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Monday, February 28, 2022

February 28, 2022

One year ago today: February 28, 2021, not that window again!
Five years ago today: February 28, 2017, but written by monks.
Nine years ago today: February 28, 2013, $7.02 left.
Random years ago today: February 28, 2003, but the picture is 1993.

           Germany gets a wake up call. Their dependence on Russian oil is at odds with their NATO obligations, but liberal democrats never think ahead far enough. And some ethnic got a few months in jail for faking ballot signatures. It should have been life, but it’s a precedent for more arrests. JZ reports arm pains a year after the vaccine. Come to think of it it, so do I, but I know mine is just a lingering discomfort from my shoulder injury. And another J6 prisoner has committed suicide. Biden has gone on record that he restored decency and honor to the office. His mouthpiece, Psaki, is beginning to unravel and shows signs of inability to cope. This happens when she tells approximately 30 lies in a row, I notice she can’t remember what she said. It’s her own brain that isn’t circling back.
           The good news is the yard is alive this morning with the cardinal family. Mom, pop, and two male juveniles which I cannot tell apart. Here was my morning activity, a nice TX chicken pie. From scratch, one thing that would surprise you is picking one of these up. They are heavy. I’ve never measured but I dod once set one on my scale which goes up to 5 pounds and it buried the needle.

           Now the other news. The hillbilly knows he is not to leave the dog here for more than a few hours. Day before y’day, he did not return from the store. I can’t leave that big of a dog inside while I’m gone and the dog has repeatedly shown some real smarts at getting off his leash. I gave up waiting for the guy and chained Cash outside at 8:00PM. When I returned at 11:00PM, he was laying in the yard by the van but he was off the leash. He actually got a carabiner with a locking mechanism open. But, I had little choice but to tie him up [outside] in case the hillbilly showed up while I was gone. It doesn’t take two days to go to the store.

           He never showed up until late y’day, in a panic. The dog easily knows how to get from here to where he’s crashing [these days] and apparently did so. He was seen by the lady who’s dog got into a fight with Cash and lost an eye. The authorities want to put Cash down and the hillbilly has been hiding him. Not my responsibility and he knows that, but I was careful enough to keep an eye on the dog when he was here. Apparently the lady immediately called the cops and they were all over the neighborhood. Fortunately, they know nothing about here, as I’ve repeatedly told the hillbilly I do not like to attract unwanted attention.
           When he returned there first, the people told him Cash had been taken to the pound and terminated. He went ballistic, telling them all off and, if I know the guy, threatening them. All the time, Cash was sound asleep on my sofa. But, now they have no place to stay and I kind of told him that is too bad. He cannot bring such problems over here. They left, and I played bass for an hour.

           And I suspect Biden & Pelosi think taking away the mask mandate two days before a scheduled speech is going to fool as many people as it did when the MSM was the only game in town. For the record, Biden request the National Guard be called out to protect him during that speech. Florida, for one, said no.

Picture of the day.
Clarinet quartet.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           With my shoulder acting up, I used the time to re-read a few articles on forensic crime detection. For all the fibres and fluids they collect, there is still the problem of the authorities tying them to the crime. And, as with all other phases of law enforcement, I am shocked by the number of times people are tricked into saying the wrong things. Even telling the truth gets you into trouble. Here is a photo of my own master criminal career as a mattress-tag ripper-offer.
           It cannot be said often enough, do not talk to the police. They are trained to “get your side of the story”, often telling you it is for your own good. The reality is they are listening for things that only the bad guy would know about the crime, but the problem for you is they do not stop there. They try to trick you into saying anything incriminating, even if it has nothing to do with the matter at hand. Do not talk to the police, you cannot possibly talk your way out of anything—and they will attempt to bully you but just plead the Fifth, which goes further than you not having to answer, it compels them to stop asking.

           Yeah, I’m aware how taking the Fifth smacks of you hiding something—but that is exactly wrong and exactly what they want you to think. The reality is, rich people and such get away with crimes all the time because they know this principle. So even if you are dead guilty, remember the law is unevenly applied and you do not have to say a thing. Another thing, over the past couple decades, the police have made it very difficult to recant a confession. They will often leverage you to confess thinking you can later say it was a false confession under duress. Don’t do it. And don’t sign anything.
           What’s more, if they give you that lecture about them going easy on good citizens, tell them when they arrest and convict Hunter, you may rethink the situation after that happens. Or you could say, okay boys, now Hillary, and so on.

           We might have figured. Last month when the Kia dealership in Nashville told Reb she could bring her car in now and wait three weeks, or make an appointment for the 28th, she opted for the appointment. When she got there, they told her to leave the car another three weeks. Not an option, she had an appointment and they gave her the runaround. “Who did you talk to?”, like either of us is on a first name basis with their staff. No way, it’s small claims court right away. First, that all important demand letter. I’ll contact Trent and find the best method.
           This left me little time for yard work, so journal-style, here’s what I got done. I dismantled the last of the pallets and cleaned enough wood to finish the south side of the shed, probably tomorrow. It took while but I loaded up the incinerator with all the scraps around the yard except leaves. I tested and ran a clip-on light to the laundry area in preparation for the washing machine. Scrounging, I found enough lumber to build a ramp for raising the vehicles off the ground without using metal jack stands, which can tip over. The new window latches are installed, I had to innovate a bit as the regular wood pieces don’t line up any more.

           A also used a jack to lift this desk high enough to smooth the carpet where it used to overlap and moved a coat hook to a space where I can hang my bass in the case rather than prop it on the wall. The hillbilly’s stuff is still stacked on the fence, so I covered it up because it hasn’t rained all week. About a half-day’s labor and I’m not winded, which means it’s Miller time. I think I’ll drive to Bartow for a couple.
           The significance here is these small tasks are bringing many other chores to an end. Many are like finishing touches to phases of the big picture I kept putting off because other matters loomed larger. Soon, the back yard will be clear enough to move the birdbath and swing back there, for example. If I said all this five years ago, too bad.

           For those confused by the fake news about the problem with Russia and Ukraine, I’ll give you the fast version. It’s oil. Russia is Europe’s biggest oil and natural gas supplier by far. Before the Soviet Union broke up, they built their two largest pipelines right across the Ukraine. Russia has never had the industrial capacity to produce consumer goods, so it is reliant on oil revenue for its existence. Think of it as the Saudi Arabia of Europe, nothing much there but oil.
           After the USSR split into 16 countries, the Ukraine began to charge billions in tariffs for Russia to use the southern pipelines. The Russians have since build a spidery network to the north and their biggest customer is Germany This settled to an uncomfortable arrangement until guess what—natural gas has been discovered along the Crimean coast, and coastlines are exclusive economic zones. Since ten years ago, advancements in technology have discovered rich shale oil deposits in both eastern and western Ukraine and underwater natural gas along the coasts. Ukraine could become an oil super-power.

           Ukraine invited in companies like Shell Oil and Exxon, and commenced to build oil facilities. That situation might have worked itself out but the Ukrainians had a little civil war in 2014 and kicked out the pro-Russian government. Russia used this as an excuse to invade the Crimea, which is 80% of the coastline just mentioned, and in the process grabbed billions of dollars in Shell and Exxon drilling equipment, most of it brand new.
           Suddenly Ukraine desperately needs oil money and has no gear. It begins to shop for foreign money to build oil refineries and drilling rigs. Shortly American money begins to pour in and that’s why Joe Biden’s son suddenly appeared on a Ukrainian board of directors. So did the sons of Nancy Pelosi, Mitt Romney, and John Kerry, in case you didn't know. Soon, the entire structure was rotten to the core with Democrats and oil money. But to protect these investments from another Russian grab, Ukraine needed military help and began to toy with the concept of joining NATO, the only military that could really face Russia.

           No way, said Russia. Don’t start anything, said Trump. But that changed in 2020 when Biden commenced to screwing things up. The lockdowns didn’t work, nor did the masks, or the jabs, and to his embarrassment, all them non-vaccinated millions just would not die. Biden desperately needs something to distract voters from the mess he’s made or he faces certain extinction in the November mid-terms. He started enticing Ukraine with NATO again, which would place the new border only 180 miles from Moscow. All of it flat, open country, practically indefensible. Russia, simply put, cannot allow that. And Biden knows it.
           Putin smells Biden’s weakness and knows he’s in trouble if Trump regains power. So he had to act fast. The only question remains, how far will he go? Just lop off the pro-Russian provinces of Ukraine, seal off that valuable coastline, or snap up the whole country? We don’t know.