arctic Circle, TripAdvisor says the main attraction is visiting a nearby spot where three countries share a border. Like many remote locations, the place is said to be magical. Mostly by the people who live there.
           Ha, they are going after Google, a company I’ve never liked for good reason. I won’t get into it here, but Google essentially tried to follow the path of MicroSoft, quashing competition, often by simply buying them up and throwing them away. The end result is an inferior product in a dominant position with no intention of ever improving, fine, but also blocking anybody else from improvement as well, not fine. Google is against being declared a utility because they would then be regulated. I’m against it because then we’d be stuck with them for the next 100 years.
           TMOR here are the two sides to the coin. Google, Twitter, and Facebook are privately owned. Unlike most countries, the US does not grab every potential new business and turn it into a state-run monopoly for the benefit of the ruling class. This means the business can refuse service to anyone except on specified grounds like race or religion. The other side of the coin is freedom of speech embedded in the Constitution as a basic right. What this conflict will boil down to is that while private businesses can refuse service, they may not break any laws to do so. The phone company cannot disconnect over what you say on their lines, and these tech monopolies are about to discover that same rule applies to them.

           Victoria’s Secret has a problem other than declining sales. They’ve also gone insane. We know the world is full of fat, queer, confused people. But if we want to see them every time we open a magazine, we’ll subscribe to TIME. Instead of sticking to soft porn, Victoria’s Secret has gone activist or something. So, their models are quitting and here is a list along with their reasons. And my snarky commentary.

                      a) Adriana Lima – leaving to “help other women”. To do what?
                      b) Angel Ambrosio – quit to go into the movies. Almost 5 years ago.
                      c) Doutzen Kroes – after 2 kids, she still models. But only “selectively”.
                      d) Angel Huntington – at 31 this almost-blonde tries the cosmetics business.
                      e) Erin Heatherton – made a couple movies, dates a guy named Karol.
                      f) Gisele Bundchen – her “inner voice” told her to quit or something.
                      g) Heidi Klum – “all good things come to an end.”
                      h) Karlie Kloss – decided there were “other ways to be beautiful”.
                      i) Kyile Bisutti – “I felt like a piece of meat.” Now she feels like a potato.
                      j) Miranda Kerr – hey, she boned Justin Beiber, what more do you need?

           I’m beginning to wonder about Arizona. Why are they postponing the results? They did say August, but they are losing an important edge when they take so long. Another note to my overseas readers, the reason the Democrats want to defund the police is another left-wing tactic to distract from what is really going on. Removing the police causes crime to skyrocket in the Democrat cities. The real goal is to get rid of local police with their divided loyalties and swoop in with a new state police force loyal to the Democrats to “restore order”. On everybody.

Picture of the day.
Galveston Bay.
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           Other than a trip to Winter Haven, where I found five more shelf brackets, nothing bloggable happened this day. Did I mention the audiobook “HellHole”, a sci-fi on 15 disks? I’ve never understood why they don’t switch to DVDs and make it 2 disks. This tale is the old evil intergalactic empire and the rebels, yet contains enough imagination to keep things rolling. It’s still a stretch how people who have mastered warp speed still have feudal governments. I don’t recommend it for being entirely predictable but it has moments, like the metal-eating bugs, the liquid memory lakes, and believable characters.
           The story is epic, very Bradbury, but breaks little new ground. I apparently have the first of a series that it spawned, but one is enough. The book tries to cover all the sci-fi clichés and one part gave me a laugh. The author plainly went and got some female help writing the love scenes. His tempo changes, but the laff is those parts are written from a typically school-girl fashion but by an older woman. Then again, I spot these things but observation tells us that most men don’t. How about an example?

           The princess in disguise goes to a mining site alone with the son of the lady in charge. The princess has made it perfectly clear she is not interested in the son. Once he gets bitten by the metal bugs, he has to take off his shirt so she can examine his back for injuries. She thinks to herself he is more muscular than she imagined. She tends his wounds, nothing happens and they drive back to base. The reader is supposed to take this at face value. We know in a disk or two they will do the wild thing, but besides the story, in real life what would be the giveaway? I played this passage to several people including Agt. R, who could not detect anything odd.
           It’s quite simple. If she really had no interest in him, why did she in advance have an opinion on how muscular he was? I’ve been listening to the disks for a week and am on number eight. Meanwhile, the mainstream media says that after the assassination of the Haitian president, the country is in turmoil. How can they tell? Rumor is he was about to criticize Hillary, which we know has consequences.
           And rumor has it less than a third of the numbers being claimed by the Bidenistas have actually been vaccinated. The Democrats going door-to-door is asking for trouble. TMOR the hoopla in the news about Trump suing big tech is a lame Democrat attempt to cover a much larger issue. The problem for big tech is they want to act like a utility so they cannot be sued for content, but also act like media and censor anything they don’t like. Can’t have it both ways, and I am not the only person who would love to see the eFAG monopolies taken down. I was just one of the first.

           Because it is unusual, I picked up a Morse Code signal, again I think from New Zealand. I’m sure it is just somebody practicing, but here is what I got, repeating the same similar phrase over and over: LUKS PR 359. THIS IS CONTINUATION. KEAVON EHAE DE U1MP. EHAE THERE. LUKS PR 359 NOT QOT. Any other clues? Yes, the signal, though faint, was crisp, probably a code generator. To any boy scouts out there, this was slow, around 5 WPM and easy to tell the sender means EHAE and not the like-sounding THAT. Also, they were playing with the tone knob, so I figure it is somebody doing exercises.

Last Laugh

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