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Tuesday, November 30, 2021

November 30, 2021

One year ago today: November 30, 2020, nothing to see here.
Five years ago today: November 30, 2016, shaving with an axe.
Nine years ago today: November 30, 2012, “motorcycle toe”.
Random years ago today: November 30, 2006, box companies suck.

           A quiet day and much appreciated. I went back to bed until it got balmy enough to give the doggies a good walk. The plan was to see what is needed to build up the fence around back, there is a spot the big dog can get over it. The phoniest crisis yet is this contrived “supply chain” crap, but the big players are going to shove it on us. Wal*mart is leaving shelves unstocked which seems so obvious. Can you imagine Wal*Mart pretending to be out of electric drills? And now we get the backlash of the Democrat free money gambit. Nobody wants to go work for $15 per hour any more when you are better of with half that on welfare.
           So now legendary American line-ups are even worse. A half-hour lineup at the post office with one clerk at the seven available wickets. Compounding the problem is employers hesitant to hire because mandatory employment benefits increase with higher wages. It seems many that would otherwise hire people have decided to wait this one out.

           You can never hate MicroSoft enough. Their already bastard-rat search feature went full retard with Win 7. And there is a way it will delete files when you move them. This time I lost a classic of Sammy running through the culvert. Since Sparkie is gone it is really tough to get him to do it, but he will if the Reb and I are at each end. So sad, but no classic pic of the year.
           A court ruling against the Biden vaccine mandates made a bitter impression today on the American people. You’d think they would be overyjoyed, and apparently so did the courts, but they poked themselves in the eye. They made the ruling for the worst possible reason, saying that there was “no evidence” the treatment was effective. Boo! They just proved what tools of the system them are. The ruling should have been because the mandates are un-Constitutional, period.

           That’s interesting, the government is pressing for a law that prevents on-line bots from buying up popular items and resellign them at a higher price. This practice is used a lot on game consoles and Xmas toys. Apparently buy-low and sell-high is okay for them but not for you. The law may still allow them to buy but not to sell. That could have consequences.
           Ha, Australians are escaping from the supposedly airtight quarantine camps. The government thugs called police are forced into massive manhunts, including roadblocks and patrols. Australia is creating its own whole new generation of revolutionary leaders.

           I watched a documentary on the ESA, the European Space Agency. Ha, the won’t admit it but they started by trying to copy German V-2 technology. They discovered they don’t have the brain-power, but they did have government funding. They started copying American technology and you can see it in their really only successful rocket, the Ariane. Yep, it is a French word, the headquarters are in France, an the launches are from French Guiana, a part of the world the French only recently closed their penal colonies.
           One thing I admire is the simplicity of their launch system, and that results in pretty spectacular reliability. My opinion is the rockets are reliable because they hand-built and the control systems are from Germany, along with the rocket nozzles and combustion chamber—the parts that change it from a dumb pipe into a tool. They are all two stage rockets in the American style of the first stage being a big tank with strap-on solid state boosters. The launches are great to watch, as they reach altitude very quickly. Defining space as 60 miles up, they get there in around two minutes. One item missing is the NASA-style banks of controll technicians, as the Ariane rockets have pre-programmed autonomous control. They have better exhaust flumes as well, the ducts that keep smoke away from the launch pad.
           The part I would have worked on so long ago is those boosters. They are a tube filled with aluminum alloys in rubber goop. They don’t burn from one end like fireworks, but have a tube down the middle with an igniter at the top. If you could see it, the burn “erodes” away this fuel out to the metal shell.
Picture of the day.
Shipping container pool.
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           Cancel the afternoon due to bad traffic, more long line-ups, and how it gets dark so damn early this time of year. No report for this afternoon except my blog readership has dropped to another historic low. It’s a good thing nothing is based on that, certainly not my income. And I have enough followers in real life, I don’t need any of the kind on Twitter or Gab or whatever.
           Well goodbye November 2021. Nobody should suspect nothing happened just because it was an unusully quiet day. I still practiced my harmonies, worke out a bass line and bass accompaniment to “Tennessee Whiskey”, baked a small chocolate cake, measured and moved the fence pieces, and read a chapter on the nuclear reactor installed on the Nautilus, the first air-conditioned submarine. Most else I know of that boat I read in longest book I’ve read entirely in Spanish in my life.

           It reminds me of Ken Sanchuk, the meat boy who still owes me $1,600. Like the French, Spanish takes too long to say things. Thus, Sanchuk has a theory that is why the French lost all their wars. While the French general was saying, “Montez vous les horses and drawez vous les swords!”, the German general just said, “Fire!”.
  is having a problem. Leftists who hate free speech have been using bots to post porno pics, often targetting the owner. I’ve seen them, and so far except for the ugly housewife pics, they are mostly fairly good-looking naked women. Let’s see who wins that game. Another sign of impending failure of the leftists is the growing pushback. A troop of Arizona students demanded Rittenhouse not be allowe to attend, but next day another group supported his right to be there. A year ago, that sort of resistance was not in the cards. I remind you the liberals are on the attack and have outrun their supplies. They can’t understand by everybody has not given up.

           In another government backfire, the jurisdictions who raised minimum wages to outrageous levels have compounded their own labor shortages. It’s simple, why should a person who went to school for four years to make $18 per hour bust his ass when he can go laze around Wal*Mart for $2 per hour less? Applicants are reporting that companies won’t discuss salaries during job interviews. People who were expecting a raise are being told the wage increase was their raise. And there is the problem of people who worked years to get up to $16 per hour now seeing newcomers starting at $15.
           The student loan people are griping again. They borrowed money for non-careers and are not strapped. Let’s hope they never organize and declare mass bankruptcy Mind you, I would like to see that because of the effect it would have on all these mostly useless colleges and universities that charge such outrageous prices.

           How about that Biden appearance in Minnesota, the police outnumbering the crowd. And a vociferous crowd. Hey Joe, what is with the fifty-van motorcade? Before the Democrats came along, US politicians could travel without an armed escort. And how about the Israeli law that says people who want access to porno sites must ask for permission, are you ready for this, in public. Not that effective in a population that has no shame, but think of what such a law would mean to the millennials of America.

           Biden needs a small army to protect him crossing the street. Contrast with this photo of Donald Trump walking unarmed and alone into the most politically charged place in Communist China.
           The Salvation Army just sho themselves in the foot. Twice. They first made statements that white people, their biggest donors, should apologize for being white. Then issued a lame non-apology. That’s not the Salvation Army I remember as a child, when they actually helped people. Other than the odd thrift store, I don’t see them much in evidence any more. TMOR, this charity told white donors this year they must do more than drop money in the kettle. They are to atone for white supremacy and a white dominated culture, as well as brutal racism.
           That’s biting the hand that feeds you.

Last Laugh