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Sunday, January 16, 2022

January 16, 2022

One year ago today: January 16, 2021, workin’ away.
Five years ago today: January 16, 2017, disgusting Android.
Nine years ago today: January 16, 2013, I’m thinking, not doing, sigh.
Random years ago today: January 16, 2008, what a view!

           Interesting, the Trump rally in Arizona. For the Democrats, it is all over but the cryin’. They had best start backpedaling and get into damage control, because they are going down. Trump this time around knows the enemy better than themselves and he is finally following this blog in pointing out the rules may come from DC, but the damage is done by your local civil servants. All of them need to be purged. The New York Times claimed earlier nobody would show up. An estimated 10,000 cars were lined up. As Clint Eastwood said, get over it. As I say, get it over with. America knows what has to happen.

           This photo from the Internet shows one part of the crowd of people who did not get into the Trump rally. The Democrats must be shitting their pants. They will have to pull every trick in the book now and the clock is running out. The fake news was hard pressed to downplay this one, some claiming the crowd was “only” 15,000. There were more than that inside the arena, not counting these hordes of people outside. None of them wearing a mask. Biden is history even if they try to steal the next election at gunpoint.
           And the Democrats are not waiting for the Teslas and electric cars. Starting 2026 vehicles are to have a kill switch the cops can access off by remote control. If disabled or tampered with, the car drops into “valet” mode. The law was slipped in by hiding it deep in the so-called infrastructure bill, a favorite Democrat trick. The cover story is to stop drunk drivers. The reality is that never in history has such a measure been used to benefit the majority. No doubt it will soon become illegal to bypass or tamper with the switch.

           Sure enough, the twelfth transaction on our business account was a fake. I do not trust cryptocurrencies because their systems are far too leaky. Coinmama ran the fee twice and I caught it right away. This is also why I don’t like direct debits or any type of on-going payment that allows strangers access to your bank account. People who do that are oblivious to the risks and make weak arguments about convenience. The fact is, they don’t know what’s going on with their bank account and I can neither respect nor feel sorry for such people when they get scrood.
           Bottom line, take every security measure you can, in this case, the account never has more than a few hundred dollars over what’s needed to cover the outstanding debits. Still, direct access or telling strangers too much is a fool’s game. People who do it are old fashioned and authorizing strangers to make withdrawals was a bad idea from the word go. As for crypto, I suspect their lack of security is intentional and those who trust them too much are going for a ride.

           It is now 8:00AM, there is a rainstorm to make up for the last two week dry spell, and I’m going to make pancakes. And eggs. Pancakes and eggs. I was set to give you a video of this particularly severe downpour but my camera batteries didn’t charge right. Sony camcorders do not automatically charge when plugged in. I did the yesteryear links for a few days ahead. In the early days, I did a lot of links and so many of them are not there any more. But who has the time to go find and replace them? Think like a millennial and call them “legacy links”.

Picture of the day.
Eastern Wyoming.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Two hours to get some shopping done, I’m slipping. I was in no rush thanks to everything still being damp, but I did get a dummy security camera installed. (The clamp is temporary ast the mounting piece is broken and being glued.) The airwaves are dominated by Democrat panic at the crowd numbers and enthusiasm at Trump’s rally. Social media has reduced their coverage to cheap shots about “many empty seats” in areas of the arena that were closed and wild claims that right-wing groups were in attendance. No mention of the at least 30,000 people chanting, “Let’s go, Brandon”. Add pathetic comments that the Trump “phenomena” has passed its peak and comments that there “are limits” to what he can say.
           Well, he said, according to the Sun Sentinal, that the country under Biden was “a crime-ridden, inflation-plagued mockery overrun by foreign criminals” and was cheered over stating the election was stolen. Try putting limits on that, Chuck. I say again, my readers, that I am not for or against any political party, but I hate liberals no matter where they are and I hate those who endorse or support liberals. I support Trump only in that he is blocking these liberals from their worst excesses. I do not agree with Trump’s stance on vaccines, I think he is too pro-Israeli, and I don’t like the Republican stance on abortion, in that they claim they are pro-life, but in reality they are pro-birth. Big difference because you will not be asked if you want to pay for it all.

           Paypal has caused us a five day delay, giving me time to ponder the future of this venture. You know, I cannot be the only person who has noticed the dreadful inefficiency of the system. It is ripe for a database and contacting these offices leaves the strong impression they don’t like handling the work, since they never personally see the money. There are already outfits that will collect the information for you, so I have no doubt somebody, somewhere, is working on a centralized system
           Such an arrangement would make it as easy for the public to search for records as any other on-line registry. And that would attract dealers by the thousands or put us out of business. I would design the database myself, but it is a task for three or four people. And in the past thirty years I have not met that many competent programmers. The closest was Art, the Access guy, who would not work unless you told him what info you planned to put into the fields, which was none of his business. I’ve noticed two nationalities with that quirk. Spanish and Lebanese. They think they are clever enough to trick you into telling them what you are planning so they can steal it.
           Before dark, I was able to insulate the east wall except for above the doorway, and get the tarpaper back in position. This isn’t a real insulation job, rather attic insulation separated into just thick enough to form a semi-dead space between the studs.

           That was JZ on the phone, I’m not convinced he’s doing as well as he says. My next trip south will center on whether I can get the van running right. Did I ever tell you why JZ and I could never be business partners? Okay, I will now, but don’t you go getting any impression that I am ragging on JZ, because I’m pointing out a nearly universal circumstance. People like to go partners with me and the reverse is not true. I’m only using JZ as an example here, no laughing.
           Most partnerships are by default 50/50 and except for the simplest laboring arrangements, this creates an instant increase in overhead. Somebody has to keep track of whose turn it is to tank up the truck, type of thing. Or you will have arguments that kill the whole deal. This is where things get tricky—the other person generally presumes not only will you do the paperwork because you are “good at it”, but falsely thinks they do other things that make up for their deficit.

           That’s where the situation with JZ becomes an example. To prove the point, I contrived a situation where he would send me a $5 money order in the mail. Why? Because he was convinced this was a two or three minute operation. Four days and $18 later, that letter was not mailed. That’s the funny part, but in it the humor reveals a very important lesson. Like most, JZ had no pen, no paper, no envelope, no stamps, he was even unaware that Wal*Mart had a stationary section, telling me I was mistaken.
           He had no desk, no chair, and was unaware of the procedure of processing a money order, and did not know the hours of the local post office and drove there after the lobby closed, wasting gas, time, money, and effort. You get the idea, yet here is a person who in a partnership would still maintain mailing a letter was something you should do because you could. I got a lot of this in the music and computer trades as well. You make it look easy and they don’t give you any credit.

Last Laugh