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Sunday, August 22, 2021

August 22, 2021

One year ago today: August 22, 2020, the doogie buggy.
Five years ago today: August 22, 2016, try a kvas.
Nine years ago today: August 22, 2012, bored and/or adventuresome.
Random years ago today: August 22, 2010, ancient DOS virus.

           Who hasn't figured out by now when the Reb's away, me & the boys go on longer trips? Today we toured an area northeast of Nashville, mainly looking for a place to go potty. I wouldn't live there unless I got a real deal on something. And a listing of real estate shows the same curious anomaly that seems to mean nothing. It's where prices go up yet very little is selling. I thought this was rare, like before 2006, but it only speeds up and slows down. My conclusion is most of the houses are being flipped between people who already own one. I wish I'd bookmarked a recent study that showed under the prevailing economy, today you would have to work 21 years to save up the down payment on an average house. That's close to half your working life, but then, I pointed this out when I was in my twenties. Oh look, there’s, Sammy walking past the fancy bridge.
           The talk then, as now, was that this could not go on forever. Yet, by deft manipulation of the credit strings, apparently it can. Even the same conclusion was reached, that at some point this rotten structure would come crashing down, and I actually hoped it would. This would not spell the end of the USA, but it would zap millions of "homeowners" back to reality, that you cannot build a national economy out of people plunging into life-long debt for a house to live in. After 50 years of watching it happen, one has to admit it really is worth that kind of money to live in a country like America. That, however, does have some sort of cap on it. These days, we are only safe in degrees and by comparison.

           The media is now referring to Trump rallies as anything else they can conjure up. Pep talks, indoctrination sessions, mass hysteria, super-spreader events, anything but rallies. Because 50,000 people plus another 3 million on-line (including myself) isn't what the Democrats think could possibly happen to a defeated, impeached, disgraced president. They really thought they had him buried. With Joe now being propped up by Democrat fear and emerging hatred of the Kamela creature, their communist grip gets tighter and tighter over a shrinking group of fruitcakes, snowflakes, and cretins. They are resorting to ever more childish tactics that exhibit their growing desperation. The least effective is how they get stooges to log onto non-left sites and attempt to infiltrate propaganda. Gab-dot-com, the emerging bulwark of free speech, laughs them off the pages.
           The most meathead of leftist posts is their stab at manipulating religion. They find the topic on which they are losing badly, then call for prayer and reconciliation and understanding and calm. Let's work together to help with the fiasco they caused in Afghanistan entirely on their own. What a bunch of shmucks. There is a pending deadline for military forced vaccinations which is really an attempt to certify government control in a manner not really compatible with our understanding of civilian oversight. They want the army to enforce domestic law on command, it seems. So far, the worst of the mask and lockdown mandates have been in Democrat controlled enclaves. They have yet to try it anywhere else, but that is where they are heading.

           If that happens, the line has been crossed. The Democrats have pushed the population to the brink. It is past the time to presume there will be a peaceful outcome, careful, I did not say it would not be peaceful. Just that it should not be presumed. The Democrats have shown what dirty operators they are. They will stop at nothing to cling to power. A combination of the audit and Trump resurgence could force their hand. They've already tried to imprison ordinary citizens and label opponents as enemies of the state. The police have proven which side they are on. That leaves the military, who are forbidden to enforce civil law.

Picture of the day.
Record inserts.
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           Hillary is back in the picture, fielding calls for Sleepy Joe, who has disappeared again. She is a known killer & war-monger who no doubt has thousands of foreign operatives on the take. Remember. foreign aid is not supervised, it is handed over in cash. That's something Trump should put an immediate stop to. The emergent reason for his silence about running in 2024 is that the Democrats have also perverted the campaign contribution laws. If he announces candidacy, the Biden regime will invent something to howl about. Let us not forget, Trump learned the art of political warfare from them, and he's a lot smarter than they are. My hunch on that one is he has a troop of disgruntled former Democrat operatives advising him on exactly how to draw libtards out of their holes just far enough to chop off their heads.
           I walked the dogs and by the time we got back, yet another virulent strain of virus has been identified. Or so they claim, since a century of study shows that viruses get weaker as they mutate. This one is AY3, it's the same virus, really, the one with the 99+% survival rate. What's dying is the effectiveness and compliance with these unlawful COVID mandates.
           Here's a picture o part of the spice rack at Trader Joe's, and why not? It's a good picture, blog-wise.

           What's saving the government for now is the opposition is not organized. History says new leaders will arise from A unexpected sources and they will be persecuted. But, they will win. A demo of this is what's going on in Australia. A month ago, you had some outraged dissidents at school board meetings. That has escalated quickly. What changed? Police and leftist tactics have galvanized the population. The people disagree left and right, but as long as they are marching in the same parade, they'll prevail.
           The news out of that country is amateur, but it would seem the entire trucking industry and construction workers are stopping work. If so, this will get interesting, indeed. The Reb returned from Texas to report both airports have gone sterile. The restaurants have closed, but for a few kiosks. The decor has gone Amazon warehouse, this is a plains stupid move. I remember when airports were a nice visit. They had clubs, shops, free parking, and atmosphere. In the 1980s, I used to go for breakfast at SeaTac. There was enough to do in the mall-like setting that if people had a few hours stopover, you could entertain them right at the airport. Now, it is an assembly line.

           JZ called to say his jab injection site, now eight months old, is giving him pain more than usual. It has never stopped from a dull ache and if it ain't stopped by now, your are scrood. Hmmmm, his whole crowd got the Fauci ouchie at the same time. It's hard to believe anybody fell for a "virus" vaccine. It says here the Reb & I could dine with Pelosi. All we need is $20,000 and you don't have to wear a mask. You could chit-chat with all her Democrat friends, I mean, they would be there because they are friends, right? Why would anyone else attend? And you get to listen to one of her impassioned imitations of a Good Samaritan.
           I'm staying here an extra few days, one project is to replace a burned brake light on the Reb's kiddie car. The shop wants $75, I'll do it for a couple bucks and that could mean dinner for me tonight, though not with Nancy. We'd rather enjoy ourselvs. Dinner & dessert. What luck, I found the bulb first try--hanging on a pegboard at the local Autozone, no millennials in the loop. No free trials, free memberships, free downloads, it was smooth sailing, untouched by hipster hands. I stepped up to the counter, no cameras, no phone numbers, no phone taps or credit cards, just cash and on my way. Upon arriving home, the Reb has decided it is a movie instead. I said okay, as long as we don't go see "the Green Knight" again, in case we missed something. Here's what the reviewers said.

                      a) a story so simple it's practically poetry.
                      b) an absorbing adventure that casts a fantastical spell.
                      c) an epic that takes time in the telling.
                      d) you can feel the chill and smell the air.
                      e) revisionism that amounts to a daring act of interpretation.

           What I can't find is her link that said the movie was a "raucous comedy". We didn't see anybody rolling in the aisles, just one lady and her son walking out after one-and-three quarters hours of this crap. Trust me, this movie sucks, it is totally devoid of humor in any modern or western sense of the word.

Last Laugh