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Sunday, March 6, 2022

March 6, 2022

One year ago today: March 6, 2021, my mini-SOTU post.
Five years ago today: March 6, 2017, the “H” is silent.
Nine years ago today: March 6, 2013, famous, popular, & positive.
Random years ago today: March 6, 2007, “two scrambled eggs . . .”

           It is one of those perfect winter mornings that makes people decide to move to Florida. All the house windows are open and the dog had cat food for breakfast. Myself, more cheesy spuds, which go by many names. That dog is too much for me, and the hillbilly disappeared again y’day while “going to the store”. I’m on my second coffee and the Reb called to say she is driving the Civic to Smithville. Let me digress and comment on the significance of this. It means a number of things, starting with how well our system absorbed this five-figure impact without resorting to jew money (credit) and it means she is back in business.
           She is paid for these Sunday gigs and turned several down last month because some of these are an hour’s drive away. She reports it is exceptionally smooth running and the slightly larger size is perceptible as better handling. Whew, that is a load off my mind, but we still had to pay a massive premium for interim insurance and she is using dealer plates until the TN DMV gets off their haunches. I just saw the $60 charge to fill the tank. Biden sucks for canceling the Keystone [pipeline] which means we are financing Russia’s war.
           This is the picture that arrived, but I don’t know if this is the exact car. It’s close, I only saw it the one time, it is the EX or LX model with lots of goodies. My decision was swayed by the reputation of this model and year, they are hard to find despite the price just leaped another $4,000. I’ve seem these offered for $19,000+. In a sense, I’m glad we made this purchase when we did, as it was sheer luck the dealer held the asking price for us so long. The crew, Sammy & Chooks, took to it without their usual hesitancy, so that’s a plus for the Reb.

           It’s me and the red cardinals. They are out in force today. I see nothing, but I hear them and they won’t be long finding the bird bath. My mini-project for today is rigging up a mist nozzle, if that does not work, a drip mechanism. I’ve half a mind to install a tap inside the house by the double window to control the flow rate. There are no qualms about drilling holes in the walls around here. I’m taking the doggie on a shop, for food, supplies, and potentially a washing machine. And the hillbilly will no longer be allowed to leave the dog here. I can’t be responsible for securing the perimeter without knowing how he ties up the dog and confines it. I provide the fence only and know he does not trust that alone because he ties the dog up inside the fence.

Picture of the day.
Runes in Denmark.
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           You know, I suspect the Reb & I represent the remnants of the America middle-class. The traditional definition is outdated, because since around 1970 they have been increasingly reliant on credit cards—bad enough in itself without the way they call down others who fall into that triap The final bill for the Civic came in after today’s morning post and I’m not at all that thrilled about the difference between the quoted and “should have” costs, and what was finally paid out. It will balance out but we would have been devastated if we’d obeyed the rules.
           This photo shows the new section of back fence, where I will try to put in the largest gate I’ve ever built. The others, following an amalgamation of plans I downloaded, seem to be working very well, they just do not sag. To be accurate, they are really shed doors, not gates, but this egress has to be at least wider than anything I may ever wan to put in that back yard. And I have no choice but having it swing open against the existing doors on the red shed. Can’t have both open at the same time.
           Shopping ceases to be a pleasant chore until one gets used to the prices. Capitalism has been defined as the economic system where greed is allowed to do the least harm. My thoughts were always that capitalism is not a political system, but a business method. If so, the current illegal regime (everybody knows it) has turned it into a bashing tool. Telling us prices here must go up because there is war on the other side of the world. Something has to give, you know. And I don’t just mean because chicken has just doubled in price.

           So I decided by late afternoon, time to stop in since I’ve not been out since middle of last week. The only place open Sundays is Kooters, so we (Cash & I) waltzed in. Who do we meet but Mac, the guitar player. Aha, this time I happened to have an acoustic in the van. I quickly set up my mini-amp, knowing one of the major parts of a band he dislikes is packing and unpacking gear. I have everything, as you know, through one 27-pound PA amp, works like a charm. Once we got going, it was a free show for the house. It wasn’t that crowded but all went fine until the first asshole showed up, around two hours.
           Mac is a great acoustic player, which unlike a lead player, he knows good matching bass backup when it happens. He doesn’t expect you to take over from a full band. His music is a full generation earlier than mine and I got a late start, but we still strung together a series of excellent medleys. I even enjoyed HRS again, a tune I’ve hated for fifty years. (House of the Rising Sun, I dislike it from overuse.)

           So, you ask, how does one asshole alone break up a nice little party? Easy, he walks in the back door, leaving it open and within a few swigs of his Bud Lite, realizes he is not the center of attention. What’s worse, he cannot get it back while we are playing, since we are sitting around a large area up near the bar, far away from his beloved pool tables. He waits until we take a momentary break and starts his sequence, “Do you guys know ‘Anybody But Bill’ by Garth Brooks”.
           Well, time’s up, I know the sequence. He doesn’t ask if you play it, just whether you know it. I do, because it is by consensus the worst song Brooks ever made. We both say no, so hey, you guys he says, I’ll play it for you on the juke box, you are just gonna love this blah blah blah. We started to pack it in or the next thing he’ll try and teach it to you. From the house across the field next house over, Bishop sneaks out, you know Bishop, the bar owner’s son’s dog, who finds the back door open and instantly attacks Cash. Everybody moves to separate the dogs, except our asshole, who has grabs my unattended acoustic guitar and picks the two or three riffs he knows, saying for fifty bucks, he knows a guy who can “set up the action”.
           Mac and I suddenly remembered we had to go polish our shoes. By now, Cash has slunk off to some corner and shit on the floor. I got it cleaned up and mopped, but that, folks, is how an asshole breaks up a good time for nine other people.

           I still have to smirk when I hear these Internet “reporters” (EpochTimes, GatewayPundit) go on about the MSM getting paid to lie. Why is Democrat bribery of the MSM just making news item today? The "liberals" are not a political party, they are a societal cancer. When they get into power, they do not focus the coffers on public good, rather focus on how to slander opponents, arrest dissenters, churn out indoctrination, and install their operatives at every level in the government supply chain. That is the real threat and it is only wayward mentalities that call it “communism”. It is evil incarnate, not some political philosophy you’ll find in some textbook. That crap is only the gangster’s excuse.
           One possible explanation is the radical left thought they had their agenda in place and the conservatives complacently let the little things go, thinking nothing would happen to themselves. Thus, it was politics as usual until Trump came along. The Democrats had a huge war chest of stolen taxpayer money but squandered it fake hoaxes and impeachments. Once the money was gone, the MSM had no other revenue source except to start reporting real news again--but nottoo much of it in case the pendulum swings back. All of a sudden, these countless half-wits on both sides had to start paying attention again and have not yet grasped how far behind they are in the world. Suddenly all the blatant palm-greasing is news to them.

Last Laugh