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Tuesday, December 28, 2021

December 28, 2021

One year ago today: December 28, 2020, they can’t use a pencil.
Five years ago today: December 28, 2016, converted – at knifepoint.
Nine years ago today: December 28, 2012, sigh, my bicycle days.
Random years ago today: December 28, 2014, beware the membership fee!

           My helper didn’t show, so I set to work and before you knew it, an 8-hour day. It was heavy duty for me, that concrete block in the end had to be dug out and then down, and raised in stages to make the deck flush. Fun. This picture is one of the cable spools, look how nice the wood in the center turned out with just a coat of undiluted linseed oil. That is nice, now to figure out something for it. I was downtown buying lumber first thing and spent $200 in a wink. Hardware is also out of sight, bolts that used to be a dollar a box are now a dollar each.
           I’m shovel tired today, but the work was my choice. Not so over at DoorDash where some crackpot came up with the idea everybody has to deliver, including the engineers and CEO. This is a holdover from the 1980s “Japanese” model, which has been completely debunked. The concept that every employee should be exposed to what the company does for money is bogus. It’s an excuse to have the accountant sweep the floor when it isn’t busy.

           How about these wandering planets? Observatories recently discover 70, but that raises a question. If it is not orbiting a star, is it definitionally a planet? I would find a better word, but engineers and scientists are not so great at new and descriptive terms. These discoveries are not direct, but a study of the gravitational wobbles they cause in other bodies they pass by. And I remain in stark disbelief that outfits like still have to, in this day and age, tell users not to store their passwords on-line.
           Yep, I learned a lot building that ROM science fair kit in 2015. Anyone can look up gate diagrams, but the working model gave me insight into how those gates make electricity behave. Vienna University has come up with a way to control the transistors on demand. I had speculated about replacing the diodes I used with transistors to make RAM, but this only changes the patterns of response. Vienna proposes altering the transistor behavior. I am only aware of two transistor function, that is, amplification or switching. If you are new here, I did not buy the kit just mentioned, I designed it and built it hoping to sell it to science fair contestants.

Picture of the day.
English “black zinc” roofing tiles.
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           I warned you how the tactics of the far left would give rise to every more radical counterparts on the right. Maybe we have one. A loudmouth gaining prominence is Paul Gosar. He makes the blog not because of his politics, but the politics of the far left when they are confronted with something that scares them. Gosar is just a vote-grabber, promising impossible things and dwelling on deportations and moratoriums and pro-life issues. But the left goes wild and we know what that means. The left points out he is not an insider just like Trump. (Gosar was a dentist.)
           We get the usual narrative, that Gosar is linked to the neo-Nazis, makes violent cartoons, and uses words like “drugs”, “trafficking”, and “crime” when describing non-white groups. That cartoon is interesting in that I can’t find it. Gosar kills Cortez with a sword, though by left-wing definition, that still makes the video “mostly peaceful”. The problem for the Democrats is not his talking points, they’ve got a thousand shallow-ass comebacks for that.
But Gosar is an America First candidate meaning he will attract votes.You see, not only will the Republicans field thousands of new poll watchers, the Democrats did not update their cheating methods. They thought they could buffalo America into compliance and possibly thought it was not necessary to learn new tricks Now they will have to overcome that surge in Trump-friendly votes by methods known to their opponents.

           Here’s what $200 worth of lumber and some hardware looks like these days. I calculated the 4x4 posts are half the price of framing the porch with 2x4s. The hillbilly showed up at dusk, but too late to finish the deck. In a spot of good news, the Webb telescope has successfully completed the initial set of system checks, we are waiting to for the telescope panels to begin unfolding. It has to be flawless as the spacecraft is already heading away from any possible assistance from Earth.
           If all goes well, in around another week, the panels should begin to unfold, a process expected to take six days. You want to know the funny part to me? It is that Archimedes would recognize all the hardware. It’s 400 pulleys, 70 hinges, and around 100 each of cables and latches. There is a mock deployment at JWST.

           Isn’t that something, the aborigines in Australia set fire to a government building. Apparently they were barred from entering but under law, all government offices are supposed to be open. That dictator they got themselves loves to use the word “engage” for forced vaccinations and has had to resort to “foreign” military and police, though nobody is saying where from. They were going door to door “engaging” the aborigines with forced vaccines. May they all hang by the tongue. This should include every policeman, public official, and doctor who use th excuse they were only following orders. They know those orders to be both wrong and evil, and yes, they should have quit their jobs rather than comply.

Last Laugh