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Wednesday, November 3, 2021

November 3, 2021

One year ago today: November 3, 2020, a ‘virtual minority’.
Five years ago today: November 3, 2016, a tree event.
Nine years ago today: November 3, 2012, like a duffel bag.
Random years ago today: November 3, 2015, this monstrosity.

           It is 6:00AM and the Republican in Virginia is losing votes. That is correct, his total is falling as Democrat fraud narrows the margin as the mail-in ballots arrive with 100% voting for the bad guy. How they cancel votes for the opponent is still a mystery. The suitcases and delivery trucks are arriving. One thing, this lets Virginians know there are at least 1.5 million commies in their midst. The Republicans may have squeezed this one in, but beware of low-hanging fruit. It was almost too easy, and quite the distraction from what happened 364 days ago, I must say. It isn’t quite adding up for the libtards, it seems their incompetence is at everything and this time they are not cheating fast enough.
           Poll watchers are more aware what to look for and can not longer be tricked into leaving the room. The broken water main is out and as ever, the unimaginative Democrats seem incapable of developing new tactics. There’s a good chance they may have shot their bolt with the 2020 election steal and the California charade. But this will not be the victory the right is sure to claim. A leftist establishment pig has been replaced by a rightist establishment pig.

           Here’s an imitation videocam for the Thrift. I do volunteer work for them when asked, and they give me the DVDs rated R for free. They won’t sell them. The gal there has a shine for me, but she’s using the Suzie Homemaker approach and I don’t need a woman around for that. I’d rather live in peace with a little dust on the window sills. She’s always telling me about her children, but I don’t think they are babies any more. While it always depends on how they look, this is the wrong approach around me. Let me tell you something you already know.
           My tolerance for nonsense from women is directly proportional to how sexy I find them. You heard me, and I make no apologies. Let me put it another way. I’ve watched on a massive scale men who chose their women for “personality” or because they go for the easy ones to get, not realizing that pitfall. In the end, we all wound up taking shit, but they took theirs from the less than pretty, shall we say. I’ve never had that handicap.
           Why, now that I have your interest, I’ll elaborate. I go for the pretty one so the relationship starts off great and stays that way because so many crazy little things never go wrong to begin with. You have to be nuts not to notice the personality quirks that crop up in women who know they are not tens but can’t accept it. (I’m neither tall nor handsome, but I accept it.) Both factors work in combination and their relationships begin to deteriorate almost instantly. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen it first hand, but my women don’t need that constant input or they get irritable. It rarely goes that far, and if so, dump them. For proof, in my entire life, I have never discussed money with a woman I was dating, nor had any inclination to do so. Try that with these dating club golddiggers.

           What’s this? Something new and informative from They posted an article about a wine press found in Iraq that is 2,700 years old. This was no moonshine, the vats were dug into solid rock and producing enough for the empire. There are 14 basins in a mountain with carvings of their kings. It looks like quite the operation, but the cameramen where goofs of some stripe. You can’t make out what they are recording, it looks like random clips. Proof that in Iraq, wine remains a staple.
           Trivia. The greatest depth of clear water recorded was near a Siberian island in 1676, when a sea captain could see shellfish at 480 feet (80 fathoms). And Ontario, in Canada, raises the minimum wage to $15 for food servers, who I guarantee will still have their paw out for 15% tips. That’s what “equality” means to the millennial class. It seems some four million Americans left their current jobs for lower paying work that did not require masks or vaccines. I suspect the real outcome of this will be overqualified people doing the menial work while the less qualified bump up into positions where they can do real harm.

Picture of the day.
100 count tambourine jingles.
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           I got the hillbilly up on the roof and we got that messy job of caulking in the worn shingles along the roof gutter. It doesn’t help that that material can solidify in the tube if not used within a few weeks, so we were up on the roof with a few before the problem became apparent. It was a beauty of a day so it wasn’t bad up there and we were done within the hour. There are still spots that need work but we ran out of goop. Next, he likes to learn electricianing, saying the work of mine he’s seen is great. So I got him to help with the shed. Shown here is the overhead lighting. He does not mind stringing the wiring, which is gronk work.
           The finishing work, everybody likes that part. I gave him some pointers on how it goes, but did the actual finishing touches myself. I can’t take chances with that. These two 75W bulbs are more than eight feet high and out of the way. Getting down from the roof we were both bitten in the wrists by some bug and two hours later it still stings. The accompanying pic shows the “pistachio” tree beginning to bloom. If you can identify this species, leave me a comment. Otherwise, this blog is closed to the public. If they want to make a lot of comments, they can go get their own.

           As far as fake news goes, one of the top prizes has to go to “The Guardian for 200 Year”, American edition. This link to an article where you’d expect a simple list of ten, but the Guardian can’t let you off that easy. They must inject their poison, and it is the usual. (Whoops, link doesn’t go to correct article.) Everybody who dares a different opinion is far-right, a Trump lover, or plain has some major defect in personalities or funding. Take a look. To cheer up, I watch a series of videos where Generation XYZ drivers pulled lane changes mere feet in front of semi-trailers at 70 mph and got rear-ended. It’s funny to watch them go nuts, like it is not their own fault.
           Disturbingly, I saw another video that compared driving habits. Both featured long scenes of cars on the freeway at speed. The difference was in watching the degeneration of driver savvy from 1975 onward. Each decade showed increases in the number of cars changing lanes. By 2015 a good half the cars were senselessly weaving back and forth between lanes.

           Ford is selling an electric motor which looks like it will retro-fit older model trucks. For $3,900 the unit is called an crate motor, or an e-crate motor. Because Ford suffers the same as the rest of us do from millennial-think, you are supposed to mysteriously know if the motor is called a crate or just arrives in a crate. Don’t bother asking a millie for the answer, the response is always the same. He doesn’t know but wants you to stand there while he looks it up. Knowing anything is obsolete to those with a smart phone, don’t you know. Anyway, at least until the battery dies.
           Much later in the day, it seems there was an upset in Virginia. Watch the rightists and conservatives dance in the streets. They still think there is a voting solution to the communist liberal problem. You cannot convert a communist back into a decent human being, the largest art of decent being the ability to leave other people alone. It’s a progressive mental anomaly. I have never seen a person who even once delights in sticking their nose into other people’s business recover and become normal again.

           That election in Virginia, I’m not so sure it’s what it seems. The Democrats pulled a fast one with the 2020 election steal, but they miscalculated and misread their own doings. They evidently planned to buffalo the electorate into mass compliance with their policies, but now those have all failed. They seem to think all opposition could be trampled by people who blindly wanted to be seen as do-gooders. It’s that damn Trump, if he had not come along they are convinced they could have gotten away with it. Now he’s got that cult following and the Democrat machine never thought there would be 80 million of them.
           Even with their election cheating, they are losing ground, including districts that have never voted in a Republican before. What should be worrying them is the newcomers are not their old style uniparty RINOs, content to keep slicing up the public pie. Their attack on parents via the school boards cost them dearly. If they don’t get the fake ballots rolling overnight, they have lost Virginia, which for some reason so many think is a harbinger. The consistent winners are endorsed by Trump, which is another change. Because Trump now knows how to spot the traitors.

           Plus the RINOs are now a gang well-known to the public and their names are on the washroom walls. The bad ones were there before but nobody cared that much, sort of they were bad people but they always seemed to win re-election in their own districts. Now, many of those have come under scrutiny. My thinking is they almost pulled it off, but the delay and upset of Trump since 2016 made them play their hands too quickly and obviously.
           The pattern appears to be they thought once they stole the 2020 election, they controlled so much of the civil service that they could just pick up where they left off in 2016. Man, did they get a wakeup call. They presumed they still had everybody backed into the corner of “political correctness”, but that only morphed into the present-day idiocy of calling all their critics rascists or terrorists. If the trends continue, the will soon be victims of their own crazy notions.

Last Laugh