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Monday, November 8, 2021

November 8, 2021

One year ago today: November 8, 2020, another perfect day.
Five years ago today: November 8, 2016, a financial invasion.
Nine years ago today: November 8, 2012, Florida 2-for-1 parking.
Random years ago today: November 8, 1982, I miss 1982 . . .

           This is the new shed roof. The difference you are looking at is the rafters are now one foot on center. Same as the work shed. This time, it was accomplished by lifting the front row of plywood sheets up on the roof and sliding a board through the slot, then pulling it back into place. Why would another shed event get top billing? I’ll answer that.
           This is Florida, so when you start working on a roof, keep going until it is finished no matter what. A number of factors made this job take a lot longer than planned. Like I had forgotten to lift the plywood, the tarpaper had to be removed to access the screws. Each of the five pieces was slipped between an existing rafter and super fastened in place. As shown the thin roofing plywood is actually quite strong now. I was not sure the process would work, so that took more time. The hillbilly showed up and for a super breakfast of eggs, toast, pancakes, and sausage, he helped me get materials up on the roof.

           Turns out he can’t use a measuring tape, or I should say he can but it takes him forever and he overthinks the situation. I finally cut him a template block and the result is what you see here. Total work was nearly five hours. There is a double layer of roofing felt up there to insure waterproofness, because I want to store musical equipment. I still have not gotten to the point of today’s shed talk, which you are dying to read, I can tell, here goes.
           Because roof work has a deadline, you must not only finish in one session, but also move as rapidly as possible. Sunny to rainstorm can happen in five minutes. So the good news is I pushed myself for all four hours and guess what? I’m not tired, not even weary. I’ve not been able to exert myself more than a few minutes per day since 2003. What’s more, I did not have to go all out. Just to a level I never thought I’d achieve again in my life. II’m not walking on air yet, let’s see how I move around tomorrow. Still, this kind of sustained work was once an impossibility for me.

Picture of the day.
WinStar Farm, Kentucky.
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           Next, I gave the hillbilly twenty bucks to rake the yard. That part does make me lazy, so I start raking too little to late and never really get ahead of it. He’s got the incinerator going, you can tell by the wonderful aroma. Most of the deadfall in the yard is oak and camphor. I should go out there and give him a hand, maybe later, I mean. The news feed sent me to Poland, where illegal immigrants were stopped cold by a solid barrier of police. Once again, no women or children in these groups, just military age men. This type of mass movement doesn’t mix well with European or American stances on freedom. You want it, you fight for on your own soil, like we did in 1776. We didn’t run away, which is what it looks like to us.
           Mind you, I might agree with training them and arming them to the extent they could revolt, but that’s been tried. Without a culture and history of Europen freedoms, they just become the next dictatorship. It’s in their DNA not to fight for freedom, but to become the next dictatorship. It’s so universal most people I know say it is a given.
           Here is a view of one wood pile, there were four like this, chest high. These are the pieces that did not make it into the incinerator, shown on the far right even with the squirrel cage (blower) on full blast, each half-woodpile required nearly three hours to reduce to ashes. The logs are not cut for easy lifting and also up in smoke is another estimated 200+ pounds of yard rakings. I finally have a back yard again, almost. Return tomorrow and I promise a picture, so you can decide.

           Now the lid flies off the Rittenhouse trial as the star witness admits he advanced on Kyle while pointing a gun at him. The significance here is that all of this would have been known to the prosecution during the discovery, yet they still tried to stick him with a murder charge. That is total legal corruption, they were too blatantly doing what they were told. All of them should be disbarred. The millions of us who saw the original footage knew it was self-defense. But the leftists are shooting for gun control and tried to pull a fast one. Another brick in their wall crumbles. And Rittenhouse becomes a hero and a millionaire. However, always consider the fact that the Democrats may not dare let him go.
           Next, we have a report that Newsome, the California Governor, has been laid low by a COVID vaccine complication. And it is serious enough that he has dropped out of sight. If he dies, you can forget about forced vaccination in America. I’m surprised the Democrats even let the story out. While aides say Newsome is fine, he has not been seen in public for nearly two weeks. When you get knocked flat on your ass for 14 days, don’t try telling me it is the flu.

           Blog rules, I must report anything outstanding. Fine. Today I grabbed a shirt off the rack. Do you know how sometimes if you leave laundry out too long, it gets an aroma? A couple hours is fine, it just gets ripe. Half the room must have thought I was being standoffish To redeem my space publicly, I put on a double ration of goodies for the doggies tomorrow. Includes boiled chicken, broth, rice, and chicken bones. Nonsense that dogs can’t eat chicken on the hoof.

Last Laugh