One year ago today: August 24, 2020, Sparkie has arthritis.
Five years ago today: August 24, 2016, my hobby-based lifestyle.
Nine years ago today: August 24, 2012, welcome to Golden.
Random years ago today: August 24, xxxx, WIP
I got away. Sure it was a few hours late, as in in the afternoon. But it’s not like I could leave without hanging that bicycle back in the shed and making the last walk with the pooches. It was 96F out there, I could have stayed in Florida. The pets are back to expecting my routine after that long absence. But, they are aware the grub is better, as I’m not so fussy about keeping them on a health food diet. When she’s not looking, I mean, no need to say anything out loud. This is the cat that likes to drink out of the dog’s bowl. This pose reminds me a wino at the open barrel, and have you noticed the cat has lost weight? That’s Chloe, the cat that breaks all sleeping records. I could not resist this pose, yes, she does buy her face in there just like it looks. Also, the owners of Cole, the lost doggie last evening e-mailed ton of thanks. They left him in the care of an elderly father, who was not fast enough ot prevent that bolt for freedom. Again, wait for pics, I am not a pro at it.
I was in no rush to leave, either. No matter what arrangements we humans make, there is a bond that forms and when pets get into the formula, parting is always an event. Return lin a few days, I may have a picture of how they line up at the top of the stairs when they sense an impending absence. And, this is a first for this pair of doggies. Sammy and Sparkie had the habit, but how Chooks learned it by doggie telepathy is today’s great unknown.
Of course, since my A/C is still out, I had to make today’s seven hours with the windows down. I took the route through Knoxville and that intersection that joins back up with I-26 near Asheville. I took the same path in 2020 so it went by fast this time Until I got near Columbia, where I am at this time. They decided to choke the freeway down to a single lane, and that spells major jams when you hand driver’s licenses to floofs and fraidy-cats. The sign says to merge at 45 mph, total wishful thinking to today’s drivers—they’ve got “rights”. One of thoses rights appears to be pull up i
nto your blind spot and operate the cruise control. Then get offended when you respond in kind. Do millennials have an initialism for GTFOOMW, for “Get the Fooch Out Of My Way? I suspect may a millennial life’s mission is to get in the way, especially in the way of anybody who shows a smidgen of incentive. Trust me, I know this brand of behavior no matter what disguise it dons.
I actually left just after 1:00PM, this was a freeway trip and the van decided to act up. It’s that seat-windshield wiper little dance. As I liike to say, it isnot that it happens, it s that there are still people stupid enough to let it. I wonder how many times in history an invention (in this case, digital electronics) causes a wave of people who thing adapting is anything new. Part of the van problem is the van will also wink the headlights. I had not planned to drive after dark, but I finally arrived in Columbia and the GPS led me to one of those sections you can’t filter out. Then there is that announcement by Samsung that they will disable Tvs “obtained by illegal means”. That is, black-looted, which impllies South Africa. This option uses a certain brand of product ID I described long ago, but forget that, this is now The point is that if they can manipulate a TV in this manner, you might want to consider what else they’ve built into their products. I’m just sayin’.
Family camping.
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This means my standard visit a city by it’s coffee shops and library will have to wait for another day. That’s too bad, Columbia seems like another college town. Here’s a mood picture for you. That is a couple of the early tool boxes I built, over should say over-built. It means they serve after subjucation to all manner of abuse. Shown here is my “Tennessee crash kit”, a small collection of tools I’ve learned can fix hosts of things over at the Reb’s place. A better description would be a box of tools that fix the things that she does not have the tools for.
That’s the picture shown here. The boxes have no common design, but they stack up on each other. Ken, that’s why they are called a box See photo, this is the table in the sun deck round back. The metal wheel on the right is from an old Singer sewing machine.
Which reminds me of the big but unplanned event of this trip. It was cleaning out that shed. Like most guys, I figured she meant cart the stuff out, sweep out the cobwebs, and rearrange the same junk back inside. The surprise was those bales of records I mentioned. Stuff that you incinerate only in a controlled environment. I finally did crank up the chain saw and make a tepee fire stack. There was no time to work it, meaning there is every chance I might drive back soon just to take care of this. Oh boy, a reason to get back to Tennessee. It was not any cooler than Florida this summer, but we are talking incentives here. If an afternoon melts your pits, you need somebody who knows your pheremones. Is all I’m sayin’, again.
Waht’s this? Another massive data breach. Another 38 million records? Including medical information. What a comfort it must be for millennials how some say you should have nothing to hide, though you probably wanted to keep your credit score ane that severe case of piles off your dating profile. An just when you thought the world had forgotten about that episode at the All The Way Inn. Google iis soon to disable their map system unless you enable satellite tracking. I’m really curious if this comes as a surprise to any of my regulars.
It no being late, I stopped at “The British Pub”. It was about as British as a tequila on the rocks, but it must have been near one of those schools that retrains adults for grunt jobs You get an old, heavier brand of over-opinionated patron. Within moments,a few engaged me in conversation, but if he represents what America has to work with, we are doomed. Plainly he had done the assigned reading, but I believe the purpose of that was to learn. He got into some wierd babble about taxing corporations. When I explained if you tax a corporation one dollar, they raise their prices by one doller. Good thing I’d ordered a beer, as he launched this explanation that I did not “get it”. That me, a management accountant (he did not know this) did not know how corporate tax worked.
He was more lost and confused than the two dogs we rescued this week.