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Monday, December 27, 2021

December 27, 2021

One year ago today: December 27, 2020, it isn’t the same.
Five years ago today: December 27, 2016, another too-hot day.
Nine years ago today: December 27, 2012, I flip-flop on flip-flops.
Random years ago today: December 27, 2015, spent $17.

           A mixup in signals means we have a website set up before we have the underlying systems in place. Then I got to thinking, isn’t that how most millennials do business anyway? It reminded me of the mass confusion when websites were new, we had people in our shop by the dozens. They’d buy something and were not told that it just sits there unless you start making monthly payments on things you can’t buy outright—and the sellers don’t accept cash. It was the beginning of electronic surveillance under the guise of security. And I discovered web page coders are no smarter now than twenty years ago, judging by a ton of the same mistakes. The self-serving JimmyR site quotes that “a third” of coders say smoking weed enhances their performance.
           This great pose of Chooksie gets a repeat, since he wound up on the site as “Your Representative”. The instructions were so unclear his caption is my secret Admin username. Way to go, Tyler.
           It’s done and we’ve decided to register a new entity rather than piggyback of anything existing. Excuse my yawning, this was a six hour process beginning at 4:00AM. The good thing is the hard part is done. A few things still went wrong but I was able to locate files and information almost instantly. It turns out there are five document needed, rather than the three stated in the course. I’ve selected a notary and have the short list ready to go as soon as we get an LLC registered. That’s all that happened this morning.

           What’s more, I find it encouraging. The people that set up the procedures are more helpful than you’d expect, which is nice. Still, most of the links at their resource site are bogged down with people who call for everything, where I have called just twice, and both times asked if the solution I had come up with on my own was correct. Tips them off that I at least tried. We’ll plow ahead because at this entry level it is a mess of incompetent people who need spoon-feeding. I’ve been around enough to know which things can be worked out later. What’s more, I’m prepared to fail and to wait months before any return. The general nature of things tells us that is not the prevailing attitude over at the office.
           My news feed brought up the strange MIT Tech Review link, always a place to feel good about yourself after reading the truly sick articles those leftist fanatics come up with. They are the site with triple the IQ, demonstrating they can be just as thick-headed. The entertaining part is how they unsuspectingly post studies that make excuses for themselves. “Latest Bulgarian study proves pot-smoking chronic fappers make the best lovers even if they are totally gay.”
           No new info on the Webb telescope, though for a moment on Saturday, the search category of “Science”, normally one of the lowest criteria on-line, briefly edged out self-improvement as the fourth lowest category in the top twenty.

Picture of the day.
Now that’s a cookie.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           The hillbilly was on the doorstep when I got back. I’ve hired him to get over here tomorrow to put up that ledger for the laundry deck. This is first notice of another doggie, one that has had a litter and according to the hillbilly and girlfriend, needs “more rescuing” than Lady Girl. I said talk about it tomorrow, as Cash has gone wild around me. Maybe he thinks it is feeding time. The plan is to get the heavy work done which will go easier because an hour ago I found $176 in the coffee drawer I must have forgotten about.
           That probably means we’ll get the washer soon, but the van is acting up again. Did I mention the sensor bypass kit? It isn’t really a bypass, rather a dummy device the same size and shape as the sensor that emits a signal saying everything is okay. I suspect the sensor because the misfire only happens at one steady speed. This photo shows the fake sensor, but I know it doesn’t look like that. It got dark on me again so I made up a list of materials still needed for the deck and took the evening off.

           At which point the band called to confirm the New Year’s gig, which was a wide idea because I had two addresses backwards. This will be at the same club we played before, eight to midnight, and this time we have a conga line tune. It’s a surprise I guess, since last time they mucked up the two-chord “Party Till The Money Runs Out”, if you can imagine that. What I mean is a surprise this band learns anything new. The lead player has not learned even one of my tunes and the deal was if they want me to sing, they play my material. This is not obstinacy, but a reflection on the difficulty of playing real bass and singing at the same time. Let me play lousy bass and I’ll sing all you want.
           Then an hour going over some more Georgia lists. I’m getting better at weeding out the bad ones. Take the case of Jack Morris. I’m terrible with names but good with patterns, and there’s Jack, appears four time in 23 pages of lists. A quick Spokeo and it’s the same guy, so leave something like that alone until you have time to get the story, or as the case may be, the tales from the trailer court. Trivia, typing that phrase is what, 28 keystrokes? I type it every time I log onto this block, check the comments and email, and every time the blog needs attention.

           So I’ve typed that phrase an estimated minimum of twelve times per day (I do not allow remember me settings) so that’s at least 74,112 instances. It could be twice that as the blog is normally done in two phases, the creation and the next day posting. The phrase is 28 key-presses long, so just typing the blog title has required 2,015,136 actions. And that’s why this blog has staying power. The decline in readership continues but is never a concern. So that you know, it is down to 10% of peak and 31% of average.
           Daily readership is a core group so a monthly average is the better indicator. And my best month ever remains November 2013, when we almost went viral. Let me check the rule book to see if I can post that number. Ooooh, I ‘m not really supposed to for another two years, so I’ll give you half a statistic, kind of a partial score. In that month views averaged 12,217. What you don’t know is the actual time period, but that, my friends, is blog-wise for a non-sponsored work, a spectacular total.

           Another expected development with doctors. Expected because the Trump Tsunami is headed this way. The liberals, to stand any chance, will have to cheat like they’ve never cheated before. This time, they will have to do it in the open, and ever more of their traditional arse-kissers are starting to hedge their bets. More are coming forward mainly as damage control. They see what is coming so this is not to be confused with any real regret or remorse on their side. Examples are sheriffs in Utah and Arizona slowly ceasing to oppose election audits, but without saying there was any fraud. Or politicians who don’t vote along party lines but pointedly denying they were wrong.
           Now, we’re getting a stream of doctors and hospitals saying they only complied because they were afraid to lose their accreditations. Sorry, you did the crime and you took the money. Crime? Yes, it is undeniable the vaccine is a death shot. Fully vaccinated groups have 100 times the rate of heart conditions and the death rate of same is a carefully guarded secret.

Last Laugh