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Wednesday, September 9, 2020

September 9, 2020

One year ago today: September 9, 2019, the sex-pot mentality.
Five years ago today: September 9, 2015, mini-stupid test.
Nine years ago today: September 9, 2011, that antenna sucked.
Random years ago today: September 9, 2004, 75th anniversary of computer bug.

           Today is slated for some yard work. First off, take a look at this picture of the pecan tree in the front yard. A month back we took down some limbs so the yard could get more sunlight per day. Everything was happy except my pecan tree. It was healthy, but kind of just sat there. I did some extensive reading while on the throne and one obscure chapter said tomato plants often do well in the same conditions as “orchard trees”, which paused me to thinking. They meant citrus but pecans are also grown in orchards. Two days ago I carefully put six large scoops of tomato fertilizer around the drip line of the pecan tree. Shown here, the instant results. Love it!
           Taking the hint, I took a trowel to the veggie planter and added both the recommended soil fertilizer for garden vegetables, cutting back slightly to allow for the lower phosphate tomato compound. This area is the phosphate capital of the world. The peach tree got the tomato treatment only, as it was already doing just fine. This tips me off the soil in my yard, while great for the plants native to the area, is deficient when it comes to specialty trees and vegetables. They grow fine in Agt. R’s yard, even though he says it has been some ten years since he’s applied any fertilizer. Whatever the defect, if this tree is an indicator, I’m planting a new crop of radishes, the easiest plant to grow in a garden.

           Nearby is a shot of the tomato and regular fertilizer in the raised planter. The soil is now 10” deep. Just visible are granules of the mixture ready to be churned into the upper layers of soil. I will also plant slightly fewer vegetables than recommended on the package, as the last crop grew small food but large leaves, often shadowing each other to a noticeable degree. Close round one of my liberty garden to a barely partial success. I got some 36 radishes, but no beets or onions. Again, plenty of leaves and stems. Around the planter one can see the lush greenery of weeds that show what is possible, and I intend to find out.
           Returning from therapy, this was the most successful yet. Problem, it requires the doctor guy to apply the stretches, as the regular staff halt at the slightest sign of pain. I had explained how I could, with my gym apparatus in the shed, get my arm up past the “pain zone” and once there, had some freedom of movement. I gather from what he says, others only tell him they do the exercises, but it means more visits and more money, so what the hey? The recommended schedule is once every two days. To me, my music arm is so important, I tend to go through the routine (which takes nearly 20 minutes) each time in the shed in the morning and again at night. Twice per day.
           If I did not say, I have put together the exercises, such as shoulder blade squeezes, which can be done in the car as well as my small crash kit for traveling. That focuses on my favorite stretches and the ones I’m most likely to keep up while away for extended absences. You may have concluded correctly by now that I truly fear that shoulder socket replacement surgery they promote. Why not, there’s a quarter million dollars of my insurance money in it for them. I cannot ignore the reputation of this procedure, Ely had a lady surgeon who had it done at 55 and had to quite practicing. She was probably covered, but myself? Without music, I would probably have to resort to spending my own money and buying my own beer.

Picture of the day.
Thatched roof of the year.
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           Before I left, I put the styrofoam insulation in the laundry room to keep it dry. This being Florida, the room is walled off but a bit open to the elements. No heating or cooling, but I can be locked. As I walked in this morning I got a surprise. Something got in there an attacked the pieces. Is there an animal, smaller than say a rabbit, that just hates styrofoam? It was large enough to knock a small box off the ledge but otherwise nothing but a mess as shown here. Pieces were dragged as much as six feet away. I mean, what the?
           I stopped at the old club to sketch out my “barn door” and in walks Bradford. That guy, I dunno, he’s dedicated to what he does, always experiencing just enough mild success to not try anything new. He was celebrating a promotion to project leader at a renovation company. Around here, that’s as high as you can go without a degree or two, so congratulations.

           His music has not gone anywhere in kind of a long time, but like most of us, myself included, I can always say I had no intention to go anywhere in the first place. But our talk of aspirations gives that nonsense away. For example, he knows once you have a hit song, you will be stuck living off piddling royalties unless you take the act on the road.
           Yet he has almost no stage experience or real band management know-how. He’s far from the first guitar player I’ve met that presumes his style is enough to transfix a concert audience. If so, he would be in for one major surprise at a well-defined wrong time. I, for one, know exactly how to steal the thunder of any guitarist who tries that on stage—very subtly mind you. And you know who is responsible for that. He grudgingly admits that my country-based music sets do have a certain appeal. Good, because he told me he plays bass better than I do. If I can strum it out, just maybe his fussiness over guitar music goes away on a different instrument.

           Here is the scooter battery getting a trickle charge. The scooter has survived storage before but I’m going to have to dig out the robot club maintainer and install it permanently under the seat. Twice now the battery has discharged below the critical 10.7 volts, from which it will recover, but for shorter and shorter periods. With the new scooter shed, I have a convenient way to keep it topped up. Also, I want to install a kill switch, similar to the old Chinese scooter. It negates the expense of replacing that broken ignition switch. The best way is a direct battery cut-off, then you know for sure even a short won’t drain the power.
           Today, everything possible leaves the kitchen area. To do so, I must build shelving first, see the back and forth logic over that? I have the shelf brackets, but the best wood I have for the shelves is slated for other things. I could just go buy some, but guess what. I’ve spent the entire monthly budget for that already. New sheds and roofing are not cheap. For that matter, prices have soared for what I need. I picked up ten 2x3s and that set me back over $30 last Monday. I was counting a bit on my guinea pig check, but I told you what happened to that.

           Brilliant. Under the guise of stopping COVID, many Democrat states and cities have banned political rallies. This is a thin excuse to halt the massive and enthusiastic Trump rallies. Their weak attempts at Biden speeches has been so embarrassing they don’t even publicize the results. However, since the Democrats don’t want to lose their far left voter base, they have not banned riots, er, pardon me, peaceful protests. So Trump merely renamed his rallies as that—peaceful protests. I was in the car three hours today and kept changing stations but still got a bellyful of politics.
           No matter the outcome, Trump has toppled the evil Democrat empire so carefully built up by the left wing and their press agents. Like many Americans, I suspected this was going on for years but had no idea the extent to which the left had corrupted our politics. Besides so many Republicans had bought into the system that there seemed nothing to vote for. They, the Democrats, will never, at least not in our lifetimes, recover from this disaster they brought on themselves.
           There is an old saying that if you don’t vote, you will always wind up being led by people who are more stupid than you are.

Last Laugh