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Monday, March 7, 2022

March 7, 2022

One year ago today: March 7, 2021, “kind of stupid”.
Five years ago today: March 7, 2017, my last whole chicken.
Nine years ago today: March 7, 2013, safety at the trailer court.
Random years ago today: March 7, 2007, coffee at Panera.

           Remind me next time I’m in Dollar Twenty-Five Tree to buy all those cheap tape measures they have that day. Man, I can never find the last one I used, it’s a habit I never could break. My shed arrangement casts a morning shadow on the silo, so Cash and I were out there by 9:00AM working on finishing that south-facing shed wall. I don’t have enough pallet wood, so I will raid the other sides, which have strips holding tarpaper in place. Siding is a two-man job, so I was up and down the ladder so often, I erased the time lapse footage of it. It’s just not right to work that hard. Here's some baked chicken with apples, raisins, carrots, and brown sugar.
           Such projects take longer than ever planned, so by noon she was getting hot and I doubted I’ll finish today. Damn, that’s what I wanted. But wait, a spot of luck has intervened. Minutes past noon, it began to cloud over. The crew, Cash & I, no hillbilly, had feasted on chicken for breakfast, hoping for an afternoon siesta. Not if that cloud cover lasts, boys. If you see a picture around here showing the results, then you’ll know how things went.

           Then again, no picture, no siding. It’s a pity the pallet supply dried up after I started, and I could not pick and choose pieces. Thus the higher up the wall, the more small gaps you’ll see. Three walls to go, but I don’t care what those look like. The inside is wired, cool, and comfortable. This wall is a candidate for a convection cooling system, the one I wanted to originally try in the white shed.
           Seven PVC pipes, painted matte black on this wall, all uptakes in the direct sun, pulling air from inside the shed to exhaust under the eaves. Two ducts in the back wall supply the cooler shade air into the shed I’ve got a booklet of diagrams around here I worked on a while back. I’ll start with fewer pipes if I do, see what works. This is not the underground system I once looked into. The tree roots here mean the piping cannot be buried, but the differential between direct sunlight and shade is enough to make a remarkable difference. The birdbath is now set up in the back yard and the hummingbird dish is mounted, maybe temporarily as it juts out further from the wall than planned. I had to turn the bracket upside down.

           This is about as hard as I ever intend to work again, famous last words. By 1:30PM I had to take a break. There is a breeze picking up. This is a late summertime condition but that could mean rain. Usually a terrific lightning rainstorm, which would bring us to a full stop. Inside the house, of course, bbeside the air conditioner and coffee machine. No need to suffer unduly.
           5:30PM and there you have it, on the right-side panel, the completed south wall. There is still some tidying up to do. The slightly off-angle strip across the middle is just temporary shelf so I could reach supplies while up on the ladder. Actually, two ladders, this was labor intensive. The color difference is due to lightening the last picture in the fading sunlight. I have not decided if this wall should be finished, but I would like to see it camouflaged to some extent. When you know what to look for, you realize how many dozens of houses in this town have pallet sheds. What, you ask? Well yes, this is the nicest one, thanks for asking.

Picture of the day.
Kirkwall Harbor, Orkney Islands.
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           While visiting with Mac last evening, I mentioned the last gig, and he reminded me of my insistence that the band always have a set ready in case one member is late or whatever. So mid-evening y’day, I left a message for Parson. He was miffed how the club tried to cut our pay by telling us to quit, but this is an old ploy. These clubs are not public events and if there is a loss on a given day, don’t blame the band. I found out that following Sunday there was some sort of local Fair going on. That is the task of the club to allow for, not the band.
           Sure enough, at 1:40PM, Parson calls. The other former bandmates say the same, we should have at least one more rehearsal and take it from there. We had gigs, which is more on the musical Richter scale than I can express. I’ve had it up to here with bullshit artists who never make the grade. The drummer has some annual party at the old practice hall, so I’m agreeable to a “tips only” session that doubles as rehearsal. Parson knows the Legion circuit and somebody will always hire a real band over a solo guitar. That means the drummer, keyboard, and bass are okay, so even if we cannot find the lead player, I say we proceed with just three.

           Tips only counts as a gig in my books, so check in later in the week for confirmation. Here is a picture from the last gig, showing all but the drummer. Over the bass player’s shoulder is Parson and to the extreme right in the distance is the lead player. This photo chosen because it shows the sparse crowd in a fairly big hall. The place is beautiful, with a hardwood dance floor.
           What’s this? The Democrats are moving to disbar 110 lawyers who worked for Trump during the 2020 election. Wait, those are only lawyers who were Republicans. Democrat lawyers who did the same work are not on the hit list. Since the only part of the process lawyers were involved with was voter fraud, this whole charade looks like the Democrats are more worried than we thought about the mid-terms. They know they are going to have to cheat and are using tax dollars to send a threat to any lawyer who tries to prosecute them. It is called “The 65 Project”.

           6:50PM and we have a gig. This Saturday, a couple hours tips only at a clubhouse in Lakeland. No word on the lead player yet. I sent those recordings to Parson, the ones that showed once we got going, it was already a full sound and, although on different wavelengths musically, our rehearsals have allowed us to blend and we do not need another musician in the group. Also, this is a Legion gig, so there is potential for more. I told ya, I only need $400 a month income from this to be happy. Half that amount is my gas bill, and these days who wouldn’t like that. Gas has doubled since Biden’s con job.

           It finally happened. I got a telemarket call using the distinct ring-tone used only for my most important calls. Worse, it was a neighbor spoof and I was up the ladder. (I may not be using the right term, neighbor spoofing is when the call display shows the same area code as your phone, so you think it may be a local call.) I’ll check first since it could have been a real call that dropped and it was a second caller by the time I walked around the to the side door. Anyway, it would be scary if a sinister operation like Boost can get at my ring tones. Mr. Trump, when your candidate is elected, have him fire the entire FCC department that deals with telemarketing and hire me.

Last Laugh