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Monday, January 3, 2022

January 3, 2022

One year ago today: January 3, 2021, a slow day.
Five years ago today: January 3, 2017, a slow morning.
Nine years ago today: January 3, 2013, I wrote “commandeered”.
Random years ago today: January 3, 1980, 400 girls.

           Unless, I suppose, you go some place like Tampa, there is no pandemic in Florida. No demonstrations, no riots, no lockdowns, it’s like not a thing has changed. The people who are vaxxed must be keeping their mouths shut about it and the very few people you see wearing masks have apparent societal or psychological shortcomings. Nothing like a 300-lb woman wearing a mask to protect her health. Other than clerks with dead-end jobs, I have never seen anyone in Florida wearing a mask. And if anybody died, we never heard of it.
           It’s three hours to sunup and five hours before I open for business. So I read more antenna theory. The robot club never did produce a functioning unit. This time, I opted for the simplest long-wire antenna because I know anything like that works better than the tiny coils inside the radio. There is a way I can just squeeze two wires in the attic, one 30 feet long and another 26 feet.
           Don’t worry too much about wavelenghts and dipoles, these two would be at right angles. Working the premise that most radio signals would arrive from the northwest or southeast, it is possible for me to string an 80-foot wire if I can get it to clear the building roof peak.

           The schematic is the circuit I’ve chosen to test the setup. The idea is not finding nice music, but to discover how much flexibility there is with the components. Much of my reading was based on ham and shortwave radio, a topic I never really looked at. I just know the signals can be picked up a long ways off. This is a long-term project and many of the components are now just being unpacked from the move as the north shed begins to fill up. If the hillbilly shows up today, I’ll set him to work on finishing the roof. There’s a wind picking up so we are in for a nice winter Gulf storm in a matter of hours.
           I’m amused reading some of the journal transcriptions from 40 years ago. What a different world, though even then the rot of liberalism and communism was there if anyone looked. But most people just wanted to be left alone so much they ignored the creeping infiltration taking place all around them. It was also the dawn of the era where people who had never learned to read or right properly began to demand as much as those who could, a nonsense that continues to this day. They never understand why their opinions don’t count as much as the literate and try to bulldoze their way around.

           That mention of the job with the 400 girls is a tale in itself. The qualification for the job was a high school diploma and the ability to type 25 wpm. I’ve told elsewhere of how I learned to type and the exploits with pretty women it provided. I love a secretarial pool with a huge turnover, I’m still single, you know, although I doubt I would stray from where I am. Exception? Taylor, always. Most of my career found me the only available male in a female-intensive environment. There were other men, but somehow I was the one who got to pick and choose. And I was already picky before I got there.
           Not many months later, I was hired into the phone company, thinking I’d be surrounded by babes. Wrong. Unlike the other offices I had worked, this one was full of middle-aged housewives, chronic divorcees, paranoid neurotics, and women ugly enough to knock a buzzard off a gut wagon. Whatever it may look like from the outside, the phone company is not the place to find a good woman.

Picture of the day.
Petworth Chapel, before restoration.
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           Somebody remind me to set about attracting the cardinals back. I know they are nearby from the chirping. I’ve not been faithful with their sunflower seeds since Tennessee. This time I’ll try both the front and back yards to see what works best. Today’s big task was increasing the slope on the north shed roof. It was not quite up to spec and allowed some rainwater to stand. The solution was to use the floor jack to raise the front edge of the whole roof and slip a 2x6 under the rafters. That’s what you see here.
           Sounds easy, dunnit? No way, this was a lot of back and forth plus that board had to be secured with six lag bolts from the inside. Inside the shed is the Peltier cooler that was originally for my Rx, now relegated to beer cooler. It works fine for that. And the laundry deck turns out to be a wonderful spot to sit on hot days. Alas, there is no other place to relocate the appliances and use the deck for recreation.

           Flurona. That’s the latest variant, since the flu and corona symptoms are identical. The Democrats continue to create ever more lies to turn the January 6 protests into an “insurrection”. It didn’t happen, so they have to create it and the anniversary is coming up soon. This could be interesting because Trump is holding a rally. It’s amazing to see, he is not a politician, he is not even a candidate for anything, but he is the Democrats greatest nightmare. Even if he was totally wrong, I would support Trump for that reason alone.
           The Webb telescope is reportedly deploying successfully. The next step is “tensioning” the sun shields, predicted to take 48 hours. That bland-looking Holmes woman who pulled that medical testing scam (Theranos) could get twenty years. I recall deciding not to invest in that device after seeing her portrayed as the ultimate female entrepreneur on a youTube presentation. I noticed the blurbs were not about the device but about her. Guilty or not, she won’t have to return a lot of that money, which everybody knows she has stashed away. China prepares to launch it’s copycat space station, and the latest Mercedes car is made with materials like mushrooms, used diapers, and bamboo fibers.

Last Laugh