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Thursday, January 13, 2022

January 13, 2022

One year ago today: January 13, 2021, the $200 million guy.
Five years ago today: January 13, 2017, big patio block day.
Nine years ago today: January 13, 2013, hanging with Estelle.
Random years ago today: January 13, 2014, she’s the opposite.

           Business. I’ve hit a stone wall, the next logical phase for me was to make positive that I had the correct person signing the contract. The course calls this skip tracing, though it has nothing to do with debt collection. While the premise that the Internet has changed the field, it has not really improved it. Time after time, these sites just entered old and stale information and never updated it. We now have codes for many of the standing errors, like aging the person long after they died and the inability of their search algorithms to use middle names or initials.
           I even suspect the ulterior motive of ignoring the initial so that most searches come up with something. Unless there is a breakthrough, I don’t see any variation in effectiveness on any of the major sites. Later, I’ll try the library, as sites like Newbur demand I turn off my firewall, duh. The problem with paying by the search is you don’t get a refund if it is the wrong person. Quick, tell me how many Jeffrey Sims live in the state of Georgia and multiply that out.

           Don’t be fooled by the 95¢ “name report”, you already have the name. As the site suckers you in, it quickly becomes over $5 per search, in some sites closer to $9. And no, the person you seek is not among the 91 Jeffrey Sims that live in the Atlanta area. Another quirk not mentioned in the training is the demographics of the listings. The younger people are there because they had no choice, but are unlikely to be the correct property owners. And the older the person that could be the client is less likely to be on social media. I will solve this dilemma, I’m only pointing out that I earn every penny of my commission.
           One immediate hurdle is that it will take a system in place to get moving with this, and experience tells me we will need $8 to10,000 of new office equipment and another $11,000 in operating capital to get the real deals. Never you mind how I know that. Instead, look at this bucket of blackberries, a picture from Mitch on the west coast.

           Probably on one of the islands. Anyway, the investment of $20,000 is not necessary, it is only needed if you want, as we do, for the operation to become self-sustaining. If not, you will constantly be checking to make sure you’re covered and in business that often becomes the predominant headache. The tentative target for now is one big deal and three small per month.
           I also get a kick out of the disclaimer these sites have, that you will not use the information for credit, rentals, employment, etc. Like, how the hell would they know if you did without snooping into your affairs? I get it, I’m just sayin’. And here’s a video worth peeking at.

           I got out there before noon and tackled those pallets. They are now mostly siding on the north shed, shown here along with the relocated birdfeeder. Without thinking, I somehow mounted it where it was not easy to see from inside the room, that was a lot of ladder work. You can see it in the upper left corner of this picture, which shows the shed wall now around 2/3 complete on this side. When done, that large, flat, windowless wall will be just waiting for some kind of idea to come along. Vertical garden?

Picture of the day.
Chowmahallah Palace.
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           Keeping busy, since cleaning pallets is not hard work at all, I glued and clamped my sneakers the soles were loose. In other chores, I changed burnt out bulbs, ground out more of the turtle hutch (see pic, the storebought version was an inch too small for JeePee). This is fiberglass and not that easy to cut, but look at it now. Fancy digs.
           The incinerator is stacked back with a good kindling base, ready for the right kind of evening. I managed to get two of the bigger log pieces onto the pile, that was my heavy lifting for this afternoon. Maybe tomorrow, it was just too perfect an afternoon to tend a fire. I also fried up a large batch of chicken rice this morning and even found time for a load of laundry in the dryer. Can’t have folks thinking I’m lazy just because I tucker easy nowayears.

           I put in another couple hours on the new business venture, I am ready to go before others. This is not bad, because it often compels me to “learn their jobs” if there is any similar delays in the future. I would start doing side deals right now except for one item. I totally hesitate to make on-line payments. I will through the company, but not from my own accounts which is against policy. Laugh now, but it will not be long before Biden expands the $600 reporting limit to include your savings account. Right now it only applies to businesses.
           Unbeknownst to me until today, there is a court case going on about the validity of property taxes. It seems such taxes which are ultimately designed to inhibit the ownership of private land, are quite against the Constitution. Nothing will happened rapidly, but what a coincidence it comes to the forefront just as I begin to notice the opportunities.

           By mid-afternoon, it is siesta time. I was working construction, hey, shed siding qualifies as construction. So “we” construction workers like to have a beer when we knock off. It’s our reward for working in the elements, a pleasure office workers will never know. So that explains the next picture, a small cache of Yeung-Ling hiding behind the fried rice and ice water. You can guess what order things happened next.
           Bradford got in touch to ask about the gig. He didn’t show but had a valid reason. I still cannot consider him for a band member until he shows a vastly increased motivation to do the ground work. Playing in a band is not some extension of learning to play favorite tunes down to perfection. Usually you have what it takes and I’ve rarely been surprised, and if you have it, certain things necessarily change about attitude and behavior. Bradford has not undergone that transition, but I’m first to note he’s made remarkable progress.

           Man, that Windows 7 WGA notice is persistent. Not only does the registry editor not appear on the start menu, these models are harder to use in safe mode. I’d gladly pay MicroSoft for an operating system if they’d make one that works right. Last week, there was some combination of keystrokes that caused all my spreadsheet files to save themselves to the maximum size, slowing down my whole system The worst feature of Windows remains the inability to disable the gimp features. Those are the keystroke “shortcuts” for gimps, which should be rigged so the user can pick only the ones he uses. And all should have a simple function key reverse feature.

           I’m hooked on a new book. I stopped by that rather expensive book store in Combee and found the classic on Darwin, “One Long Argument”. This addresses the unfamiliar reasons why Darwin had far more impact than simply publishing his book on evolution. The world has forgotten the mind-set of the day, in which every person of any position either believed in creationism, or did not dare to question it. Let me explain that the proportions of Jerk-Wads back then was almost as high as today. When faced with something unexplainable, they had perfected the technique of saying it was ordained to be by God. How convenient.
           What few realize is how much of society is built on such premises. Then along comes Darwin and strips away the excuses they had relied on their entire lives to structure things to their own liking. He shows up with a system that explains everything using evidence and logic, and that was the true impact on the establishment that continues to lash out against Darwin to this day. I’m now reading a book that fills in much of the background on that.

           Four hours later, it is 8:00AM and I finally read material that agrees with my conclusions of long ago, that is, now I think I have proof. The insane objections to Darwin are attacks on his person disguised as counter-arguments to his theory (actually theories). When they argue Darwin is wrong about man descending from apes, I ask them what chapter he said that, knowing none of them have read the book (which is tedious). They often try to pretend and say chapter four or eight, when in fact Darwin never says such a thing.
           I’m glad I found this work for it addresses the true immensity of Darwin’s upset of the existing academic order. And I feel something comparable will happen when life is found outside the Earth. No doubt the Vatican bunch and ilk are preparing dozens of talking points, same as ever. The one narrative we can almost bank on is their claim any life form is contamination from the earlier landers, but that is tacit admission of evolution. Hypocrisy does not bother liars. I pause to emphasize my interest is not the destruction of religion, but the exposure of the degree of lying they have done for millennia and the progress they have crushed with their greed.
           But yes, anybody who “believes” a single word from a church after the discovery of alien life automatically and retroactively becomes a gullible simpleton.

Last Laugh