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Sunday, April 17, 2022

April 17, 2022

One year ago today: April 17, 2021, finally, my scooter canopy.
Five years ago today: April 17, 2017, my second-most club.
Nine years ago today: April 17, 2013, Macon, by sidecar.
Random years ago today: April 17, 2012, that overpowering aroma.

           This morning I drank coffee, then watered the plants. Then went back to sleep. The only event is those leftover seeds I threw between the cactus plants are growing better than the ones in my custom trays. Some plants, same soil, and only a few feet apart. It was two years ago the first peaches appeared, a crop of seven if I recall. Should everything that’s there turn out today, we’ll have at least 28, enough for pie. Like most homegrown, they were a tad bitter, but that is why Nature put us so close to sugarcane plantations.
           Won’t you be glad when I head for Tennessee? No yard reports for a few weeks anyway? It’s time to head over there, make some plans, have some adventures. If I failed to mention, this ear is the last in my mind that I consider myself middle-aged. It’s been an ordinary journey in many ways, but I would point out the limitations have never been my personal drive and that 99% of every torment along the way came from other people. Way back in the 1980s I knew in my minds eye that after 2022, I’d be old. I don’t feel old, I feel tired.

Picture of the day.
Cuban worker’s paradise.
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           A highly successful audition. Yep, I remember this guy and he sort of places me, we both moved to this area around the same time. We ran through thirty songs we both know, but some will have to be arranged better. Other than that, we agree on most band things. And he’s got the same attitude I do toward bad guitar players, club managers, and the general music atmosphere in this area. We’ll get our preferred song lists together and go to work for a month. He has to go to Milwaukee, I’ll be in Nashville. What a great and instant sound. When it instantly meshes together like that, the only problems you have are the ones you create yourself.
           He’s got a cautious approach to everything, it seems and he’s mercifully learned the lesson that the quality of the music you play is not the decisive factor in a band, nor does it make up for a host of other shortcomings. I believe he got a laugh noticing how I sometimes take a few notes to find my key. He plays exactly what he should and I saw that “aha” moment when he realized I was not “accompanying” his guitar strums. I was blending right into it. Please let this one be a go-ahead.

           Yet, I cannot place him as the guy who’s been running the fancy ads. This guy is smart enough to know Polk County is a circuit. You can’t bust in and we are both outsiders. I know the clubs, the managers, their hours, and what they pay. If this flies, we’ll do well. He admits his last few groups split because they could not find work.
           There’s another telltale sign that he’s run into the same circumstances because it’s a reaction I’ve had too many times to count. It’s when the guy knows something is messed up but keeps it to himself, thinking it is his interpretation at fault. Then he meets me who not only thinks the same, but I’ve got derogatorically comical names for the damn affairs. This guy rates a nickname already. I’ll call him Kram for now, see if it adheres.

           Chicken has tripled in price. One can almost hear the Trump people giggling as Biden and the Democrats get worse rating each day. The polls are not openly saying anything yet, but the districts know their voter base in rapidly dwindling. My guess is so many who voted left because they hated Trump have realized the Democrats have twisted that vote into prices and policies nobody really wanted.
           Did I just say ‘derogatorically’?

Last Laugh