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Monday, February 21, 2022

February 21, 2022

One year ago today: February 21, 2021, taxed out of existence.
Five years ago today: February 21, 2017, yes, I do windows.
Nine years ago today: February 21, 2013, my first drone helmet pic.
Random years ago today: February 21, 2018, mortgage scams and food.

           The day passes with no TruthSocial dot com. It’s postponed until March but all the telltale signs of Democrat/Leftard panic remain. Like many users, I am not 100% on what is needed to “own” an Internet site. I could not write down a list of every piece of equipment, protocol, and procedure. But Trump taught us if you leave any one layer vulnerable, the leftoids will find it. The shut down his accounts, then his blog, and if I know Trump, he won’t make the same mistake twice. The left is full of shills and stooges who can’t refute the speech so they attack the speaker but they hit a brick wall with I finally opened an account to watch them sweat.
           In turn this led to a change in routine; I will often check to see if there is anything on Gab before looking at other news. The number of TDS posters periodically soars and almost as quickly, the block feature makes them go away. When I blocked the annoying Pepe and his bum-boy Doc White, I noticed an immediate drop in other porno and other site-wrecking posts. The connection is simple, they realize once blocked, their other material stands out for what it is.
           A bit of news from the east coast, Bryne is in the hospital. His liver acted up and he sent a quick note about severe pain 48 hours ago. Have not heard of him since. No, I cannot check, because, not matter what you make of it, I only know the surnames of around 5% of the people I’ve chummed with for years. The wisdom of this will escape most. Google is on another kick to get everyone’s phone number again. They’re changing to log-on procedure, so if this blog disappears for a few days, wait it out. I have every post backed up here in full in case they start cancelling.

           Next up is the revelation that CDC withheld “data” about jab deaths because they didn’t want people to develop “vaccine hesitancy”. Just when you think they could not get into any deeper trouble. Have you seen the fat broad video, the one who walked out when hit with the truth? The real crime is hippos like this who wear stretch pants. I could throw my washing in there with a cup of soap.
           I have a bit more info on the folded band, from the guitar player, but I can’t use the guy because he either can’t or refuses to strum. He also became aware of the downhill slide in the music. He reports it emphasized my role in the band because, he says, they had never known another musician who had an “all-arms” approach to presentation. I mean, that does not surprise me but hearing it from a guitar player sure does. It would account for the strange stage setups and the odd stage costumes. This concept of the bass player as a background musician who contributes nothing to the band image is from the previous century. Then again, so are all these guys.

           All-arms refers to a military philosophy. In the past, each branch was independent and guarded their space. Elements like the infantry and artillery went their own paths, often competing for the same budget dollar. Probably the most famous general who put a stop to this was Rommel. All arms must work together and as such, there were air force officers with the ground troops to guide bombing missions and so on. To me, the same path applies to music, that everything you do leads up to the final presentation.
           I’d say many musicians think that, but few put it into practice to any degree. Some things now make sense because was I raised around people who easily flew into a rage if you even thought of something before they did. I doubt that is a big factor here today, but apparently it had some influence. It explains the weird costumes and stage spacing.
           And MicroSoft is preparing Windows 12 to fix the problems with Windows 11. That’s a familiar tune.

Picture of the day.
Longboat racing, Thailand.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Again, I do not understand the workings, but Truth Social has erupted on the scene, at last in the phone app version. The media group has made it quite clear they have a policy against anti-Trump trolls and will cancel accounts opened mainly for that reason. Kind of like an auto-block feature. The leftists have always said if you don’t like their views, go elsewhere, knowing there was no elsewhere. Let’s see how the shoe fits on the other foot.
          Mexican drug cartels are taking potshots at US border agents from south of the river. What happened to the agreement Trump had with Mexico? I never heard of that being canceled. The answer is to return fire because we are better shots. Meanwhile, I read an article on how to freeze eggs. You scramble them with salt. Remind me to try that when they are next on sale. Or get some chickens.

           This busy photo shows the broken signal light brackets on the red scooter. Since it is now back in full operation, these lights are a priority. The difficulty of this repair is evidenced by how long it is taking. If you look where I’m pointing, both lights are dangling vertically instead of tilted like the handlebars. They are supposed to attach to some stubs which are too short to extend anything to and a different size than the ports on the plastic housing of the light assemblies.
           The airwaves are conflicting again. Some say the Canadian truckers have given up and gone home, others say Trudeau has left town. I have little doubt that Canada will make these “emergency measures” permanent, or at least extend them long enough for their corrupt politicians become comfortable with them. Same as the USA, they didn’t put all these laws into place over the past forty years without intending to use them. Watch the peasant hail the “lifting of mandates” as a victory, while in reality what is happening is a process of conditioning them to having their rights taken away, then partially restored. As one Gabster puts it, we now have dictatorships on both our borders.

           Am I the only one who’s noticed the downfall of the Internet image search. Now, every reply comes back with hundreds of pictures from Dreamstime, the “yes we have junk for sale” people. They plainly intend to turn the [image search] activity into a commercial enterprise dominated by themselves, and their product is hard to filter out. A close second in this race for retards in Pinterest, whose photos I avoid linking to due to their history of utterly bizarre anti-copyright behavior.
           It is Pinterest and Sony I blame for false infringement suits and concepts. I have zilch for proof, only a reaction to things they’ve done over time. My biggest rejection of their position I’ve said before, but I’ll repeat it for effect. They make the assumption that every pirated copy of their property represents a lost sale at full retail price. That is absurd. If I post pictures of Brittney or Madonna, it’s either humor or sarcasm, but I would never spend a red cent on such people.

Last Laugh