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Tuesday, January 11, 2022

January 11, 2022

One year ago today: January 11, 2021, back in 70ºF.
Five years ago today: January 11, 2017, my last ham, ever.
Nine years ago today: January 11, 2013, 12 slices per loaf.
Random years ago today: January 11, 2018, guitarists are not fast learners.

           I processed an entire Georgia county down to the short list in only three hours this morning. I guess I’ve nailed that. Time to move on, plus I know the drill well enough to hire somebody to do it once a couple of claims are processed. It was a chilly night but a hearty breakfast of mainly spuds got me going. I used the last of my mystery spice and the formula is lost because I did not write it down. Every so often I take slow moving spices off my rack and mix them all together for when I’m baking chicken. Within reason, I mean, and I had a good one. I vaguely remember there was paprika, curry, ginger, and some green powdery leafy bits. Now, this treasure is lost to the ages.
           China announces they’ve achieved a sustained fusion reaction which I say wait and see. The problem remains the same as sixty years ago, how to contain the matter and energy. I learned at age eight it had to be inside a powerful magnetic field, like the Sun. A man in Maryland has received a genetically modified pig heart, bit of a first. Heart transplants in the USA occur around 4,000 times per year, limited by available donors. This one interests me because the major complication is rejection. Will genetic modification fix this? If so, I intend to live to be 125.

           Another huge flock of robins has again decided my yard is the ideal stopover. Here they are crowding the birdbath. Sadly they are migrating and don’t stick around. I can’t help but think they somehow know this location. This was similar size as last year, roughly 200 – 300 that I can detect. There is no classifier for robins, so this could be a fleet, flight, flock, parcel, pod, or volery. All were adults, the breeding season isn’t here yet. I have none of the food they eat, but I made sure the bath was full of clean and fresh water.

           I got surprised and told off this morning. The mechanic who has been working on the van told me not to come back. Huh? That’s what I thought. I’ve always paid cash, never haggled the price, and recommended him often. I did notice he tended to repair to spec where I wanted a repair that would last a year at most. This was never a conflict, but it turns out he did not care for my habit of getting second opinions. It did not matter that every time I did, I returned to his shop for the work except where he could not get parts. There’s nothing more to say.
           It wasn’t my day. The new tires for the scooter exceed the value of the scooter. Such is the need for secondary transportation, I will pay it. Even with the carburetor repaired as best as can be, the unit still gets over 60 mpg and that pays for itself in no time. Where’s the hillbilly to help me load the unit in the van tomorrow? I’m going to build my own ramp from 4x4s some day soon.

Picture of the day.
Baltimore welfare housing.
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           A couple 2x4s set me back nearly $20 and guess who I bumped into. Remember Mack, the guitar player who does not want to play in a band? His wife recognized me over in Winter Haven, where he now lives. He grew a beard and looks like Dick van Dyke, for those of you who remember that yahoo. Mary Tyler Moore’s husband. He’s selling his house in Mulberry and moving in with his brother. I heard his brother had fixed up his garage, I just learned now the garage was nearly three times the size of the house.
           The results of the county search this morning were attached to the Reb. Time to change focus, as it is not clear we will never lack for clients to call. What we need is for me to get much better at skip tracing. I called JZ about that pal of his who took the course, the one where they even sent each student a computer. Turns out he did so badly he had to send the computer back. I hesitated for the same reason—it is difficult to know when you have the correct John Smith and you get stuck with no revenue for the wrong ones. I’ll farm this duty out, but only after I know the trade well enough to review the work.

           There has got to be plenty of study material on skip tracing, so we leave the more interesting work of gleaning candidates from the county lists and see how far we get. No doubt the Internet has changed the face of this task, but I got ten bucks that says it will suffer from the GPS syndrome. That’s where these search pages were not designed to ever be updated efficiently. You will spend hours sifting through outdate material because these web sites don’t even have any trained to delete old files. I’ve learned the first thing I do with county files is run them through any local newspaper obit notices.

           Ha-ha, Canada is being bum-screwed by their own lies. First, they fired all the unvaccinated health-workers and began to falsify most hospital admissions. A broken leg? Obviously “COVID-related”. When the numbers still did not materialize, they encouraged people with even mild sniffles to go to emergency. Now they are being forced to re-hire non-vaccinated staff to meet the fake demand. Yep, it’s a clear case where ever more lies are needed to cover the first one.

Last Laugh