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Tuesday, January 4, 2022

January 4, 2022

One year ago today: January 4, 2021, climate change explained?
Five years ago today: January 4, 2017, I miss my cardinals
Nine years ago today: January 4, 2013, imitation or artificial?
Random years ago today: January 4, 2004, gingerbread mansions.

           It’s the coldest morning this winter, as I fried up eggs and bratwurst to go with my coffee. I suggest you do the same, this blog will be here when you get back. I just discovered in the bottom of an old trunk the months of April and May 1981, all handwritten. No way I’m going outside, so let’s see why my UK news feed is picking up Rumble. Actually, I don’t mind Rumble, but who has the time to watch such slow-moving videos, many of which never get to the point. What could it be today, let’s see. Prince Andrew again, or AOC in another drag bar? I scrolled down every category I would normally find something, but zilch. I can’t filter what I can’t find.
           Here is the progress on the laundry deck, these are the canopy posts being stood in place. The posts are ten bucks each for three, to frame this would have required 16 2x4”s at eight bucks each. So it may look like overbuilding but it is quite economical actually. Did I mention we have yet another booking? Yep, January 29th, and once again, the club has specified country music only. Vindication of my theory, if you ask me.

           In fairness, I know there are other great forms of music, but we care talking clubs full of people in the 45+ spectrum. It could be that while they don’t mind rock or blues, they do mind rap and disco. They may be saying country because it is hard for bands to claim they didn’t understand the instructions. That means in one month, I’ve made more money than total with the Hippie, who kept insisting he was the professional. I’ll say it again, bands that do not make money break up. Here’s an item, Bradford has heard that I’ve teamed up with a band and now is saying again what a deadly duo we would be. I told him we had that convo back in 2016.
           He is also as crusty as ever and can be terrible to get along with. By way of background, he’s around 5-foot-9 and was picked for some sports team that never worked out in his college days. He’s trained for some field in architecture and has a beauty of a house he built himself, though I’m hesitant to believe any claim that he done it on his own. You cannot afford to start from scratch in central Florida, those days are long gone. Every molecule of everything is already owned by somebody else.

           Reviewing the wee footage of the last gig before the camera was knocked askew reveals another quirk of my playing. I cannot be thrown by other band members making mistakes, and one such mistake is the drummer. His playing tends to pull every song toward the same beat and tempo, but the video shows clearly that will not work on me. My theme song, “Oh Lonesome Me” has a swing beat, which he cannot play I don’t think. Parson and I agreed on my tunes that I would bring them in on bass as letting the lead player or drummer do it resulted in all kinds of mess-ups. Usually wrong speeds or styles, direct results of not listening the music at home.
           To prevent this, I start playing and singing and let them come in. The initial problem is they had never before thought this possible, at least not by the bass player. They can usually follow along until an instrumental break, where they revert to their own speed and style. The video shows several spots where the drummer gets complete off the beat and struggles to get back in. I take it their former bass players could get buffaloed. I cannot be thrown off by this and this was an excellent demonstration.

           Here’s an extra bit of info that’s meaningful mainly to me alone. I was a cost management accountant, not a CPA. Huge difference. CPA is a college course, Cost Management is akin to an advanced university degree. While it can be stated with accuracy that all CMAs are CPAs, I’ve just now discovered I’ve forgotten how to close the books. I recall the concept but not the details, and I know I do not own a single book on financial accounmting. I’ll get it, but still.
           I closed the band books for 2021. Something remarkable for Florida, a profit from the word go. I opened the account with $100 and the only expense so far has been the mileage to and from rehearsals and gigs. Normally it takes time to make a profit but I’ve been in the black since day one. Expenses are a whopping 83% of income but with gigs already lined up that will drop to 45% this month alone. Quite a far cry from the early 2000s in Miami, where every gig was some kind of loss that was okay because the alternative was to become a sofa spud.

Picture of the day.
Metallic thread embroidery.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Here’s a fake.for you, concerning the 9/11 attacks. The catch for most of us is we don’t know which of the renderings is the fake. However, if the commentary is correct, the CGI layering is faking the shot. The sun shields on the Web telescope are deployed, says the latest. The telescope “lens” panels are not yet spread. To me, that is the most critical part of the mission.
           Here’s my new bird feeder, they were $10 off and this is my stab at luring the red cardinals around back. These plastic feeders are handy but they have a short life span. Even with repeated cleanings, they eventually cloud up and the birds will slowly ignore them. Plus I have not decided what kind of pole to mount this on, as I don’t have a pipe threader. I can’t replace them if I got to pay retail, so this was a bargain. It’s after-Xmas stock.
           There’s talk of an anti-trust suit between Apple and Google. People have known for years Google searches favor Apple, but not that many are aware that Google bribes Apple not to enter the search engine market. Both companies use the test MicroSoft methods of crushing startups and competition, so I predict nothing much will happen unless it becomes an election issue. At this moment, I was hit by the need for a nap and have just returned here at 9:30PM, over four hours later. Did I miss the party? Here’s the news, I have the sniffles and a sore throat. Must be a variant, so I’m not rushing to the emergency room who would insist I get the jab and die. Didn’t I mention that? Another 25 year old athlete vaxxed and bit the dust.

           My circadian balance is askew, so what to do with this dead time? I know, set up the books for the band, now that it looks like it may go a few places. You know, places I would hardly ever go on my own. A lot is counting on this Friday in the heart of VFW country. Parsons called to verify the hours, I see it is a three hour gig, which I prefer and will play for cheaper, kind of our brand of Bidenflation. Knock 25% of the timing off and go for the same price. He mentioned the guy who’s booked us was adamant about country music because he’d gotten chewed out for previously hiring bands. I know exactly what he’s talking about. These local duos who think after a couple drinks you won’t notice a little screamo.
           This is a problem I ran into myself. Unemployed rockers who could play the intro to “Folsom” answering my ad thinking they could turn it around into a power rock trio, with themselves in the Clapton position, of course. I rechecked the maps and there are 11 clubs in the vicinity, not 18 and also I had to remove some that have house bands. This is not a market you take by direct assault.
           Within the hour I’m overtaken with sneezing fits, not unusual for me. Those dollar store pills for sinus work great on me so I’m going on them, I cannot afford any extra burdens at this point. My location in a small city can show sometimes and today I discover nobody sells those “sign here” stickers. Makes me suspect not that many of the locals can write. I’ve also slated to watch that video of the device that pulls water out of the air or something. I know that 65% of the world’s freshwater rivers have dams across them. It mentions the 100 year drought NASA says is on the way. Hey, if the government can manage a water shortage in Florida, where it rain every other day, they could pull that off, too.

           The chuckles keep coming as new about Democrat bozos gets reported in the UK, my primary source for nonsense of all kinds. What’s this, women are now lying about getting vaxxed because men regard them as an infertility risk? Serves them right. And would the media quit with that BS that Bill Gates scored 1590/1600 on his SAT? I heard the guy on the radio, there is just no way you’ll convince. Let him repeat the test live on camera.

           I spent an hour going over the ROM circuit from what, 2014? I looked on-line to see if this idea had been followed up anywhere else and it seems not. My attention was due to the recent announcement of new styles of transistors, though I’m still more intrigued by building my own basic circuits. Now it seems even the circuit diagrams have become rare. There is some new(?) Android system that says build your own ROM, but a quick glance shows it is another topic altogether.
           What I had in mind long ago was a simple grid with transistors instead of diodes. I’m far from the first guy with this idea, so why can I not find any examples anywhere? I had in mind a grid that could be programmed to control some LEDs, but I’ve not yet thought through the details.

Last Laugh