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Sunday, November 7, 2021

November 7, 2021

One year ago today: November 7, 2020, another perfect day.
Five years ago today: November 7, 2016, I formed my opinion.
Nine years ago today: November 7, 2012, noting ammo prices.
Random years ago today: November 7, 2019, cooped up all day.

           As little but shed work happened today, let’s take a look at the rest of the world. The leftoid media is stumbling over themselves plugging the 10% of the Democrat bill that will actually be used for infrastructure while the other 90% goes to pay back their donors. This big view made possible by the American invention of the Internet, of which a couple or three foreigners did contribute a few popularizing usage applications some thirty years down the line. The shed still is important, and I’ve decided to try reinforcing the roof with a new rafter, so like the workshed, it becomes a solid one-foot on center, enough to survive most falling tree limbs. I’ll pay the hillbilly twenty bucks for some help. Speaking of that, it is 6:00AM, so let me put on the chicken to boil.
           It’s Sunday, when the term “dog’s breakfast” can take on a whole new dimension around here. These are dollar store eggs, but they can’t tell. In a few seconds, there will be an added helping of shredded Mexican cheese. The hillbilly is moving next Wednesday and I’m going to miss those doggies, Cash and Hot Girl. The female is a fraidy-cat, something plainly scared her when young and she runs in terror you walk toward her with anything in your hand that resembles a gun. Otherwise, she’s a sweetheart.

           I watched another two episodes of “Human Footprint” and by number 5 (of 10) it is blatantly anti-white. Even suggesting we should take fewer showers. Because somebody in the Sudan doesn’t have enough to drink. Yeah, nor have they ever developed any well drilling technology, either, yet claim to be where mankind originated. If you can’t get a head start on these things by 10,000 BC, don’t come whining to America in the 2000s. The point is this series represents a globalist view that seeks to relegate whites to subservient roles as efficient producers who must be prevented from consuming those goods.
           More news from Trump. The Democrats used their usual trickery to pass an unpopular bill and Trump said it will cost them 30 seats. I like anything that forces liberals out into the open, those people do not like exposure that they cannot control. Too much of their method involves presenting the illusion everybody is supporting them and you should follow along—a tactic that is losing ground due to the Internet and the bad chemistry of stock media, thanks to Trump.

           What a pity about the eight dead at the concert in Houston, the only thing worse was probably the music. Sorry, I have been an opponent of the “concert culture” since I was 16. These mass events are a product of the recording industry and mostly fueled by the early success of “live albums”. I’m proud to say that I’ve never owned a “live” or “in concert” album. Too many attendees are there for the party rather than the music, which I don’t think is right. I’ll repeat, live music should be performed in smaller venues so the musician actually puts in his forty hours per week playing instead of planning.
           What about logisitics? Listen, if he’s that famous, he’ll make enough money to pay for any help he needs. You know as well as any that to work a forty hour week, you are occupied at least fifty hours. You have to get up early, dress, shave, get there, and fight the rush hour both ways. Unless you are on Joe Biden welfare, those extra unpaid hours are part of the job. No wonder people love working from home. Anyway, you know exactly what I’m saying—and playing most smaller venues, like a town hall or school gymnasium, would solve the piracy problems.

           Things I don’t like about the infrastructure bill:
           • mass subsidies and grants for public transit in Democrat cities. Why should I pay for others to ride? That’s $39 billion for buses and trains most of us will never see.
           • $66 billion for Amtrak, who already tripled their prices and turned to lousy service. While I would not neglect them, $5 billion is reasonable—if they run a service across the southern USA.
           • Electric vehicles, that’s an entire industry best financed by private money.
           • Internet access for people who live in the boonies. They moved there, let them pay for their own services. Same goes for “tribal communities” as if the Indians don’t get enough free shit to start with.
           • Electric grids & airports. Same. Private industries. America has been rich enough for decades that regulated monopolies don’t need any taxpayer money.

           This is to be paid for by extra taxes on us all and by manipulating other budget items. Some States, for example, refused the “unemployment package” where the Bidenistas were paying people not to work. That money should still be reserved for the States, who are really just getting their own money back. All of the above, total only around $250 billion of the trillion-dollar bill. The rest is pork barrel. Like many, I am an isolationist. I don’t mind paying for national defense, but to hell with policing the world. They apparently do not have the DNA to grasp freedom, democracy, equality, literacy, or for that matter, responsibility—unless they become something they are not. Nobody say “white” because apparently, truth or not, that is “racist”.

           Meanwhile, in the great black nation of South Africa, freed from the bondage of white minority rule, poverty has increased to 63% of the entire population I viewed a headline saying black students were selling their schools WiFi passwords for lunch money. Typical. You’d think these folks had learned by now that they can never successfully conduct their own affairs affairs. Nobody knows why not, but at least before they all had jobs. Bad jobs are better than no jobs, sometimes.
           To give you a better idea of the mentality of US welfare recipients, there are already complaints from Democrat cities, where the bulk of the populace is on welfare (government jobs are welfare) are complaining that the things the infrastructure bill does fix are for “white people only”. Maybe they think their food arrives by dugout canoe? This could be the last thing Biden is able to pull of of any significance. The left has sunk themselves to a new low. I would note that none of this would have even got my attention or become bloggable if not for Donald Trump. He’s the one who “politicized” this blog, but that’s not entirely accurate because I have always been anti-liberal, not for nor against any particular party.

Picture of the day.
Satellite of West Branch Feather River Bridge.
(Highest RR bridge in the USA.)
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           To those who think Sweden is so wonderful, well first you have to ignore their rape epidemic. The men over there cannot protect their own women against Muslim rapists, who have been on a rampage for years. Some private citizen designed an app that made sense of the school boards nightmarishly complex website. The authorities sent the police to arrest them. The charge? Accessing student’s “private information” that was already available through leaked sources and Google searches. Sweden, they sure f*cked themselves up in a hurry.
           The CEO of Pfizer has been arrested for fraud. He lied about the vaccines and if convicted, faces life in prison. However, in America, rich people do not go to jail. As for me, my biggest concern is learning the list from last rehearsal. You see, some of the tunes are not on the master list and others are demanding to play. That last item is important when you get people who comp. Too often it means half learning a complicated tune at the expense of five or six others that they already don’t play so hot. But this does fit my formula of two band members learning the material right and letting the others catch up as best they can.

           The thought crossed my mind about the lead player, if he can no longer be there. If replacing him is anything near as difficult as finding a rhythm player has been for me, I would vote we just go ahead without him until some guitarist shows up ready to play our list without being asked. However, this old-fashioned band is firmly convinced of the need for a fixed number of members. By now, you’ve figured out the picture is the doggies at the door. They know the aroma of morning cooking. Fast learners. This is likely the longest stretch they have ever eaten people food.

           From JimmyR, 43% of white students who get into Harvard are ALDC. That’s short for athletes, legacies, dean’s list, or children of staff members. That’s not great news for these schools where the degree is worth more by reputation than preparation. There are few things more than self-loving millennial web pages, and JimmyR is solidly in there. The guy gives away his failings, however, by which statistics he fails to meet. . And today he quoted a study that “proves” that listening to music while you study is distracting and gives you lower marks. So that’s why he never got into Harvard, plain as the nose on your face.
           Hidden way down here at the bottom is news of my sleep attack. Yep, I flaked out for 14.5 hours but that is not as bad as it seems. I’ve done this before when I was young and healthy so there is not saying it was related to my recent change of work hours. Significantly, I got up this morning ready to get back up that ladder. Please, please let this be a break, a quantum leap in what has been an otherwise slow recovery.

Last Laugh