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Saturday, February 19, 2022

February 20, 2022

One year ago today: February 20, 2021, TGTBT, far too good.
Five years ago today: February 20, 2017,early wiring.
Nine years ago today: February 20, 2013, very tricky to fly.
Random years ago today: February 20, 2015, rent-a-car ad, the $100 lie.

           Figuring on a day trip for a coffee in Ybor City, I started chores early in the morning. During this, it warmed up and so I kept on working. Never did get out for that coffee. No big projects, just a lot of puttering and thinking, mostly about how to get back into another band. Even though I know Parson just needs a break, he’s proven unable to hold things together and unwilling to share the burden. I was late for the gig and discovered why this morning. My clock was still on Tennessee time, totally my fault. Between tasks, I have taken to experimenting with upgrading my older boxes, you may recognize this one. Those are just brass colored thumbtacks.
           Confirmed, my estate executor is completely unaware of the other side of the story unfolding in eastern Canada. I always wanted to say “unfolding”. Even if the internet version is not often any more factual than the mainstream, one cannot ignore that there is something funny going on. One side is saying terrorist racist white supremist violent attack, but the other side is showing entirely peaceful protests, people arrying babies.

           One certainty is that their leader is a thug and has a thug following. He’s lied too often to ever be taken seriously again, he should step down. Otherwise, violence is one of his few options left and he’s already done a bit of that. It’s like Biden, he knows only the most radical leftoids, the media, and the goon squads are on his side. They are a minority that has to act fast before the other factions form a majority. His stomping on his own people has made one thing clear: this is no longer about a vaccine mandate.
           Which is why you need to see this relaxing, peaceful picture of the east bedroom double window. It’s not a real double, you know the tale from the trailer court. It still needs painting and trim work, but everything is in place that needs to be. The only really new things seen are the drapes and their drawback hooks, and the carpet in that section. Under it is that floor piece I had to tear up the panels to fix.

           The signal lights on my red scooter are more than a challenge. Strange they would make that piece so weak, so vulnerable, and so difficult to fix. These break off easily when the scooter is loaded onto a vehicle or even tips over. I tried a few fixes and the likely solution will be some PVC pieces drilled to match the mounting holes, plastic to plastic. Not ideal, but Yamaha won’t sell you just the mount, only the entire assembly.
           This was Apple Sunday (eat anything you want) so I had home-made chicken fried rice for breakfast. There, that fills my blog obligation to mention food. Blogs that do that have a 17.8% higher readership, not that lacking the idly motivated as an audience would bother me. Then I baked a coffee cake, since I intend to drink a lot of coffee today. One of those cinnamon Krusteaze type from the box. Hey, close enough to scratch for me. I scrounged Craigslist for a band, one possible, but man Polk County is an empty place. Two cities, too close, and too big.

           In the American news, Newsweek reports than the majority of “Trump-backed” candidates are getting enormous odds from bookmakers—a far better scale than pollsters who lose little when they are wrong. It means the Republicans will get both the House and the Senate, but remember, the true Deep State is the Democrat owned & operated civil service, and they are not elected. Trump needs to start wholesale firing at departments which hindered him, starting at the top down until such a level as they comply with orders.
           Truth social media is slated for launch tomorrow, remind me to check it out. I have not followed the development, but I wonder if they followed the model. That’s where the site built up from scratch its entire own network facilities. Gab cannot be shut down by other media because they have their own network, servers, and all are privately owned. There is no level in the hierarchy that is controlled by any outside interest, particularly by Big Tech. They are rightly worried if it works, many more are sure to follow.

Picture of the day.
Ukrainian farmland leased to China.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           It didn’t take long for the turnaround, our lead player is already advertising on CL. Bottom line, he refuses to play rhythm, so expect his ad to run for a while. The hired drummer is back as well, I guess he needed the hundred bucks. He plasters the waves claiming to play piano, banjo, guitar, ukelele, steel drums, drums, and does vocals, also saying he does composing and arranging. My advice is he quit playing six instruments and get six times better on any one of them. I’m surprised he hasn’t photoshopped himself as a whole band on every instrument.

           This busy photo shows that old shoe-shine thingee I have no room for. First is me removing the original switch, which was push to operate. Next you see a pro job of a nice off-on pushbutton freshly installed. Last, the unit on the bench. It is for polishing only, but it won’t be long before it gets a more general use. Revolving tools are always in shortage around here. Bolt this one down to something, it is almost weightless.

           I watched a documentary on the hedgehog anti-sub mortar. It’s WWII technology but was quite the advance at the time. Combining known features, such as the spigot mortar, gyroscope stabilization, and contact fuses, it ripple fired the rounds so they would hit the water simultaneously, although I wonder why they bothered. There was no detonation unless it hit a target. Part of the effect was that it fired ahead of the ship at a distance when sonar contact could be held.
           What I was looking for was what was classified about the pattern, which is still held in secret by the war department. It looks like a large oval, likely matching some dimension of a submarine. Other reading revealed there was a lot more to it and in all these decades, I do not know if that is the case. I wondered if it could be the angle of the submarine contact, but that is too variable to imagine at that period in history.
           One funny video is the millennial who says he has a degree in history. He’s got the Encyclopedia Britannica view of everything. His narrative, for example, implies that the oceans of the world, particularly the North Atlantic somehow “belonged” to England. They had free rein to bomb and depth-charge u-boats in neutral or international waters because the u-boats didn’t have the same rights to be there as the Royal Navy. The evil Germans declared “unrestricted warfare”, even though the English had already been seizing neutral shipping bound for Germany since day one.

           By late evening, I’d combed through the want ads. I have an old BandMeet profile I should update, but for all their vast membership, they are the flakiest service out there. They don’t even have the guts to say it costs $12.95 per month, rather always couched terms like “only premium members may respond to ad” and shit like that. It’s like giving the devil your bank account info, why not ask some Canadians how well that worked out for them. Where did I put that login info?
           I also checked TheBash, BandMix, and BulletinBoard (private links) and at least I’m not the oldest bass player in the territory. BandMix is best but they also require a membership which strikes me odd because the site quickly took on a aura of people who post and sit back expecting their standards to be met. It’s one site they should be surfing. Their search filters cannnot be edited, just selected, so there is no easy way to find an acoustic guitarist who does not also bill himself as an electric player, nor any way for them to seek me as a bassist who does not play lead. I can usually tell in a note or two if somebody is doubling on bass—and I consider bass too specialized for part-timers.

           Trivia, to me anyway. Some northern states no longer use raw salt to melt ice, but beet juice. To avoid stains, they say, use white or golden beets. And single women are now four times as likely as single men to buy a house. No stats on the change in repossession rates.

           Late news out of Canada is that the truckers caved. Just you watch, by next week, the Trudeau regime will make the Emergency Measures permanent and ever one of the truckers and anyone who remotely supported them will be carted off to jail. There are rumors of a UN force being landed, question, where does the UN get money for a military? The best remaining option for western Canada is separation, which Trudeau cannot allow. He requires their resources in oil, timber, grain, and minerals to stay afloat.
           What’s interesting to me is back in the day I worked with a loudmouth Canadian who insisted Canada was more free and more open than the USA. I often baited him by pointing out the pattern to the dozens of “little laws” that were continually being passed mainly without public consent or knowledge. He insisted it was only because they had to “govern the country”. He stayed on that track even when he had to get three permits to paint the fence in his back yard.

Last Laugh