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Wednesday, August 18, 2021

August 18, 2021

One year ago today: August 18, 2020, javascript sucks.
Five years ago today: August 18, 2016, peaches are good.
Nine years ago today: August 18, 2012, cold in August.
Random years ago today: August 18, 2019, pre-COVID work day.

           In worsening public relations for the libtards, Texas has asserted its right to compel attendance. TMOR, here's an explanation. The Texas legislature makes the Texas laws, but it requires that two-thirds of the elected representatives be present to enact changes. Texas needs voter integrity laws because of a Biden administration desperate move to unseat the Republicans. Biden has flooded a million illegal immigrants into the area where they would of course vote radical left Democrat so they can stay.
           The Republicans want to pass a law that would prevent illegals from voting (take note, critics, that is how FREE the United States is). To block the law, fifty Democrats fled the state to prevent a two-thirds majority, which is an illegal and subversive tactic. When the arrest warrants went out, these traitorous people filed a bogus law suit that tried to make it a racist issue--because most of them were "white". Here's the viral photo. The persons that truly need to be in prison are their fashion consultants.

           Rain from the tropical depression has us snowed in. Did I say that right? (That's a joke, Ken.) Me and the dogs, inside all day, listening to the downpour. I fixed everything I could and oiled the rest around the house. It's thanks to all the tools I've accumulated here. I want to head back, I've had enough time with the pets and the Reb has things to do. Nobody knows what's happening to America, so we are prepared to head for the hills should anybody start making really big mistakes.
           Turns out Biden was bribed in the Ukraine, he and the Kamela are in hiding, and there is something simmering below the surface in our military, with the officers and the enlisted now on different frequencies. It's like a vague pattern emerging that everybody knows spells trouble. The more so since Biden handed the Ruskies a short list of sixteen targets that would defeat America's war capability. There are doubts DC is one of them. Today, we talk a lot of politics.

           Will Australia be the first anti-NWO revolution? If so, expect casualties in horrific numbers. Do not forget how Australians were tricked into turning in all their private guns just a few years ago. Also don't forget Australians were stupid enough to do just that. But rest assured, enough of them saw it coming to stash away some serious firepower. That Western Desert is one huge place, duly noted. Now, the leftoid Aussie government is going to snatch schoolchildren in batches of 24,000 to herd them into stadiums for forced vaccination? That, folks, is why you will never take guns away from American patriots. It is not about guns, it is about the lawful right to overthrow tyrants. We already have all the laws we need to take guns away from criminals, they need only be enforced.
           Things can and will get much worse for the Democrats, as their cancer-like takeover schemes are exposed to daylight. The incompetence of their political appointees is laid bare as well, world-wide. Most of us did not know or care who the commanding general of the army was until he totally made an ass of himself. It is no longer a COVID vaccine, but a COVID injection and nobody who hasn't got it already is going to without a fight. I call those jabbed the COVID clones because they think and act alike. They are like the apocalyse movies, roaming around trying to infect others, except in real life they are the minority.

Picture of the day.
Mark 10 ejection seat.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           How about the $1.5 billion wasted on the US "embassy" in Kabul. It looks like a bankrupt Blockbuster warehouse. Good, because the "contractors" who sucked that much money for that a pile of garbage should go hole up there, wishing they'd used the money they soaked us for to build more flush toilets. Same with the "advisors" and the fake army they pretended to be training, sorry, I'm not buying any of it. These people by their own admission did a lousy job of it, but every one of them kept on collecting that old Uncle Sam paycheck, year after year. Let's just be realistic about what has been going on. No chance of this version making CNN, right?
           Haiti is no better. The US building supplies sent there by now could have built every last one of those people two hurricane-proof beach houses and a summer bunker in the countryside. Instead, they've made a lifestyle out of getting flattened.
           American hand-outs. The free money should stop and the people handing out fired. No, they are not "just doing their job", it is in their own selfish interest the money keep flowing. Something else that irritates me is how just now a few people are starting to organize against the Biden regime. I do not follow politics, I follow human behavior, so I never thought people did not start impeachment and primary proceedings right after the election steal. Now I discover they are just getting underway. How do they expect to be taken seriously? Things mentioned in this blog years ago are just becoming news lately. This is why I maintain America should have outlawed politics right after the Civil War. We've proven a country can live without a king, now let's prove it can live without governors, senators, and presidents.

           And school boards. We don't need school boards. I can't believe these parents are just speaking up now, and worse, they think they are in the front lines. People, if you were complacent enough to let these non-elects take over your children's minds, you'll never handle the real issues you've let develop on your watch. Funny how you are all acting like the conspiracy theorists you sneered at for the past thirty years. One thing seems certain, there will be no neutrality in the short run. After all the threats the left has made, they'd best start worrying if they are on the winning side.
           China, sensing the rot in the White House, has begun a massive military expansion near Taiwan. They don't so much want the place for China as they want it to not be a base that could be used against them. They are building artificial islands to house the latest weapons they can copycat from the USA. The communists figure, just like happened Afghanistan, the corrupt government of Taiwan will bolt for the exits the moment there is any hint they cannot keep sucking the Americans dry. And here is that receipt for $762,000 for gymnasium weights flown to Afghanistan. I insist that I'm right about any army where the soldiers join up as an alternative to a low-paying job. You get what you pay for, unless you are buying barbells for Afghnaistan..

Last Laugh