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Saturday, October 9, 2021

October 9, 2021

One year ago today: October 9, 2020, pre-inflation shopping stats.
Five years ago today: October 9, 2016, the dreaded Folgers.
Nine years ago today: October 9, 2012, loss rate 25%.
Random years ago today: October 9, 2014, 7.9¢ per mile.

           How my news feed missed it, I dunno, but something hit Jupiter on September 13, a comet or asteroid. The climate change people are all over that. They are pushing for all electric vehicles. Once again, it is about control. Imagine that, the government could cut off all travel by simply hitting a switch. I’ll keep my gas-powered vehicles until they are banned and beyond. I spent the morning in the attic determining it was not the fan at fault. Somehow, power is getting to the downstairs fan switch, but not to the thermostat. The heat by noon drove me back. The wiring has to be traced and that’s going to be a bitch.
           The wiring is easy, it is moving stuff out of the way. That was four years ago that fan went in and there may be a section of flooring I’ll have to move to get at the junction box. Fortunately, those sections are well marked and removable with a couple of screws. Further, the attic is well-lit and there is a small auxiliary fan near the hatch, though it doesn’t help that much over on the south end. I think after this morning I’m three pounds lighter. The fan is behind the round grill in this photo, and you can see another dead wasp’s nest in the peak.

           I’m finally moving that china cabinet out of the kitchen. It belonged to Theresa, who would still have if she was capable of keeping promises. I may have to shove it out the front door, which has not been opened in all that time. I think I may have a spot for it in the shed, otherwise it becomes rather expensive spare parts. There is no room for it in the house. You know, if she also skipped paying the rent on her storage, she may have lost a lot more than that. The nearest I can figure, she thought the three-bedroom belonged to me and that she could pull the oldest scam in the Florida book. Quit paying rent and claim destitution. And this is somebody I knew for two years before she moved in. Never trust a woman over 30. There is a reason she has nobody.
           By 1:00PM still no power and I need a break. I read more of my detective story and it seems the bad guy, Renier, did kill all four people. He shot the mark, although we still have no clues as to why, and had to kill the other three because they came home early. He framed Ali, the handyman. Now the main victim’s daughter, a redhead Jewish princess, head of an art gallery, has shown up in France. She’s a prosecuting attorney, no less, so let’s see who gets her in the sack. The detective is too old and forlorn, the cops are bumbleheads who would talk, so maybe the embassy accountant, an obvious CIA hack.

Picture of the day.
Scientifically perfect breasts.
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           That china cabinet is outside and it was not a pleasant task. It weighs I’d estimate some 100+ pounds and awkward. But it is a first step toward things I’ve been putting off for years, starting with the termite damage around the front door. You can see through the open front door, which no longer fits since the floor was leveled. The china cabinet is the brown piece of furniture sitting outside beside the kudzu. This also gives me access to a strip of drywall that can be easily removed to find (hopefully) the reason for no power to the attic fan. I have to now because most of my best tools are up there, including both battery drills.
           For a break I went back in the shed and did some routing and sanding. That power plane is a wonderful apparatus for a ton of small mistakes. It can make pallet wood kind of new and shiny again. I do not know how I managed without that router and this time I finished all the corners and joints to perfection in one pass. That’s perfection in fitting, not thickness. I still have not mastered how to really get the planks totally flat. If I had a big planer, that would take care of most of it.

           Today marks 13 consecutive weeks of protesting in France. You’d think they’d figure out by now there is no legal way to overthrow an illegal government. Protesting does not work, but it does keep issues alive. The number 13 reminds me over the years of the list of tunes I would feel comfortable singing while playing bass. It’s also the normal top limit of what Guitar Center lead players can manage. I’ve gone over my list so many times, even having practiced it playing guitar. I know I can do it under the right circumstances. But I’m not going to have any such thing.

           There is not enough time to revamp what I do before that first gig. However, what I play already has the edge of staying on tempo and my voice is somewhat deeper than the other two who sing. Their list is a hodgepodge of over-played standards which, as mentioned, keep speeding up because of the drummer. I have some choices to make here. For now, this band is musically all I’ve got around here. That gives them purpose if only because Taylor is never going to discover me jamming in Kooter’s. Oh, and the Karaoke guy who foolishly did not team up with me this summer is now there on Friday’s. He must like empty rooms.

           [Author's note 2022: I pegged that one wrong. His show is very popular and he did with Karaoke what I wanted to do with live music. Namely, establish a local circuit. His show was better than the locals, who have mostly gone under due to the COVID hoax. He's also a great singer, which bests the competition. So a year later he is the only show in town.]

           Hmmm, Facebook, the Instagram, both have severe outages. Then Facebook sends a dire warning to some dude who wrote “unfollow” software. What does that tell you? I keep hearing about Facebook newsfeed addiction. I took a look. Man, you’ve got to be some kind of real stupid to get hooked on that crap. Yes, I’m aware they outnumber us by the hundreds of millions, but like I said, real stupid. JimmyR also reports MasterCard is getting rid of the magnetic stripe. The reason is not that the stripe is compromised, but that a chip means the card never leaves the owner’s hand.
           One of my alerts is the coming cold war with China since they want Taiwan worse than ever. The Beijing house of cards is broke and the Evergrande implosion is just one symptom. It’s the parasite thing all over, they need a new host. The word “cold” in my criteria brought up a video of a guy pitching a tent on a frozen lake to go ice fishing. To me, people who say they like frozen weather just do not know any better. I watched this guy whose vocabulary shows he thinks six months of below zero weather is healthy and good for everyone.

           Here’s one for the books. California’s latest bill puts free tampon dispensers in college men’s rooms. Says one politician, women don’t always get a warning when their period starts, so they must stop what they are doing and deal with it. Makes sense until someone asks what they must stop doing while in the men’s toilet. I’m not sure what to make of news that Biden is using a fake movie set. If it’s true, I’ve got a hunch the military is involved. Either way, the world perceives Biden as not able to find a hole deep enough to crawl in.
           One more thing. In Chicago, gangland violence and shoot-outs are now legal as long as it is “mutual combat”. TMOR, I stress that this is not normal in any US cities where ethnics are a minority. White on white crime in America rates as one of the lowest in the world. No blaming the bad people on lack of opportunity or equality. They’ve had more than enough resources to overcome that had they ever been inclined to do so.

Last Laugh