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Sunday, February 27, 2022

February 27, 2022

One year ago today: February 27, 2021, the latest guitar player . . .
Five years ago today: February 27, 2017, nothing really new.
Nine years ago today: February 27, 2013, the fake beggar.
Random years ago today: February 27, 2011, Meh, Bluegrass is okay.

           Trump slams the corrupt Democrat machine to the deck again. My worry remains that that makes them desperate enough to try anything, including WWIII. What I hate most about liberals is how they must sit around and cook up the crazy angles they have on things. Nobody in their right minds can twist everything so opposite to plain facts. They are so far off the deep end that a lot of us can’t figure why they are even still in power. The Constitution expressly forbids most of what they are up to. Rotten, from top to bottom. Joe says he’s made everything perfect and the problem is that too many Americans just have a issue with being happy.
           This vimeo shows a full rotation of the Moon, made possible by orbiting satellite. According to Planet X News, this is supposed to defy all known science and bend the fabric of your mind. I watched it and didn’t feel a thing. Maybe I should drink more coffee and try again. Or tell Planet X to go something, which do you think?

           This lovely picture is the morning view from the east bedroom. The birdbath and other things are to be moved back there into a rest area, mainly for birds. It’s too hot for humans most days and there is no shade once the pistachio trees drop their leaves. The hillbilly never came back from the store y’day, so Cash and I caught up on our naps and he had four eggs for breakfast. We played catch in the vacant church lot, he is too big and energetic brute of a dog for me to handle. Time to tell the hillbilly unless he fixes up a gate in the back fence, the dog cannot stay here for such long stretches.
           I’ve said siding on the cabin is not a priority, but it’s still overdue. I got a reminder of that when one of the neighbor kids came over and asked me why my house was broken. And he lives in that bungalow-like structure over by the retirement home. Did you know that was one of the earliest designs of bungalow housing in the state of Florida, built in 1849. A hundred years older that this place. What’s attracted me most is imitation stone siding. If I took the bottom layers of existing siding off, I could salvage enough of it to replace all the bad sections that remain. And I have the fully equipped shop to do just that.
           But it is a massive project for me. I’m half-afraid to get started while so much other stuff needs finishing. Like to install that washing machine, I do have to lift the bathroom floor. It is designed to be lifted, because I took extra care to route all the plumbing to that more central location. Smart move.

Picture of the day.
Big Dunes, Nevada.
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           One gallon of gas for the scooter, $4.50. And we have to listen to that old bastard tell us war is not without cost, yet we are not in the war. Contrast that with the roaring crowds at the Trump speeches, where he is raising millions and the Democrats, who put campaign contributions on limits, can’t do a thing. Because he is not running for office. Everything woke turns to shit. In a way I’m glad things are so bad because only the most die-hard indoctrinated leftoids can deny the Democrats have made a mess of everything, and worse, Trump was right about most of it, one can only imagine how that keeps the liberals up at night. But they were not getting the message before. See these two air mattress pumps? I finally proved to my own satisfaction they cannot be teamed up either in parallel or series. So now, think of a use for them. I use a foot pump to inflate my gear. It’s more reliable.

           Budgets are complex due to the categorization process. A grouping is needed or you will be entering data all day. I thought it time to do a direct comparison with five years ago, the time in which the budget was initiated for this cabin. The three categories of expense dominate are food, entertainment, and gasoline. Notice rent is now missing, or we’d be in some serious doo-doo. Here are the averages:

                      2017 Food: $137 per month. 2022 Food: $287 month.
                      2017 Entertainment: $294 per month. 2022 Entertainment: $338 per month.
                      2017 Gasoline: $112 per month. 2022 Gasoline: $184 per month.

           These figures would be a lot worse if compared to 2016 because my scooter gas budget back then was $36 per month. And in 2017, I began driving a car and made a cross-country trip. The news report stores are taking Russian vodka off their shelves. Ha, that might be for show, it’s all about another price increase. I see the writing on the wall, for the first time in a decade anyway, I’ve begun to conserve. I now turn lights off if I’m leaving for even five minutes, as well as fans and A/C. And I’ve begun to keep a running total in my head when food shopping.

           The “Precinct Strategy” is getting news coverage, and it shows Trump is really catching on to the way the Deep State got so deep. These are neighborhood groups who decide who is going to represent them. I’m unclear how it works, but without it, pretty much anybody can run for office and often the voters are left with choosing the lesser of two evils. It is a committee that I formally thought was the counterpart of Democrat redistricting, the way they chop up areas to achieve a dominance of their own voters.
           This committee, called a PC, is normally Republicans who decide who they want representing them. This position is often left vacant through complacency and I always suspected that is how RINOs got elected. They simple sought out an area with no PC and bluffed their way in.

           Other than a scooter ride for groceries, the dog and I took the day off. Again. I watched a few documentaries, but few things ruin a scientific or technical subject like some half-queer millennial narrator who does not know the subject and has not pre-read the script. As if that millennial accent isn’t annoying enough, the sheer detachment of the speaker to the topic is disgusting. They don’t even recognize an obvious error when they see it, which is a telling commentary on the failure of our education system. These are mistakes made only by people who are functionally illiterate. My favorite example: “World War Eleven.”

           Way down here, some gossip. The 15-year rule does not apply to anyone who pisses me off or anyone who is too stupid not to mention. I’ve told you about that broad up the road I don’t like, the one who shows up at the club and annoys me. Well, she does not know when to get lost. Across from where she lives is a Spanish-speaking household. I never thought about her being Spanish because there is no trace of an accent. The household has a fourteen year old daughter and the broad decides she is going to teach her how to drive a car.
           Problem. She didn’t clear it with the parents first. I don’t know the details, but they got as far as the rental property north of my place and smashed into the side of their house. No word on the daughter, who by inference must be okay, but the broad has a broken hip and broken ankle. Good, that will keep her out of what hair I have left for a while.

Last Laugh