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Tuesday, November 9, 2021

November 9, 2021

One year ago today: November 9, 2020, Sparkie is dying . . .
Five years ago today: November 9, 2016, sore losers.
Nine years ago today: November 9, 2012, some advice on bass.
Random years ago today: November 9, 1982, there was no “direct deposit”.

           Nothing of note today except the final settlement of the motorcycle collision of September 2017. I got less than a half of my true damages but it as plain they were in an argumentative mood. They’d already stalled for two years so I conclude there is something up at their end. Another factor was the danger of rapid inflation, many commodities I buy have already tripled in price and there is not way I’d get triple the money out of those hardnose bastards. From the way they act, you’d think it was their own money.
           This 216 mile trip was the test run for the van. It did not do well. That misfiring piston is acting up more, but there is a chance I can squirrel it out myself, as it is located near the only open area under the hood. Also, that radiator is still got a pinhole leak, so I’ll get that looked at tomorrow. Other people have received the huge property tax increase, but at least it is not as bad as Tennessee two years ago. What happens in a down economy, they spread the cost over fewer households, where my opinion is they should lay off staff to match the reduced workload. If only.

           Here’s your morning picture of Lady Girl. The Reb does not care for Hot Girl so let’s see if the doggy doesn’t mind. She sure is okay with the double helping she’s been getting lately. The only other activity this morning was buying the MDF for the shed shelving. I can’t wait for the pallet lumber and technically, the entire shed is just a cover for that important shelving. Also, I’ve decided to continue with the interior, since making the walls one-foot on center is now easier accomplished by removing the tarpaper.

Picture of the day.
Williamette Valley, Oregon.
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           Taking the van to the shop did not result in any good news. There is a gasket leak, which means another quick fix treatment. That in turn clogs bits of the radiator, which I will not touch until the gasket is fixed. That may not happen due to high shop rates, now exceeding $100 per hour. I’ll get the hillbilly to change that spark plug and see how that goes, but it means taking the van back to Tennessee is a real risk. I don’t think I could chance taking the dog with me.
           I would like to replace the van in Tennessee, not here. I took a chance on this older vehicle and it did not work out. If I include taxes, that van has cost me $4,500 in less than a year. The bright side is I learned to like the concept, and unlike this time last year, I have the money for a good van.

           Not much else for you today, so here is a video of the doggies at the front door in the morning. You get to see the most weather-beaten side of the cabin, with all the peeling paint. Parson called and we have a potential booking on January 7. Now I really need to be in a working band. Not that there is any connection but all those world-class athletes collapsing on the playing fields and having heart attacks have all been vaccinated. You cannot fix stupid.

Last Laugh