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Tuesday, November 2, 2021

November 2, 2021

One year ago today: November 2, 2020, the beloved Sparkie.
Five years ago today: November 2, 2016, a happy post, I guess.
Nine years ago today: November 2, 2012, I miss playing.
Random years ago today: November 2, 2006, they’re moving to Everett.

           Good morning, you’re up early. I guess you know there’s work to do. I roughed in the ceiling and one wall box, but could not find my leftover roll of 14/2. That’s okay, I’ve got gig money to buy a new fifty-foot roll. By tonight we may have light and power in the shed. I’ve worked in there several times already and it is pretty comfortable. I’m investing in a new Hav-a-Hart trap, before this possum surge becomes a pandemic. The fake news is reporting 4-1/2 million COVID deaths worldwide, complete bullshit. And they wonder why nobody believes them. You cannot tell me that every single FM radio announcer nationwide has bought into that narrative.
           My assessment of the gig has gone out to the usual recipients, but along with that, it falls into the hands of my critics. One of my greatest deprecators is Elliott, who disappears for long stretches but I know he’s a blog regular. Hi, Elliott. Despite the fact I’ve played in clubs all over his home town for years, he maintains I’m only good enough to play “stinky bars”. Of course, to him, that is what the trailer park community center represents, despite the fact they don’t allow booze.

           See this classic Woodstock photo? This is the era I grew up in, although I was not old enough to get there, it symbolized a lot of things. As I’ve said, it cost one hell of a lot of money to be a hippie, though they would never admit it. The thing is the crowd. Look as you want, you will never see a fat broad in that crowd of 400,000. No obvious queers or ethnics either. Equal but separate. Every woman under 24 was a work of art. These are the people who were targeted by the Democrats to subvert America right under their hippie noses.
           I gave up trying to tell these people to be careful, that dozens of little laws were getting past them, laughing at their preoccupations with peace and equality. That one day those little laws would become one big law, but my warnings were ignored. By the time these people began retiring, they had given up almost every freedom left in America. Ah, but the women. I grew up in the middle of the sexual revolution right after the pill became available. I was blonde, skinny, blue-eyed, and in college. Try anything today like I did in my dorm room with only the prettiest ladies and guaranteed, nowadays you will soon be dying of something unspeakable. Mind you, the hippies did not give up the ship alone.
           What followed was the most complacent three generations of the indolent and entitled America has ever seen. The welfare mothers, the self-infatuated queers, the snot-ring fembots, and the brainwashed TV addicts, to name a few. These are the ones who allowed the left to consolidate and wound up with Obama in charge.

           My music report includes videos and commentary you don’t see here. So forgive if I allude to things external. Elliott is one of two on the mailing list that cannot be expected to leave a compliment and for goodness’ sake, never utter a flattering word about yourself in his presence. The good news is even from them, the feedback contained no flak. You understand, criticism is necessary in this business, so they stay on the list. Some trusted sources are even privy to my budget details, though I remind folks my entire income is not on that budget. Just the items that need tending. The other is Bryne, but he’s more likely to notice all the trailer park girls are chubby.
           By way of explanation, these guys are both musicians. Bryne no longer gigs. Elliott has never made it to the working band stage and will lash out if you mention that. His critique is double-barreled. According to him, I am not only a third-rate, tone-deaf, flabby-armed wannabe who struggles along at the kindergarten equivalent of bass playing, I also have poor taste in women, bands, and pastimes. And no business sense whatsoever. Anyway, he predicted I’d wind up playing only terrible places. Mind you that was thirty years ago. I sent him a reply that if he and his band-mates make as far as the worst room I’ve ever played, it will be sitting in the audience. BWAAAa-ha-ha-ha.

           I invested $35 in a Hav-a-Hart, since the possums are not the first critters who found their way in. It’s a small cage, squirrel size, but since intended for indoor use, it will have to do. If it’s larger than that, I’ll get the pellet gun. The possums are hungry, so expect results. One thing I will never fully understand is lawyers who lie hoping it will stick. Rittenhouse is the teen who shot the thugs chasing him, the video has been seen by millions. Rittenhouse can be seen running away with several crazed Democrats running at him. It was clearly self-defense.
           Yet the prosecutor, named Binger, claims without a shred of evidence that Rittenhouse was chasing them. Again, I know it is a legal tactic, but I’ve never been a fan of lawyers not having to be under oath themselves as a precondition of being present.

Picture of the day.
Pacific red tide.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           I took the scooter for a five mile ride on this pleasant day, and discovered that copper wire has doubled in price. So I got enough for the lights and one outlet. I’ve worked with a lot less. A couple hours later, the job is done and it is done right. Two lights and I ran out of 14/2. Here is a picture of my current workmanship. Hopefully you can spot some differences from what I was doing not so long ago. The shed so far has cost only $193, of which $128 was lumber and tarpaper.
           The remainder of the shed has all come from leftover pieces and other materials around the yard. Except the electric, which I bought new and as a matching set. I put in six continuous hours today without effort. I add the electrical went smooth all the way and worked perfectly the first time. There are actually two circuits. One is the lighting, the other is the three two-gang outlets, for a planned total of 12 plugs.

           The hillbilly showed up and the doggies got the tip money treat, an extra half quarter of chicken each, service with rice made with chicken broth. Weird, both dogs prefer the broth. It you throw in any bones or pieces, they leave those until last. He’s getting ready to move soon so I know the doggies are going to miss the daily feasts. Remind me to have him help me move the planter up front where it is sunnier and easier to monitor.
           I took inventory of the food supply, it’s enough for two people for 40 days, with limitations. I also bought a metal tin so I can store rice. It’s not keepable in the plastic bags they sell it in. It’s funny some of these places that offer bulk survival food. Never buy it in large sizes. It is preferable to have six two-pound bags than one twelve. And the shed is now locked up. Soon as those outlets go in, it is ready for storage. The challenge of the day was my office sound system, one speaker would not work. Finally, I found a tiny piece of copper wire wedged inside one of the clips, a standard problem using stranded cable. Now I have surround sound again, just no good DVDs for the moment.
           Things went well enough I got some letter-writing done and the hillbilly seems to have raked up the whole yard. Kind of in return for feeding and dog-sitting while he’s been chasing around. The pets, as ever, took to me quickly and there is always the food. Tomorrow it is lamb and gravy. And extra half-helping each, thanks to the Greenwood Estates Trailer Park. The rice is made with chicken broth and I suspect it tastes like steak or something the way they prefer it.

           News from Tennessee, my dear mother-in-law fell and broke her hip. She had replacement surgery before any of us received the news. It takes nine months to recover, I heard. Thanks to the COVID idiots, we cannot go see her. It means, however, I could be on the road north at any time. No notice. Markie the club had a knee joint six weeks ago and reports it is still uncomfortable enough to bring him to a stop, and he’s only fifty-something.
           Further health watch for me. The last couple mornings I’ve woken up in a fog that took an hour to shake. Fortunately I don’t use power tools in the morning and I was really in a daze. Me, groggy, that does not compute. What do you think? Elliott would say it is the onset of early senility, and he should know. Let me think, the only change in regimen has been leaving the cholesterol program on September 28, allow two weeks for the last shot to purge, still, I have not had the tiniest complication with that.

           No panic, I have a four month coffee supply on hand if I ration it right. Another headache is the bank branch we use in Tennessee closed down because of some formula that no two could be closer than five miles. Two deposits went to the old address and have not shown up yet. The account is below $2,000, the danger limit. It is for emergencies and the rule of thumb is you should use cash, not credit, for emergencies. How much cash? Four and a half times as much as the last largest emergency cost. In our case, it was a vet bill.
           And late in the day, we hear that despite the Democrats best efforts at cheating, the Republican candidate was 230,000 votes ahead. However, the suitcase ballots have not yet been counted and the normal Democrat victory is usually by the now-familiar two or three thousand late-arriving mail-in ballots. The margin has already been narrowed to 132,000. More people have already voted in Virginia than are registered to vote there. This could backfire as it tells the Democrats what they need to do.

Last Laugh