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Thursday, March 25, 2021

March 25, 2021

One year ago today: March 25, 2020, GPS – only starting to suck.
Five years ago today: March 25, 2016, four went missing.
Nine years ago today: March 25, 2012, ah, but Colorado was rent-free.
Random years ago today: March 25, 2011, Brother printers suck.

           Agt. R has hatched another plan, apparently some outfit is advertising a new method to reclaim precious metals from scrap. We now know that his barrier is an inability to establish a firm schedule, but I will look at this method. Whereas I no longer get involved with processes that need constant attention, I can guess this “new” method still uses chemicals to dissolve any valuable metals, then takes them back out of solution. If this means setting up the apparatus and coming back a few days later, I may be interested.
           My version of jet lag cost me the day, so I contacted a couple ads. Guitar players seeking bands. As usual, it is the part-crazy ones that never seem to connect, the b-side bunch and their artist-specific lists. Like asking me if I do any Lyle Lovett, I dunno, name me some tunes. These are among the hardest types of musicians to work with but from their viewpoint, they are focused on the best music in the universe. That’s how anxious I am to get out playing. On a musical plane, these people are fanatics who think they can change the world with their taste in music.

           Did you catch that message from Joe, the alleged President, saying a woman can do anything I man can? Some say he is the President, but most say there is “no evidence”. I know what he means, but the people who think the guy is an incompetent creep are going to run with that. This propounds the question, is there anything a woman can do a man can’t, the first comment was, “Climb stairs?” The whole bunch of these Democrats are digging themselves a deep, deep hole. They are almost frantic in trying to change the rulebook knowing what is in store next election. Most people are just hoping there is still a US of A for when Trump returns to save us.
           This is the mini-guitar destined for the kidlet we have no nickname for yet. Consulting with Bryne, who is building his ultimate guitar from pieces collected worldwide, the usual problem is the tuning pegs. These [shown here] won’t hold very long, but Bryne’s suggested source, Hipshot can ring in at $36 per peg. I’m more inclined to find an old guitar and take the old pegs. Or maybe go visit Bryne. He’s had another round with the doctors and I doubt a guy of his intelligence gets a lot of visitors in that part of the coast. Tuning pegs probably make excellent adjusting levers for electronics, yet I don’t have a single spare around here.

           I’m striving to get you a news article from Bryne concerning the construction of his super-guitar. Bearing in mind he is not a photographer or writer, I’m piecing much of the details together. This is the only picture I have of his progress and the only part I recognize is how the pockets for the pick-ups are lined with copper. I will press for more info on the parts and assembly, as I think most of us know what a finished guitar looks like.
           The neck and this body were manufactured to an extreme degree in Japan in 1985. They were expensive enough that he bought them separately. His tech descriptions tend to lose me, but I I encounter any I’ll include them, maybe you know this kind of thing.

Picture of the day.
Plastic model espresso machine.
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           I discovered the hard way my old XP-grade Audacity recording software doesn’t have a WASAPI setting. This is the feature you enable to record directly off your sound card or equivalent. I got that huge distortion sound and finally found out what that was. It’s caused by a setting that plays the tune through your output, then tries to record it, resulting in a feedback loop. I did not guess that, just assumed it was some incompatible format or copyright setting.
           This picture shows the sugar cane burn off. I heard they use the stalks to power their processing plants, but the field stubble still is burned like this. You can just make out the horizon of trees in this photo taken from some 15 miles away. There can be up to twenty of these huge fires blotting out the sun at any given time around Lake Okeechobee. The aroma is tinged with the exactly smell of molasses. People who live there don’t notice it after a bit, but it reminds me of something I can never erase—burning root piles.

           I reviewed Rust code, this is the heralded replacement for C+, but it is another big mistake. It inherits a dozen of the worst program practices from C+ and top of that list is the misuse of punctuation. It escapes me how so-called program language creators would choose punctuation for the job when it is the hardest part of the written language for most humans. A good way to determine if a language is degenerate (that’s the correct term, Patsie) is to take a look at the standard first code. It is getting the computer to output: Hello, World!
           If this command is not simple, the language is degenerate. In Rust, the command is:

                      println!(“Hello, World”);

           It is wrong in detail. A proper print command says print, not println! and there are five non-printing punctuation marks in the string, which is just asking for trouble. This has been a shortcoming of every computer language, but remember, it is false to think it takes good education and intellect to program. It takes those things to be a good programmer, but “good” is hated word in the computer field. Every flunky in the room will claim he’s the best that ever lived. Often quoting how many lines he’s written. I’m of the school that says the fewest lines that do the job are the correct method—it makes fewer things that can go wrong.
           I discovered the hard way my old XP-grade Audacity recording software doesn’t have a WASAPI setting. This is the feature you enable to record directly off your sound card or equivalent. I got that huge distortion sound and finally found out what that was. It’s caused by a setting that plays the tune through your output, then tries to record it, resulting in a feedback loop. I did not guess that, just assumed it was some incompatible format or copyright setting.
           Trivia. In many countries, it is illegal to disassemble a smoke alarm. Why? Because the detector used Americium 241, a radioactive element. It’s harmless because the rays can’t penetrate your skin, but don’t swallow any. I was doing a routine scan for interesting science projects and notice a huge increase in the requirement for 3D printed parts. I’m still watching for such a machine that can duplicate. Glue the broken part together and have the machine print a new piece without the inconvenience of CAD.
           See how the liberal hive-mind works? Australia, instead of paying for the electricity generated by solar-powered houses is now planning on charging them for it. One house in five over there has solar panels. The Democrats, still furiously desperate to maintain the unsupported allegations that Trump supporters “stormed” the capital have revealed they are using “subpoenaed cell phone records” to track the “rioters”. In doing so, they have revealed they are tracking all cell phone data. You’ve been warned. Hong Kong protesters leave their phones at home.
           A judge is considering blocking suspected “rioters” from accessing the Internet. That’s a strong message to those we’ve been warning. You are not the entity that decides if you have something to hide. These people are only suspects. Think about it. FireFox is on the right track, finally making privacy blockers a standard feature, I will check it out for you. Careful of blockers that insist on knowing your identity first. How about the leftists now trying to blame the border crisis on climate change. You can’t make this shit up.

           Alluding back to my warnings of 40 years ago, the Democrats now require all members to vote on party lines or face personal attacks from social media. All media requests or coverage of the border crisis are required to be approved by DC, who refuse all. This could lead to bigger problems. The message to Joe and Camel-toe are to quit while they are ahead.
           How about the hippo women, Oprah and Michelle, now whining about how downtrodden and ill-done-by they are? Or Biden lying through his teeth about the problem he caused at the border. Or his press secretary ducking every question. It’s daily getting worse as their lies pile up around them. Trying to blame black crimes against Asians on the orange men, it spirals into the ridiculous. It’s so clear they are going to try saving themselves by installing that Harris woman, hoping their hooplah of a woman president will drown out the train wreck they’ve caused.

Last Laugh