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Tuesday, September 21, 2021

September 21, 2021

One year ago today: September 21, 2020, the sofa is still here.
Five years ago today: September 21, 2016, avoid Arduino “libraries”.
Nine years ago today: September 21, 2012, I send many postcards.
Random years ago today: September 21, 2009, all outdated by now.

           Violence in Australia, under the circumstances it is likely a good thing. Cops beating up housewives and threatening unarmed protesters with guns. Oh yes, we are still watching that place as the test case for what’s to follow in America. They are still not organized, but it takes an incident to incite the peasants. They are not fighting fire with fire. Where are their shields and barricades? Where are their gas masks, and where are their infiltrators dressed as police to create mayhem on the other side? They are uniting, but have a long ways to go.
           First off, they should be doing exactly what the police do, getting names and home addresses of the cops who misbehave. It is not doxxing because it is public information. Another joke is the number of government employees coming forward with revelations—but only months later when they fear they’ve been lackeys for the wrong side. Ten months later they speak up. I’m not buying their stories. The least they could have done is arranged for a news leak to blame on Snowden or something.

           It’s encouraging to me I did not have any side effects from digging that trench y’day. Brutal work but it’s done, though I have yet to lay the cable. My real task is to get up on that roof and re-tar the trough section, which I require a full 24 hours of bone-dry weather to commence. Think I’ll get it, or will this continue to be Florida when it knows I need a break? Two showers just long enough to keep it damp had me inside, but I did learn something new (for me). Time on target. See below.

           [Author’s note: moments later, this downpour occurred, reducing visibility to a few yards. This is around as bad as I’ve seen in five or so years, including near-hurricane conditions. I will have to re-dig that trench tomorrow. How did Florida know I dug that trench? This is not a State where things get done on time, at least not efficiently on time.]

           I have a list of 14 tunes we played at rehearsal. They reflect an outdated batch of music you’d expect from a group with no real musical direction. Every tune is some band members favorite that the others did not mind. Eight others were ones I had spent quite some time on that got axed because somebody didn’t like them or would not sing them. I sang four or five tunes but had trouble with the lyrics, as in no song sheets. They still made a difference so these might become part of the show.
           Time on target. It’s where a single artillery piece fires shells on different trajectories timed so they all land at the same moment. I’d thought it an interesting but bothersome theory. Now I read they actually used this during Desert Storm, the expulsion of Saddam Hussein from Kuwait. And that was like how many years ago? No info is available on how effective it was. I’ve not heard anything about it since. It seems to me there are more efficient ways to thicken up one’s fire.

           Here’s a pic of some switches being wired, one for the A/C, the other a master kill switch of the scooter port. Meanwhile, on-line, I have a small group of enthusiastic followers who think I live in Poland. The idea is to nuture them along, it’s known when you have a few thousand followers you can make money off them. Not my intention but why not pursue it. The connection here is that I need some sort of picture for my profile that reflects the points of view they seem to want to hear. I recall years ago I had a photoshop of a porta-potty launching like a rocket. Can anyone remind where that came from? Yeah, a porta-potty lift-off, that’s the message I have for the lumpen proletariate.
           Farmland is cascading in price. The massive purchases by that freak Bill Gates has caused some of it, but in general the price is up a reported 10%. The impact on the food chain looks to be devastating to consumers. Now is the time to act but there remain no low-investment options left for most people. Anything government registered these days is a sure loss (after taxes and inflation). No sense even stockpiling food because the people in charge can wait you out. You’ll just be a little later than the rest to come begging.
           Plus, the term “farmland” is misleading. There are very few real farms left in America and they tend to grow cash crops. That’s where instead of you having a cow, you grow modified food and use the money to buy your milk at the grocery store.

Picture of the day.
Only €30,000, in France.
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           Remote work is changing Seattle, they say. I hope it does, in fact I hope work-at-home causes a lot tall buildings downtown to go bankrupt. Especially large, expensive office towers. There was some logic to it back in the days when businesses had to communicate with each other by sending a boy on a bicycle. The commute should not have to mean traffic jams, expensive parking, and career panhandlers on Main Street. The rain let up just enough for me to get some materials inside the shed and continue working, mostly on the electric. All outlets work and the cables are all in place. Here’s the view from the window, you can see the messy back yard, but that’s the very point.

           That’s insulation. It makes enough of a difference that I’ll spring for it, just not right now. The option to work in the shed extends my work day by a couple of hours. I never did like sawing and cutting inside the main house. This work area is also dry and we are wired for sound and a fridge. All the outlets now work and the switches are installed, just not connected. There is a master kill switch for the scooter port. The rain flooded my trench making lots of backbreaking work for me, but I intend to be here another 30 years if that’s possible.
           I watched a DVD during the worst of the storm, I guessed it was about the massacre at Katyn. The plot was about how the Brits and Yanks knew about the atrocity, but did nothing. This diminishes from the fact it was the Soviets, though in later years I see the average Russian as someone misled into Bolshevism, much like is happening today in the USA. A small nefarious group, highly organized, grabbing power indirectly. Mind you, that they are being indoctrinated only excuses them so far in my eyes. I survived the same system, tried to turn me into a leftist taxpaying, assembly worker who never questioned why I worked while others partied.

           The shed should be wired for radio soon, my PA speakers are out there so volume won’t be a challenge. I really need an antenna that can get more than Tampa, those libtard stations are all NPR crap, twisting everything. I listen to commentaries but Tampa has been stuck on the same one since 2015. People are now saying they can’t stand to listen to Biden talk any more. I fear the Democrats have to do something drastic and I don’t mean another vax mandate. Nobody who doesn’t already have the vax is going to get it now without being forced, and sooner or later they’ll attack the wrong person.

           The Arizona guy who tried to fake that the Democrats had done their own vote “audit” has resigned. I wonder if that will save his skin. The results are due this week, or at least that is what they’ve said for the fiftieth different time. The roaches are scattering. Something like a half million votes are in question, but it shows you how deep the Deep State has become that others are still successfully resisting being investigated.

Last Laugh