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Tuesday, October 5, 2021

October 5, 2021

One year ago today: October 5, 2020, 85% lean.
Five years ago today: October 5, 2016, remember pharmacy censors?
Nine years ago today: October 5, 2012, the rip-off of 1933.
Random years ago today: October 5, 2007, Johnny Boston’s.

           The transportation AOLs are dead serious about pulling off this supply chain scam. You can blame not the Carona virus, but the Carona virus azzholes and their illegal mandates. They locked a half-million merchant seamen on their boats, refusing them shore leave. In some cases up to a year if they could not get back to their home countries. Those that made it are staying home for the duration. This situation is entirely contrived by corrupt people who know they cannot be touched. And it delights the shipping and loading companies who will now triple prices.
           Good news this morning is Dominion, the voting machine people, lost their libel cases. In other news, Texas police have stopped responding to non-emergencies. The vet bill for the new doggie came to $1,300. Twice more than my parents spent on me total from birth to age 18. What, somebody wants that adjusted for inflation? When I was 14, I was sent to the dentist. I needed a filling in every upper tooth except my right cuspid, or tooth number 11. In total, 18 fillings. In 2021 money, $521. That is all the uninsured medical care I ever received during my youth.

           I spent two hours on the radiator and I think I’m dealing with some sort of compound problem. I can get the problem to go away, but three times I took it out on the highway and that temperature gauge says something indirect is causing the problem. On the way back one time I stopped and got some pallet wood. I was stunned to get a compliment on my crappy work when she said the box for the chain saw was just like she wanted. So, in the high 80s or not, this afternoon I was out there busting up that pallet.
           This is intermittent work, as it takes the van twenty minutes to cool down each time so I got some yard trimmings done, found a wasp’s nest in the white shed, rotated my 120 cans of prepper food, and piled more wood for the incinerator. That should be any day now. What I did not get done is the new birdfeeder. It’s still sitting on the kitchen table. The cardinals are now at least five years old. Today’s millennial puke award goes to the ADW (Animal Diversity Web) who gives the lifespan in months, as in maximum 173-1.2 months. Where do they even find these a-holes?
           In the wild the northern cardinal lives 3 to 5 years, so this pair is beating the odds. They apparently do well in captivity, the record being over 28 years but I after Memphis, no way I can cage a bird. They are very well fed in this yard. The new birdfeeder picture should be nearby. Let’s take a break and read the news feeds. What’s this, there’s a group who takes down those “We buy houses for cash” signs. Good, I don’t like bottomfeeders. And Windows 11 turns out to be the spy-ware piece of crap as predicted here. Unwanted and unasked for, this product is designed from the ground up to be accessible by MicroSoft and to record far more information about you than the contents of your files. You were warned.

Picture of the day.
California falling into ocean.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           By mid afternoon, I gave up and took the van to the shop. Yep, it’s a head gasket problem. It wasn’t blowing any water so I poured a can of Blue Devil, which had an immediate good effect. But I can now feel the thermostat thumping. I know there is a pinhole leak in the plastic piece along the side of the radiator. I’ll go back for another test and if there is no monoxide in the water, I’ll try for a replacement. If there is monoxide, I’ll get ready to sell the van. Depending on how it performs, I may fix the radiator and hope it lasts until spring. I can’t figure why so many things went wrong at once after owning it just nine months. I have $7,400 tucked away for a replacement but I had wanted that money for something else.
           I reviewed the band rehearsal videos and this is going to be one of the strangest bands I’ve played in. The drummer and guitar player never practice at home and now they have fallen behind. If I didn’t say, the gig seems on for Halloween and that leaves two practice sessions. The keyboard guy and myself have paid our dues and so we quickly adapted to a higher standard that I see now is not going to fix itself. But I don’t care, I’ll help out but I will not babysit. You do your practicing at home and your rehearsing with the band. If there is a fail at this point, it will be the drummer or guitar guy.
           It is wasp season and I’ve located two nests. Shown hear one is under the leaves on the peach tree. Since there is not fruit this year, I’m tempted to leave them there as a deterrent. Then nope, such things never work out well. The other is in the emergency food area. Time to dig out the spray. Nature is much to big to let these guys set up shop in my prime turf.

           Bad news from out west. My executor had company, who threw a fit finding a live mouse in the bathroom. Leaping to the rescue, she tripped and broke her foot. Not her toe, her foot. This will cause serious delays for at least the next twenty weeks. The turnaround time is already so terrible, I have to plan two months ahead for anything that requires any banking. Now the postal service has announced a slowdown. I planned for my own retirement, not for a society of deadbeats in general who did not and are now watering down everything.
           Australia is a goner. To think I almost immigrated there in 1997 to get away from all the pending American leftist bullshit. It’s a police state and a model of how a minority can use a tiny militarized police force to control millions. There is no way out for them except armed rebellion but they can’t even communicate with each other without smartphones. Every last one of them is on file and they can have five minutes to geofence their location on demand. Anybody who thinks this is about COVID has shit for brains.

Last Laugh