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Friday, March 25, 2022

March 25, 2022

One year ago today: March 25, 2021, non-printing punctuation marks.
Five years ago today: March 25, 2017, Ona, 18, sigh.
Nine years ago today: March 25, 2013, the Fair tradition.
Random years ago today: March 25, 2008, when $5.19 was expensive.

           Up early enough for an extra coffee or two, I’m primed for the day. The ride I mentioned I could have bought for $8,000 when I was ten, it was the Magic Carpet. Shown here half a century later, still a popular attraction, but who could have known. At then times the price, today that would be $80,000, would still be a bargain. Such is life. Nobody told us the carnival was a closed shop union with an average retirement age of 44, or that you got to see the country almost for free. This is the best shot I could get, but it looks like no empty seats to me. Maybe I’ll just have another coffee.
           Have I told you Alaine donated my yard two plants? Or does my memory give out when I get distracted by sleepiness? It is an oregano plant and a mother of millions. Stick around and I’ll get you pics, but right now today, I’m getting those extra shelves up in the silo. After conferencing with JZ, I’m going to focus a bit more on small valuable supplies than what they say would “sell well” or barter. Sadly, the expensive board I purchased just a few months ago for the shelf above the curtains in the back bedroom has warped.

           Meanwhile, an Amazon delivery drone crashed and burned, setting off a forest fire. And California is post false news that the mass exodus of their tax-paying big tech (and the associated tax-paying middle class workers) are not evacuating the state. But the days when their media is the only news source are long gone, so it is a mystery why they still try the same propaganda that worked in 1970. Pardon me, the mainstream media say it was not a forest fire but only a brush fire. A very big brush fire. The CDC has launched an ad campaign trying to convince us that blood clots are a perfectly normal thing that could happen to everyone. It’s pathetic.
           The Florida governor declared the female contestant who came in second behind the man as the real winner and that would have been well enough. Ha, except the left responded with an explosion of accusations and such over intolerance and the usual. Even that isn’t the point. The matter here is that there is almost 100% rejection of the liberal propaganda on this one. That’s kind of a first and hardly a good sign for the upcoming mid-term elections where the liberals are going to have to try pouring it on really thick.

           My search engine, DuckDuckGo, has apparently been dropped, compromised, or bought out my Google. The last one is the only sensible thing I can see. Though DuckDuckGo never did reach its stated goals, it served quite well as a block on Google’s tracking spyware. Have you seen the Black News Channel? Neither has anyone else, which is why they are shutting it down. Formed to sell black news as much as report it, they rarely got 10,000 nightly views. If that fell much lower, this blog would give them a run for the money.
           The Democrats can’t win for losing as the returning pendulum picks up speed. They paid doctors and hospitals to create COVID statistics, but this time they really got themselves in too deep. A hospital refused to give one patient medicine asked for, then confiscated his own medicine (Ivermectin). They kept him until he lost 40 pounds and managed to escape. Uh-oh Joe, turns out this one was a lawyer.

           And here is a gif of the most spectacular skating move I’ve ever seen. Just before the Fair informed me I could not video (no other warnings, nothing in advance), I was able to get this footage, which JZ feels must be faked. But we both saw it with our own eyes and as a former dancer, I know this could be done. Not by me, but it is entirely possible, though dangerous.

           I’ve decided on a shopping trip so hop in the van if you want to come along. Otherwise no complaining when all you get for supper tonight is chicken and potatoes. I read an article on millennials which I agree with. The older ones are beginning to see the mess they’ve made for themselves. They were told they were the greatest and never lived through that phase where they had to begrudgingly admit at least some older people got it right.
           They created the mess by their blind support of anything “new” like smart phones. The problem was they allowed these degenerate tracking systems to grow to proportions that invaded everybody’s privacy. By the time they realized it, their lives were totally on file. However, they picked up that this system had a failing, in that the more people they got on file, the less chance they would ever be singled out. This is why fish travel in schools and animals in herds, and pods. It increases the odds for the weaker individuals.
           The problem is, these millennials eventually run across somebody who saw this coming and took their own measures. That person becomes an enemy, because that person has increased his survivability at their expense. They must therefore destroy that individual and the best method they know of is to force him to become part of the herd. To conform, to comply. His downfall becomes their cyborg survival strategy.

Picture of the day.
New York Mental Hospital.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           I scored a nearly new water heater for $92. And a real shop air compressor for $58. Still no washing machine, but when I do, there will be unlimited hot water. How can the be with only a 30 gallon unit like this? Ah, the ambient tank. It’s currently the main tank, which runs hot water for around 20 minutes before you notice any difference. When it pre-heats the water to air temp, that should easily double the capacity. And since it would be unlikely three people would ever live here, that’s plenty.
           It was from the Thrift on 17 that I thought was closed. The guy said rather they had to go to Texas and closed for that month. He’s got an arm injury and the re-opened last week only on Thursday thru Saturday if it isn’t raining. I saw him favoring the arm, I happen to know that is a $75,000 injury.

           The diagram I made to connect these tanks in series has gone missing. Fine, that gives me an excuse to go for a beer later and re-plan it out. The roughly $350 savings over a new tank spared up $100 for my Roman A/C, the 2” PVC pieces are not $1 per foot. The total should come in less than $150 for that project but one summer power outage is all it takes to appreciate passive air conditioning.
           I tested the compressor as best I could, and it seems to crank out 60 psi in less than a minute. It’s an American brand name, Ingersol-Rand, and I might add an expensive brand. I’ll locate the size and info plate later, but it’s probably at least $200 at Harbor Freight. The only fault so far is a jammed connector and I have a small bag full of extras. It just honks so it must be pushing the limit of 120V motor drive.

           The 50 year old drummer from the Foo Fighters died feom the jab and the media is making a frenzied effort to cover it up, saying the cause is not determined. Bullshit, the Foo Fighters even demanded the jab to allow anyone into their concerts. The news usually elicits the response that it serves him right. Face it, those who support tyranny deserve what they get. And the Academy Award people just lost half their audience by announcing they would reject awards to any movie that was not queer enough or black enough. America loves it when morons shoot themselves in the foot. TMOR, these fringe cases do not represent the majority of Americans, who for the most part, are much like people everywhere.

           Saving the best for last, this is the first sprig from the peach tree. I foolishly did not mark it down last year, but I would have noticed within the week. I’ll document it better this time, I promise. I probably thought because the Florida growing season is 12 months that deciduous plants didn’t need to shed their leaves. If I didn’t say, the first orange crop is nearly ready. The lack of real seasons in Florida tends to make the locals underestimate the passage of time. They sure don’t seem to realize how old they are until they get there.
      I read somewhere peaches only bear fruit every second year, but that would not make sense of cash-hungry localities like Florida. That and the way some people live.

Last Laugh