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Wednesday, September 15, 2021

September 15, 2021

One year ago today: September 15, 2020, German-trained, with experience.
Five years ago today: September 15, 2016, nice but twice.
Nine years ago today: September 15, 2012, 546 miles.
Random years ago today: September 15, 2013, Larry Lizard.

           The liberals succeed in burying yet another of their disasters. A week later nobody is talking Afghanistan, nothing to see here, go home. I’m up early but not ready to take on the dishes, much less the world. The yard is overgrown with weeds wherever I don’t regularly walk. That’s what I can do for a bit today. The country is divided along mask lines, which is really an IQ line but few have the guts to outright say it. There is no way we can vote our way out of this one and the horror stories coming out of Australia are proof the leftoids are completely indoctrinated. The state says we will keep you free if we have to lock you up to do it.
           Here’s an ordinary one-function stop watch. It consistent shows up when I search for a time adequate for doing navigational work. The classic mechanical design and workings always get my preference over the digital models, which I find akin to kitchen timers. The kind that always need new batteries. This model is from Thompson, and as soon as you hear the word “scientific”, tack a zero onto the price tag. This one lists at $620. It makes one appreciate eBay.

           Are there cracks in the Chinese economy as one of their cleverly Western named companies is defaulting on a massive scale. They are called “Evergrande” instead of “Lucky Five Dragon Pee” and being commies, there were no warning signs. In America, only our banks get away with this. Most confusing monthly bank statement award again goes to US Bank. The only figure you will always find on their statements is the meaningless average monthly balance. And the Biden administration is called the Taliban “businessmen”. If they are, they are better at it than Joe ever was.
           Which brings us to why the Biden people are all gung-ho about calling home-grown protesters “domestic terrorists”. Simple, we already went over this. The Patriot Act would then give them the power to arbitrarily arrest and punish anybody they don’t like. Does that remind you of anything? Anyway, as usual, the opposition is kept divided and squabbling over things like masks and mandates as a smokescreen to what’s happening behind the curtain. Now they’ve got a General who was dealing with the Chinese behind Trump’s back, promising them warning of any pending military moves. Isn’t that just swell?

           Twenty minutes, that’s what I got into for yard work before that dang rain forced me back inside with the coffee pot. Fifty weeds are gone, only around eight hundred to go. I’ve got some new plant that looks like bamboo but it isn’t cropping up. And you have to wear gloves in this heat or get a mild rash, the leaves have a coating. Call it a day.
           A work day, that is. I got hold of some TV cop series, I think. It’s another of those Hollywood productions that glorify the way police pressure and trick people. Every murder confession is not based on evidence or investigation, but by tricking somebody. One reason you do not talk to police is they always seem to go after intimate secrets. The problem there is, if you don’t talk, they’ll get the info out of somebody else unless you work alone. Always work alone. This took long enough to cook lots of chicken, which is now my staple meat source. Want a sandwich? I’m going pro with chicken sandwiches, maybe Olympic training.

Picture of the day.
Lubbock abandoned vehicle auction.
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           Looks like I got to see Charleston just in time. The City Council, who have no authority to do so, are mandating masks for everybody except, for now, when they are asleep. And except for politicians, bureaucrats, dumbass generals, sports teams, postal workers, and anybody else with a finger in the pie. Kind of makes you realize how powerless all the little people are. I should talk, a simple tummy ache brings my world to a halt for four days. Fine, just now I got chicken in the pot, I’ve found a use for that any spices over a year old. Dump them into boiling water, which I used to do for aroma. Now I know better.
           Reading. I’ve found a volume on my shelf outlining the changing pace of war. From cavemen plodding along to starships. Interesting. Equally so is a site on-line that is offering to pay me to argue with trolls, which I though some sort of spam until I looked at samples of what they seek. To them, any pro-Trump, neutral, or non-left post is a target. I could make $935 per month by having 8,500 “engagements”. They all themselves anti-hate speech, and why wouldn’t they?

           Here’s a mystery object for you. It’s not a fan, but that is a coiled spring that bounces to the tiniest vibrations in the room. I call it my footstep detector, but it isn’t for me. It’s a surprise gift for the Reb. Soon as I saw it, I knew it fit in with the décor of her back porch. It is sensitive enough to move in the wind. Anyway, I was seeking a good VPN that will accept payment by gift card, which is about the only way you can stay anonymous these days. I may have found something.
           To those who are curious, if you just buy VPN and keep all your files and contacts on the same computer, you are wasting your time. Profiling works by pattern matching, not your identity. For real privacy, you must migrate anything you want into the VPN system and I suggest keeping any files elsewhere unless there is specific need for an Internet path. And, if I know computer users, for 99.99% of them, there isn’t any such need.

           Before I had a dryer, I’d spend more time at the coffee shop near the laundromat. Years ago I never mentioned the gal there who took to me. Totally not my type, half my age, not bad-looking if you don’t mind the matronly type. Her fawning over me, just sitting there with my crossword, was getting embarrassing, but she disappeared. Well, now she’s back thinking her charms have increased. Honestly, I can’t stand her affected laugh and how she talks nothing but people-stuff. She even busybodies about women she sees in the movies. Thank goodness the laundromat has a back door.
           This picture demos how pressed I am for storage space. See how quickly this wall filled and I still need more. The small black guitar is my 5-string bass, which I still don’t have time to get into. Must have my DVD movies, though. I watched the first bit of “2 days in New York” and it joined the rare collection of movies I can’t watch. Always a black husband and a white wife.
           I changed to a movie with a similar theme, “The Shape of Water”. It’s about a deaf cleaning girl in the 1950s or so who falls in love with a humanoid creature the government captured in the Amazon. It’s supposed to be a touching love story, but the message is that women will sleep with anything. The only thing she didn’t do is cry the next day about there being no good men left. I enjoyed the movie and would have equally enjoyed it without the screwing around.

           The latest word is switch to 48-character random alphanumeric passwords. That tell you the enemy has cracked the system. I’ll look into it, but I will say if it was not so cumbersome, I’d use throw-away passcodes all the time. My primary source of this advice is private, but I was astonished to see the huge numbers of visits these days. Used to be 10 or 15 a day, now thousands. One other change is the attitude, a shift from egg-heads over privacy to a large contingent of computer users who could become either the new normal or a secret society leading the resistance.
           Here’s an item, the Comex index. While it is used for trading, it also reveals the amount of any commodity that is for sale at a given moment. Careful, because much of the silver isn’t there, it is still in the ground. There are around 3 billion ounces of real silver above ground, and roughly 107 million ounces are for sale most of the time. Heads up, over a million ounces per day have been taken off the market quite suddenly, and the traditional buying panic point is anything below 100 million ounces. Just watch it, is all I’m saying.
           BabylonBee reports U-Haul has three years running named the California governor as Salesperson Of The Year. Every middle-class family that can has rented a truck and cleared out. You can search the story yourself, but apparently the U-Haul manager saved the last truck in the state for himself and family, then headed for Texas. And some TV comedian on SNL, which I only later in life learned means “Saturday Night Live”

           The Democrats, who prey on easily divided people, have hit a home run with the vaccine hoax. The bad guys have always worked to destroy traditional home and religious ties, but this is something else. A Harris poll shows the disruptive is a leftist ideological gold mine. A third of the vaccinated have gone bonkers, refusing to associate with even close family members. That’s fine by me, but I dig it bothers some people. This insane fear and hatred exhibited by the jabbed is reshaping the social fabric, but I see the good side.
           This one-third of the population are the ones causing all the trouble in the land. They are the bottom of the barrel, the festering masses the rest of us could always do without. You don’t have to look or listen much to spot these are the dregs of society, ugly, stupid, and fanatical. If they want to split off as a group, nobody will miss them. It just gives good people the welcome excuse to avoid and exclude them.

           But, they are not a silent bunch. Their squealing and howling is a stock feature on our streets and news feeds. These are the low-lifes of our nation, lacking any personal importance, so they throw their collective weight. They express phony concern for the health of others and admit to having pressured others to get the shot. This is the basis of my theory that getting vaccinated lowers the IQ by 15 points and turns people into selfish monsters with no lives of their own.
           After California today, the general mood is that we are at war. The shooting just has not started. There is no peaceful way out of the mess the Democrats have caused, but they are in trouble for not paying their debts. They had promised everything to everybody and Trump upset their timeline. They are still after him like he’s their deadliest foe.

Last Laugh