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Wednesday, December 1, 2021

December 1, 2021

One year ago today: December 1, 2020, I learned to dislike Zoom.
Five years ago today: December 1, 2016, I watched “Moll Flanders”.
Nine years ago today: December 1, 2012, don’t pay, “top up”.
Random years ago today: December 1, 2003, the demise of Denny’s coffee.

           Handshakes all ‘round, I worked a full day again without a hitch. That also means it’s the high point of the day, so that’s what’s on the menu. Biden made the news agains signing official documents that he had no idea containing what. Reminds me of Caligula. Another day just warm enough to take the dogs on an extended morning stroll and then change the thermostat on the van. I do believe the explanation is I mixed up and put the old one back in place. We still have a radiator leak when the engine is running, so i’m contemplating replacing it myself. If I get another year out of this van, I’ll break even. I was hoping to do better, but break even is cool.
           On the doggie walk, we found a pile of curbsided 2x4s, some of them 12-footers. That solves the problem with the doggie fence around back. It took nearly an hour to load up the lumber, drive it back, and throw it over the fence. Some of the pieces had as many as 40 bent nails. Whatever it once was, some buy with apneumatic hammer went nuts.

           Not knowing how long I’d be, I left the dogs at home and went chasing around. Tennessee is different than Florida in that I guess around here I don’t look like I’ve got money in the bank. Who knows, but the bank clerk and I got to talking as he is also an avid van camper. I did not know that Cracker Barrel allows boondocking But I have had some complainta about the declining safety and the sort of people who have been semi-permanently living at Wal”Mart. He further reports that most Cracker Barrels are near enough a Wal*Mart. I did not know that. Unlike Wal*Mart, he says you will likely be in the parking lot alone but Cracker Barrel has better security cameras.
           I drove 2/3 of the way into Nashville to buy a battery drill. I did not want to spend $94 for what was left on the shelf at Wal*Mart. I spent $27 for some off-beat brand, “Master”, an 18V unit. All tools are nice when they are new, but this turned out to be dandy and powerful. Next I got more banking done, and skipped stopping for coffee because it looked like rain. I know, folks, sooner or later, if you live long enough, things like this are a fun day. Besides, if you want to hear about other kinds of fun, this is not the blog.

           The space program has always been on my watch list, so I notice when NASA screws up. I was always against allowing them to recruit women into the crews. Not because they were women, but because women cost to much for this type off work and NASA allows the women to self-assess. That program has never worked, remember the Bio-Sphere? That’s where eight people were supposed to live in a closed environment for two years? It was a failure blamed on just about everything except the people. That is the one report missing from all the findings, but we are aware a couple to the women went bonkers.
           NASA went down the same path and wound up with a half dozen neurotic lesbian types. You can look it up yourself, but remember Sally Ride? As soon as she thought her name was known well enough, she quit the progam and be came a writeof homosexual books for llittle girls How about the woman that refused to put her spacesuit for a scheduled walk because it made her look fat. Well, now Russia may sue because another crazy NASA woman drilled a hole in the side of the space station.
           That’s correct. The cover story is she had a leg embolism but rumor is she punctured the hull to force a ride back to Earth because her boyfriend on the space station had just ditched her. Given NASA’s lamentable history on these women, I know which version I’m inclined to believe.

Picture of the day.
$1 million drone.
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           Foolishly I thought I’d make a coffee and relax for the afternoon. But the dogs needed outdoor time, so I was out there another three hours raising fence heights. The deer will either have to clear a five-foot rail, or avoid the yard. The big dog will bite when threatened and he is too old to break that instinct. I’m happy with an 8-hr day, but I don’t know if that’s what I should be doing. I might be burning my candle at both ends, as they say? She calls this the redneck fence, I prefer the term character fence. The goal is to stop the dog from jumping it, but not the local deer.
           Which is why I spent the rest of the afternoon working on the dog fence and thinking about how to tighten up my own financial system. To me it seems like so many are putting on blinders about the upcoming inflation. One bad habit I’ve fallen into is refering to sums in round numbers, especially with the Reb, sometimes rounding off numbers to the nearest thousand dollars. For example, I’m still looking for an investment for the $2,000 I received in stimulus money. Yes, the same one so many people had to use to pay their bills. I've still got mine in the bank, and it serves the others right foreven getting mixed up with time payments.

           That's a round number, not the $1866.75 fee. Somehow that got rounded down to "eighteen hundred" which left our main bank accounte below the minimum balance to avoid bank fees. We will attempt to put a stop to that by using e-mails. For example, most business accounts that don't charge a fee have a nasty practice. They take the fee out anyway at midnight, then reverse it, a scam called "waiving" the fee. In reality, they are checkin to see if they can force the balance just under the minimum, for if they get that fee just once per year, they've made money off you.

           A year later, I am of the same opinion that you may be able to get a job without knowing computers, but running a business makes it a requirement. Even if you avoid computers, there are still so many support and info sites that are only available on-line. This gets mentioned because it restricts my selection of people I would like to have on board, but they lack the skills. I reflected on the previous two ventures, the foreign exhange software and the publishing. The foreign exchange was too hokey, the promised training was not on how to win at the exchanges game, but how to recruit new people.
           And the publishing is still on hold for one really half-idiotic reason. It turned out to be far more complicated than even the people who were pushing it realized. Additionally, they made a host of assumptions such as yourtrusted Google, used Win 10, and had zero security. In other words, you had to be as careless, unsuspecting, and vulnerable as the crowd they run with. I am amazed by how often I meet so-called power users that know nothing about protecting themselves.

Last Laugh