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Sunday, April 24, 2022

April 24, 2022

One year ago today: April 24, 2021, a computer glitch . . .
Five years ago today: April 24, 2017, some windmill technology.
Nine years ago today: April 24, 2013, another railroad museum.
Random years ago today: April 24, 2020, when $200 was expensive . . .

           A long and lazy morning gave me time to review the highlights of the last few gigs. In 1979 I noticed a break in music styles due to recorded rock ‘n roll which I didn’t think was all the important. But the most recent band shows that the pre-79 style has a distinct following and they are still out there by the millions. I’m alluding to the jazz improvisation mode versus the note-for-note copy manner of rock bands. I had fun with the band because they faked everything and I understand why their other bass players always quit.
           No matter how hard you practiced or how well you learned your part, this band would revert to the same style, though that is misleading. It is actually a variety of styles, but they follow the old jazz fashion where you play 20 verses if nobody gets tired. It’s not much fun for those who like the tune to have some semblance to the original. By the last set of each gig with that group, I was playing two or three bass patterns to every song, many of which I never heard before.

           Here’s a pic of my window-side morning glory plants. These small pots are to see if they thrive. If so, let’s find out if they really are a vine. They get direct sunlight from dawn to true noon, then partial until the late afternoon. Though not a big day for work, I got another four pallets with enough to finish the west wall, and an eviction up the way on East Vine netted me 12 planters, two muffin trays (brand new), two gallons of paint with primer (color not yet determined), a gallon of oil-bases KILZ, an excellent glass water jug, and a big bag of the beans the birdies like.
           Plus, the landlady says drop back in a few days and she may have a washing machine. It seems she rented her own house to another lady for a few years and it did not work out, plus the renter was keeping dogs inside. Quite odorific, even from the street. Weird lady, I was way across the yard looking at what was piled there, along with other passersby. She singled me out and invited me inside to “have a closer look at things”. I declined. Four times.

           Netflix is going to try charging for password sharing. It was foolish for them to even allow that in the first place, but the rush to be first is a fact of Internet life. What I object to is these type of schemes are based on keeping tabs on people beyond what is stated. Not enough is known yet, but they have to somehow monitor the usage. Twitter, the censorship company, has changed its policy wording. It morphs from blocking denial of “scientific fact” to “scientific consensus”. Or as I aptly put it so many years ago, “Truth by majority rule.”
           Am I the only one who notices lumber prices are declining, and other types of hardware have almost returned to normal? Or that the latest MicroSoft “update” puts a non-deleting Bing icon on your sidebar. Those dipshits never did know when to quit.
           Before I break for lunch, here’s something to consider. When you see link or pic on this blog that seems totally copycat, check the date. A large proportion of what you find here go back long before they became commonplace.

Picture of the day.
Rhubarb farmers.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           JZ regrets ever getting that vaccine. Like myself, he’d get a bad flu every three years before, now he’s averaging five per year. It’s rare for him to stop working over it and he reports three days out of commission this round. His arm has never stopped hurting. If I had known he would even consider such a thing, I’d have talked him out of it. Not until months later did he mention anything, how strange someone with that much medical background could fall for this. It must have been, I say, peer pressure.
           By 4:00PM I’ve been active nine hours without so much as a coffee. While returning home with some groceries, just four blocks north of here I saw, I believe, one of Grandpa Red’s sons. This family can be distinguished by a slight grey tinge on the wingtips and tail feathers. Unless this is some species trait, those birds are related.

           Next, I get a letter stating I no longer “owe” the Lee County Hospital $2,000 for that ambulance ride I did not ask for. I’m reading it and I’m not sure if it is saying I don’t owe them, or if it has been paid, or what. I did not pay them and I signed of on this months ago. So unless I’m due a check for $2,000, the lawyer must have paid them out of his own pocket. If nothing happens in a few days, I guess we’ll know.
           And here is a better picture of “the strip”. At the top is a row of three regular LEDs. On many later devices, they are replaced by this pale yellow strip. This is a technology I do not understand. Yet, I mean.

           Time for a nap. Before dark I was up and took three of the four pallets apart. They did not yield as much lumber as anticipated. Why blog it? Well, one of my rules is no day is allowed to pass without some hour of constructive work put in. Shopping isn’t work by my standards. So that little work today gets mention. I opened the two cans of paint, both are white or beige, though I have not stirred them yet, I’m looking for dark colors, or any color exterior. Remind me to go back and check for more in the morning.
           France is headed for an upset. Even if the elitist leader wins, he’s in for a rough ride. They are already chanting for his beheading. On this side of the pond, the Democrats are having the shivering shits with the sheer size of the Trump rallies. Biden’s only support remains die-hard socialist types who don’t grasp that their 40-year-old slogans and mentalities don’t cut it any more, for which you can directly thank Trump. It’s amazing, he isn’t even running for office and the crowds want him leading. I’m reminded of another world leader who had no official position but the people wanted him to lead. The American left declared him a terrorist and had him killed. Moammar Khadaffi.

           Want a laugh? The Biden economy has caused pay rate squabbling. People who have been with Amazon and such for years to work up to a pay grade are finding new hires are making more than they are. It makes it wise for them to quit their job and become a new hire elsewhere. Let’s see how that works out for them. A level-three at Google makes $192,000 per year, or when all the conversions are done, finally about as much as I made when I retired, now 26 years ago. Alas, if it was not for inflation, I’d be tempted. The buying power of that $192k, for the things I consume (vehicles, gas, groceries, beer, building materials, etc) works out to only $76k before taxes. I’d rather sit around and grow my own potatoes.
           Or how about SpaceX adding WiFi to in-flight offerings? There’s your epitome of entitlement. Now, instead of watching the planet beneath you during a one-in-a-lifetime adventure, you can text your BF and share muffin recipes. The ad means the service on commercial flights, I’m pointing out by extension what could be. Space flight is not likely to become routine enough for a long time yet.
           And Nevada Indians are on about a mining site, saying there is a burial site in the desert. They can’t say where, so, in Indian logic, they claim the whole desert. It isn’t even an ancient site but after an 1865 shoot-out with the US cavalry. Take these reports lightly or it becomes pseudo-history, like the tall tale that the Dutch bought Manhattan for $24 in beads. Portrayed as white man cheating yet the Indians knew damn well they were selling something that did not belong to them.

Last Laugh