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Monday, April 25, 2022

April 25, 2022

April 25, 2022 Monday
One year ago today: April 25, 2021, more pallet wood.
Five years ago today: April 25, 2017, muddy & full.
Nine years ago today: April 25, 2013, dump & start over . . .
Random years ago today: April 25, 2011, an exclusive bunch.

           Good morning except in Nigeria, where a third of the population woke up without phone service. They failed to register on the National Digital ID Database. Most Canadians, who have to show ID and an address to get a phone, can’t figure what the kerfuffle is all about. Stateside, the early rounds of what will be the mid-term elections have begun and the pattern is established. Trump-endorsed MAGA candidates are crushing the RINOs.
           The Democrats are mortified, as the newcomers are often unfunded candidates with zero “political experience”. They are overturning decades of establishment rule. RINOs are considered the hardest targets and Trump seems posed to slaughter them. Ballot harvesting won’t work any more except in ridiculously inflated numbers, plus people now know what to watch for and mules next time are risking their lives.
           Showing how I spare no effort to give my readers the best, here is the microscope setup examining that four-pin transistor from last day. I can get it to work as a switch, but how it behaves in trickle charge mode remains mysterious. Most of these recycled parts wind up as experimental “alarms” that use a sensor to flash a small LED. The classic sensor-process-flash familiar to any Arduino user.

           Rumor has it I did not leave for Tennessee at dawn. Instead, I chased around on the scooter. When I had to work for a living, days like this only happened 9-5/M-F. Eggs have become hard to find now that the Democrats are manufacturing a food crisis. Twenty food plant sabotaged since January, mostly by fire and mass killing of laying chickens. Eggs now sell for the lowest price up, so by the time I got there at 10:30AM every left was over $4 a dozen. Just y’day I checked out my chicken coop and it is ready to go. I would still like to make friends with a farmer. A real farmer I mean, not the cash croppers neck deep around here.
           This month, my gasoline bill dropped by two-thirds, meaning the scooter repair already paid for itself. Be aware that my budget is not designed to track such things so that’s why the round figures. Some stats are based on stats, but we can guess I have not put 64 gallons in the tank because of the scooter which uses only top grade 93 octane. I think it is close to $6 per gallon.
           The Democrats are mortified, as the newcomers are often unfunded candidates with zero “political experience”. They are overturning decades of establishment rule. RINOs are considered the hardest targets and Trump seems posed to slaughter them. Ballot harvesting won’t work any more except in ridiculously inflated numbers, plus people now know what to watch for and mules next time are risking their lives.

           Don’t forget to watch Shatner’s face after his perfect date question. Folks, 2022 and I’m still dealing with computer problems familiar in 1987. Bad search algorithms, keyboard lockups, slow bootups, gimp features, and operating system decay. Now my latest unit is starting to exhibit age, after what, maybe year of usage. I’ll replace the system battery but that does not solve the conflicts like inability to find files that are there. Worst for me is windows that will not stay set in the display mode you leave them. You can set My Pictures to icon mode and will always eventually change to something else.
           It will be a long process, but I’m going to begin purging books, mostly novels and paperbacks. I have around forty I’ll repeat read but their time is over. That’s another concession on my part and it does not apply to reference books. Some of my upper level texts are 40 years old because nothing has changed in that time.

Picture of the day.
Solid brass porthole.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Siesta, yeah-yeah. Because it did not cool down in the afternoon. I mixed the paint to discover the color is “ultra-brite white”. My last priority is any doors or trim but at $58 a gallon, I’ll keep it. I was back at the yard sale. Until she decides I can have the washer, there was nothing much I could use. At the Thrift, I picked up a couple strange millennial WiFi devices which I’ll set to figuring out. One says to share files wirelessly “without a computer”. Really? It has a card reader. And the scooter carburetor is acting up again. It has to be run with the throttle set partially open, which can vary as you are riding along. These things weary me.
           I had planned to test the old solar device on a horizontal plane. Instead, we dismantle it because experience has it these things don’t work on a small scale. A rule of them is in a square structure, you need twice the area of the south wall to make a difference. Only three of the four pallets yielded suitable lumber, and then only 18 square feet, shown here. It still works out to half store price even allowing for labor and transpo, but half is around the point where you wonder.

           Knowing it was due, I lit the incinerator for a five-beer fire. That’s all evening until it burned down to coals which I finally watered out. By dark, I could not find the blower, so I ran over the compressor hose to discover it has a serious leak. And why not, I have not checked it out for years. Burning always gets me reminiscent. I have not seen the stars clearly with my naked eyes since I was 12 and went myopic. You can correct for this but it is just not the same. I was reminded of a year later when I was 13. There is a baseless tale that the skies are clearer in the winter.
           The reality is that there are just more stars visible. Across the way was a baseball field, so I would lie on my back with binoculars and stare as along as I could stand the cold. Two things came of this that demonstrate some terrible truths. One is that I saw the moons of some planet, but I don’t know which. Probably Jupiter. However, I’d been taught that everything out there was so far away that was impossible. I was using 10x50 binoculars, I found out years later Galileo had done it with a thirty-power.

           And I had also seen the Andromeda Galaxy, I could wow a lot of people how easily I could point it out near Cassiopeia. I could see it was far beyond the stars but I thought this was common knowledge. I did not learn until years later that Hubble was famous for this discovery. There are, my friends, many types of poverty that are senseless. There was nobody to ask and not even a single book in the small-town library that could have explained any of this to me. Sigh.
           Poverty stifles but you don’t know it because the world is full of people who believe they could have made it with a little help. This isn’t true, I’ve seen too many of these sort with resources I cannot imagine wind up a big fat zero in later years. Maybe I can’t see Jupiter, but I could point to the sky precisely where it becomes visible at just before sunrise any day this week and calculate exactly where the Sun is at that moment and the distance from that point to here. Truly it counts for nothing, but is that the lesson in this?

           Another famous lesson may be in the making. Kyle Rittenhouse has filed a defamation suit against that is what I would call “representative”. He’s suing the fattest, ugliest bigmouth on American television, Whoopi Goldberg. What’s significant here is that, on behalf of all the libtard talk shows, Goldberg cannot afford to lose. She’s guilty as hell but has to fight this one to the finish on that count. The only question is will Rittenhouse settle out of court, which would allow her to claim she isn’t guilty. Problem. Rittenhouse has no incentive to settle.

           Musk took on the leadership of Twitter, they lost (miserably) and now America is treated to a hilarious spectacle. Libtard leftoids stewing in their own juice. Double that because Musk has not done anything with the company yet. The panic is worse than the Democrats think because it throws light on yet more of their hypocrisy. It changed overnight from Twitter is a private company that can censor whomever it pleases to a private company than requires government intervention.
           This is what Trump meant when he said everything woke turns to shit. The left becomes a bully at any opportunity but never do well when they get a rebound. Flipping around like this does them no good with the mid-terms just months away. There are a lot of smaller elections meanwhile and they are following a distinct trend. Trump endorsed candidates obliterate whatever went before. And mark my words, somebody somewhere is planning a defense against ballot harvesting, it just isn’t front-page news.
           The libraries of America that belong to the national association now have a new communist president. He is a “brave fighter” who will begin to purge the shelves of all material that contains wrong-think. It is, again, packaged as a move to protect American youth.

Last Laugh