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Monday, January 10, 2022

January 10, 2022

One year ago today: January 10, 2021, man, what scenery.
Five years ago today: January 10, 2017, that little shit Kolvalesky.
Nine years ago today: January 10, 2013, please return . . .
Random years ago today: January 10, 1980, a different world.

           Watch out for Deltacron. That’s this week’s variant, more contagious than ever they tell us. Combining delta and omicron, seriously folks, the best cure for this disease is to cut off your cable TV service. The only thing they haven’t tried yet is tying this stupidity to AIDS, which at the pace they are lying could happen by month’s end. The average COVID “death” it seems, had at least four other conditions, knows as comorbidity. Aren’t we glad we don’t live in a Democrat-run city.
           This is a picture of probably the oldest hot water tank in daily operation. It’s been taken apart enough times, but the element is still the original. Because it won’t remove, and I think the age of this appliance is a real contrast to today’s computer equipment. I’ve finally had it with IBM and Windows. My Maytag water heater 30+ years old is in better operating condition than the junk sold as computers.

           Is Biden a great leader? Only 11% of Americans think so and don’t ask where they held that survey. Biden declared we are in a battle for the soul of America and the enemy is white supremists, defined by anybody who did not vote for him. The Democrats need their insurrection, even if they have to lie about it until the bitter end, which appears to be their strategy. Even after a blistering anti-Trump Biden speech, Trump’s popularity soars to new heights. Only die-hard morons still claim there was an insurrection, though they get full news coverage. What’s flooring people is surge in Trump approvals because he isn’t running for office.
           This harks back to what this good old blog said years ago. The Democrats cannot just win an election against Trump. They have to kill him. His very existence is a rallying point for the millions of Americans who were once cowed into “political correctness”, allowing the radical left to claim they were a majority. They are no such thing, except in welfare pits like Chicago and Los Angeles. In fact, Trump even making it this far means even his death is no longer sufficient to save the Marxists. Their chances of winning anything in ten months even if they cheat again are zero. Trump let them dig their own political graves.

           The latest study on retirement shows the number one problem is, get this, people don’t have enough money. Imagine that, you bozo millennials. I realized in my twenties you cannot save up for retirement, you have to invest and accept the risks of investing. Now we get these Captain Obvious sites making such breakthrough announcements. You can learn to invest after you are 65 or 70 but it is plain stupid to leave it so long. Worse, over the decades I watched how these weakling gradually gave away control of their finances to the government to the point where this is not a single safe investment you can make any more that does not have them riding herd on you.

Picture of the day.
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           Once again, I’m doing 95% of the work myself for 50% of the profit. The other half is the Reb, so I don’t mind. Let me say, however, that it is almost always somebody else who wants to go partners with me, and I have never yet met somebody ready to hit the ground running. Here are a set of deal-killers, and they are far too common out there. You cannot be my partner unless:

           A) You have a fully equipped office (home is okay) with all working equipment and supplies to last at least two months. Having to clear a spot, or find a pen and something to write on is a fail.
           B) Familiarity with all business apps in essential. I’ve had my time wasted too often by people who think they know PayPal or Excel, but in fact have only ever used the default settings and have no clue otherwise. Power-users, my eye.
           C) Independent capabilities. No, you cannot wait for me to train you how to set up new gear or train you on how to file.
           D) You must either have a slick scheduling system or be prepared to drop what you are doing to take care of things that crop up. No, I cannot wait until next Tuesday for you to open a business account or wait for you to find twenty minutes spare time. If you are that busy, you don’t need me.
           E) If you do not use email, get lost. I do not play telephone tag and texting is slower than Morse code. Plus almost all texts are too short to fit on a screen and be “business-length+, and too many necessitate a reply, which wastes time. I worded that funny, but you know what I mean.
           F) Don’t tell me about PayPal, if you are not equipped to mail a money order in an ordinary business envelope or stamp and mail a letter, I suggest you advance to living in the year 2022, because right now you are 2002 when every bullshit artist in town was selling on-line fantasies about a paperless office.

           It is pretty astounding the number of people who think they are ready to “go partners” who can’t even imagine what is needed to hold up their end of the bargain. “We” don’t need a secretary to start, “we” don’t need help composing business letters, and “we” don’t need lessons on how to check our mail, inbox, messages, and e-mails EVERY morning. I’ve long since figured out the reason most people spend time on their phones is because the thing is as slow and stupid as they are.
           The latest snag is US Bank. They used to be everywhere. Until we needed them. Then they closed, as far as I can tell, all branches within 50 miles of my place around three months ago. There is no place to make cash deposits, the kind I make most often. The largest Money Order you can get without showing ID is $500. Don’t bother searching on-line, as these shithead banks now include their ATMs in searches as if they were full service branches. Again, these millennials don’t need to go to hell, they are creating their own.

           I went over to Bartow for a couple. Same old crowd, who likely observed the same about me. So I used the time to write a letter to Marti. The funny part may be that I used the scribbler, a cheap and crappy item and the pages tore out something ragged. What a mess. No problem, off they go because I know Marti. Tell her my stationary is substandard and she will ask you to compare the last 50 letters you got to her last 50. See if the quality checks out where it really matters.

Last Laugh