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Thursday, September 9, 2021

September 9, 2021

One year ago today: September 9, 2020, changing stations doesn’t help.
Five years ago today: September 9, 2016, full of birdseed?
Nine years ago today: September 9, 2012, view from Pike’s Peak.
Random years ago today: September 9, 2004, they’d still write code . . .

           Here’s that screwed up fan harness on the van. Then again, these are Chrysler people, not robot club members. Whenever you have a fallible and replaceable part on a mechanism, you leave as much slack as you dare in the supply cables. This will now become a major task and another rule says to not disconnect things unless you have to. I will dig the plug out later today, I’m pointing at it if you can even see the thing. The great morning led to a rainy afternoon. I used the time to work on the shelves, there is more to doing this right than just throwing up the pieces.
           Shelves work for me, this I knew, but getting around to things takes motivation. Now I see how great this will work in the shed, so give me a little time for that. The new [shed] roofing looks great, but there is a small leak somewhere I can’t quite find. Possibly where the panels overlap, where the slope is less than the recommended minimum? Gorilla masks for liberal women, what a great idea.
           The one who egged the California guy was mysteriously not charged with “insurrection” or anything, but she was quick to play the “don’t touch me” card when security blocked her mission. Seriously lady, no man is going to touch something shaped like you except in self-defense. There are rumors under the mask it was Pelosi. Others say that was no mask.

           Wait, there’s more. Biden’s six-prong attack on COVID is nothing but a coercion scheme against the unvaxxed. It’s packaged as “protect the children” but only hard-core leftists buy that anymore. He’s demanding all civil servants and contractors plus their staff get the clot shot. Makes me think of the term “Mexican standoff” if they collectively refuse. Does anybody use that phrase any more? Anyway, if the civil servants decline, there’s no way the government can operate. Sadly, such employees are known to be loyal only to their paychecks.
           Even the stupidest government types know this, so they have carefully worded an escape clause. Get the poke within 75 days or risk getting fired. Risk, is it? That turns it into a game of who blinks first. At a departmental level, this will be a case study in how rotten Democratic policy works. Say ten people in a department. If all then are fired, there is no department. So the Democrats go to work on the weakest first. This situation was created many times by the company as an anti-union tactic. The people who caved first were usual the most debt-ridden. They were rarely first more than once—everybody knew their names and where they lived.

           Two men from Arkansas just pulled a classic. They put about they had invented a superior wind turbine and the government wanted the technology. The head guy was a convicted embezzler. He and a partner named the genderless “Jody”, took the investors money ($700k), bought a house and went on a spree to Disneyland in a new car.
           In America, even when caught and convicted, they will not have to pay back the money. The court may order repayment, but the court does not enforce it. This news item caught my eye because I was unaware that $700,000 was still enough to go to Disneyland. The project, called “Dragonfly” is remarkable only in that the con-men tried to avoid a trial by claiming it would expose them to the Carona virus. Once a libtard, always a libtard.

           You just cannot ignore the bad people in America any more. They are going for a power grab knowing they if they don’t suppress Trump, they are history in a few months. Today they announced a pending set of new laws that will apply only to the unvaccinated (see below). If that does not unite their enemies, nothing will, but it will hopefully give rise to a new parallel economy. I know a vaxxed guy who will do all your shopping for you. And it looks like Australia gave up without a fight, what I can’t figure out is why. And how the wimps that complied are still in business. Is there trouble brewing over there nobody knows about?
           The liberals in California are crapping their drawers. Next week there is a good chance one of their long-term doormats will be thrown out. They prefer the term “recall”. The deal is it would also mean a huge drop in Democrat support in a State they count on, big time. They need that California black vote. So now they must drop one of their claims about Republicans or call a black candidate a white supremist. This could get interesting. The thing I thought great was how they called in the most hated VP in history to support their underling, good old (and I mean old) Kamela (misspelling intentional) Harris. Bad move, she evokes hatred as soon as she shows up.

           And I got a call from the band and they won’t rehearse without the full group. They are as disorganized as my first impression. I can play on-call but not rehearse that way. Did I mention on rehearsal days I even have to plan far enough ahead on taking my prescriptions. Here’s a recap of the situation. They handed me three song lists, which I’ve explained. Without rehearsals, I went ahead and learned 40 of those songs in three weeks, choosing by what I knew first. This means I can play out any time they want with those songs. I was also able to estimate their quality of sound, and they are not masters of precision.
           This immediately had me talking to the Reb. In such bands, the longer you leave things, the more that always goes wrong. No rehearsals creates an every man for himself situation on stage. Hence, I will keep looking for that rhythm player quite so because I never formally joined the five-piece. But no rehearsing [for me] unless it is regular and non-cancellable. If it’s convenient, sure, otherwise call me when you have a gig. But I cannot promise I would not bring my entire experience to bear on the situation and play to the best of my own personal ability, independent of how ready the band is at large. That’s a nice way of putting it, don’t you think?

Picture of the day.
Mars “traffic signal”.
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           So much for our elite media. Nobody has come up with a good slanderous designation for the vaxxed who are now regretting it and “full of self-loathing at having spinelessly submitting”. I must say, their increasing panic is looking ever more like those day-after movies, where the zombies attack anybody who isn’t infected. Yeah, but the unvaxxed majority still have their votes and that will be a liberal bloodbath. What are those Democrats up to? They have zero popular support so they must be running out of money.
           They’ve grabbed power, but not in a real way they can dole out political favors to their donors. My guess is they are so broke, that is why they pulled out of the war, they needed the money. They left the guns there because it would have cost them to haul them out, and they are broke. Even if they ram through massive tax hikes, they won’t have pocket change until next year. No more printing up money after the last round of inflation. They may have to bite the hand that feeds them, and in Texas at least, that hand is carrying a Colt.

           This could not come at a worse time for Biden. I have not seen the Arizona results, but those who have say it is finally proof of a stolen election. We shall see. He’s now beyond saving. From what I hear, they have a couple hundred thousand voters in Arizona who can prove they voted for Trump, but their votes were never counted. Biden “won” the state by a mere 12,000 ballots. And, the scale of the fraud shows it has been going on for years. Trump has said he’ll return when the nation needs him. The Democrats are nicely seeing to that.
           This photo is the pistachio trees, showing how rapidly they took over the whole area to the southeast. As before, I trim them off at around ten feet so they grow more leaves as shade.

           I’ve sent JZ a complete set of plans on how to cash in on the two-tiered society if Biden actually signs into law that unvaxed people can’t buy groceries and a host of other restrictions. How to arrange a string of grocery stores so nobody spots the pattern, what to say, how to establish a clandestine home delivery service. And make up to a thousand bucks a day, I mean, people gotta eat. And if the way these Florida numbnuts prepare for hurricanes is any indication, it’s pay or starve. Bear in mind, Florida protects the ignorant with anti-gouging laws, so I planned around that. I may, now that I’m at it, rig up yet another set of shelves with nothing but canned food while it is still so cheap. After that, it is five bucks a can, and you get what I have.

           My warnings about unemployment checks were right. Millions of job openings, but the free ride of stimulus and extended benefits have created a new and permanent subclass in America. These are the people who realized that any welfare that pays at least a third as much as a dead end job is their ticket to an easy life. Figure it out, you make $9 per hour and a third is deductions, a third is the expense of getting to and from work, and you live on the last third. Work 8 hours and you have $24 for yourself. According to Forbes, the average welfare recipient gets $24.77 per day. And doesn’t have to get off his ass. My guess is around ten million dead end workers just learned that lesson.
           Get a load of France. Just now beginning the trials of the 2015 terrorists who killed, what was it, 168 people. They built a special courtroom and expect the trials to last nine months. And you wonder why the world is laughing their asses off. Take these terrorists out to the post and be done with it. Send them to paradise, and make sure the 72 virgins are their own race, punishment enough in itself. Have you ever seen the amount of body hair on their women? Seriously, they have to shave their whole bodies, every day. They call it a marriage custom, but I dunno.

           Nothing beats the sheer stupidity of that Trudeau guy in Canada. He came up with this scheme that should work, where you rank your choices instead of voting for or against a given candidate. The problem is, he figured out he was shooting himself in the foot. Now he’s backpedaling like mad on that idea, saying it is “a direction that would hurt the country”. The CBC kowtows by claiming all the revulsion and loathing against him is the result of two hecklers following him around. More like two hundred. He’s going to get himself in big trouble.

Last Laugh