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Thursday, April 28, 2022

April 28, 2022

One year ago today: April 28, 2021, a look at 3D barcode.
Five years ago today: April 28, 2017, lunch at the deli.
Nine years ago today: April 28, 2013, horizontal rain.
Random years ago today: April 28, 2020, Hubble turns 30.

           The major gripe I had about Twitter was how it relies on the bandwagon effect. Well, a the place gets shaken down, it appears half their claimed users were bots and another chunk were overseas. I’m far from the only one who suspected this, so why did the libtards get caught with their pants down? Turns out lots of people did not like the Pakistanis on the board and the leftwing media has egg on their face for making such a big deal that other platforms were not picking up the users. Ha, because they never existed.
           Back home, I’m afraid I had to take the morning off. I enjoyed the work until late last evening and now the reaction. It’s not bad, just expected muscle aches. One is my shoulder that got all the therapy. Insteresting to me is how the treatment took the sharp pain from the supraspinatus and spread it over a much larger area that includes my entire right shoulder blade. I’d say the pain, when it is there (it is not constant) is equal to before but tolerable and easier to ignore. What’s more, I can now life almost half again the weight with my left arm than before, so that more than compensates.
           And here’s pics of the metal straps and anchors on the silo. That’s your picture of the day.

           My Michigan guitarist did not respond with the promised list, so moving on to the next guy, also from Winter Haven. This next guy has an Austrian surname so I wonder if he look like me. Yes, I’m Austrian and my ancestors all spoke German. They also spoke English, and oddly, some Ukrainian, which baffled the daylights out of kids because we were never taught how the Ukrainians hired Germans to show them how to grow winter wheat. That episode explains my grandparents able to speak like it was in code, but for reason unknown, we were never told.
Statistics show twenty years after college, 92% if white students have paid off their student loans.            Blacks come in at 24%. Maybe that degree in African gender studies on an admission quota just isn’t the same value as a degree in nuclear physics. I\’ve been on a campus or two myself and the statistic I agree with best is that 90% of those people do not belong in college. TMOR, American college is a well-oiled machine, but one designed for back in the post-war period when America had all the money in the world.

           It was simpler back then, a degree got you a good-paying job and you could pay back the loans. This formula broke down, I’d say, around the mid-eighties, when the working class caught on to the game. Get a degree, any degree, and you get more pay. It did not take long for the colleges and universities to start offering any course these suckers would pay for. Prior to 1985, I could pick up a university calendar and pretty much see the value of every course. And somewhere along the line the universities dropped the requirements for a rounded education. In my day, to get a computer degree, I had to pass courses in philosophy and music appreciation. It is my understanding that universities now grant advanced degrees without the need for a single math or statistics course. It’s the sports scholarship concept applied to heart surgery.

           Later, yep, our Michigan guy has disappeared, though they tend to show back up when whatever distracted them doesn’t work out. I have a backup plan as stated, the Austrian who only has one vocal chord. But he’s on time and does the homework. Remember, I’m not shooting for studio perfection here, but for a price I can deliver that. I’m seeking an audience sound, so if this guy can chant on key, I can use him. To now, I’ve only seem video of him playing live. Here is his basic song list, typical moaner-droner-groaner guitar material.
Simple Man
Knockin' On Heavens' Door
Blue On Black
Can't You See
Neon Moon
Before You Accuse Me
Wagon Wheel
Seminole Wind
Picture of the day.
Stovepipe crimper.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           As you see, there are some of my less than favorites, but I can work with anything. His e-mails reveal he’s been through the mill with band formation. If that’s so, this could be the opportunity he’s been waiting for. The emphasis is not on guitar perfection, but a clever presentation of duo material, where each tune is precious. He’s provided me with an out, you see, I cannot sing and play Clapton at the same time, and if he can’t sing it, that gives it the old heave-ho. We would have to rehearse in my kitchen.
           There’s also the matter of the postponed trip to Tennessee. You see, I’ve long since met all my commitments and frankly, it is too expensive and too far to go just to visit for less than several months at a time. But that is not practical. This place is years behind schedule. Another matter is that we are not an item and there is always the odds that one of us will meet somebody. That’s loomed around for years, the point being time for me is not unlimited. May is a good time to visit, knowing every trip after that could be one of the last. We’ve got a long history of being able to run things by remote control.

           I got less than a half-hour’s work in today because I wiled away the hours so when I got out there the first summer rainstorm finally arrived. Did I say this is a photo of the stempipe from the buried birdbath water line. Back inside, I did some hobby research on vintage tools, such as stovepipe crimpers. I’d never given a thought to stovepipes being customized that way. Inside, I also get tidbits from NPR, the libtard radio program. It seems insurance companies are ruling COVID deaths to be suicide, which means no payout. I see their point of view, for all the coercion and manipulation, it was still an individual decision. On the other hand is the sinister motives of those who paid others to put COVID on the death certificates.
           The suicides most people would like to see are the Twitter fanatics, if you ask me. What’s happening to them is the same as what they’ve dished out on others for years. However, the legal system isn’t the insurance companies in that nobody is going to believe a million people all committed suicide by the same time and method. The lawyers already call it murder and it should not be too long before some court trial sets a precedent.
           America remains stunned by how many people still buy into the pandemic hoax. The Rhode Island bill is legislation that would fine the unvaxxed $50 per month and double their state income taxes. Somebody up there is going to get what’s coming to them. Americans are sick of even hearing about vaccinations any more. There is zero chance anybody unvaxxed by now will ever take the poison. And what puzzles me is the Democrats. They have been out of money for weeks, even with the Ukraine kickbacks. Where are they getting their money these days?
           Nor am I using Truth Social. The reason is you cannot surf it anonymously. I empathize with their need to verify no robots and trolls and such, but not at the expense of having all users on file. I suppose there are ways but I can’t be bothered unless it is free and easy. Nor except for one browser at a time, do I use any site that requires a download.

           One more point I’m not so sure about is the numbers of registered voters. You must be registered to vote in primaries, which is kind of important. The surging numbers of Republicans is curious, but I have an hypothesis. The disastrous reign of the Democrats is causing people who dropped out of voting to jump back in. I’ve never trusted the polls, especially pro-Democrat stats because they never allowed for the large numbers of people who gave up voting. It was presumed they were gone forever and the panic is that there is little reason for them to be returning in such masses unless they are planning to vote for Trump. Interesting.
           Here’s the progress on my A.I. program. The commands are not familiar to me for the plain reason I do not program games much. Yet graphics is the easiest for me to demonstrate what I know of A.I. The focus of two hours was first to determine the shape of the “live” icon and the commands that make it animate. I’d half-presumed I could define a shape and assign it a variable name. Qbasic has no such command, but the LINE command has no minimum size. It could be used to create a tiny square. In the alternative, the PSET command can be looped to create a figure. I still have no software that will allow DOS programming to work on Win 7.
           Next I looked at the PRESET command. I’ve use it successfully before by presuming it would work. Now I have to learn how and the documentation is less than complete. For clarity, it is the STEP sub-command that I’m analyzing. It has the curious but unexplained property of remembering the coordinates of the last pixel position. It’s the type of command that results when the original programmer did not think far enough ahead. So, if I create a “square” of four pixels as my icon shape, there is a problem.

           The smallest shape would be a tiny square of two adjacent rows and columns, the PRESET can’t be used, as all four have to display at once and the command only works on the last co-ordinates. Think about it, you cannot use four PRESETS. That leaves the LINE command, but there is no info if this can be used with PRESET STEP. There is always a way, but whoever wrote the 480 page manual I have must never have had cause to make a new shape or animate it.            I reread the chapter on screen resolutions. This is a holdover from the days when your monitor used a graphics card. There were at least a dozen on the market at a time, none of which did everything expected. What’s expected? A minimum of 640 columns and 480 rows with 16 colors. Only one, Mode 12, does this. How this translates to flat screens I have no idea.
           Nor do I really comprehend the compiler-interpreter-crap engineers came up with. It was always dismaying how unfriendly they wrote thing. And Win 7, a 2009 system, resists most efforts to find out if it is 32 or 64 bit. You need to know, as 64 bit is designed to prevent DOS from running without going through hoops. This computer is 64 bit, needed for on-line work. I’d rather not install a DOS emulator here, often called a DOS VM for virtual machine.

           Copenhagen has the right idea. It is leasing prison cells in another country for their burgeoning black prison population. However, they are not very bright because they did not shop around for the best deal. They chose Kusovo over some place in Africa. The Danes were ass-clowns in the first place to allow these people into a free and tolerant society. The funny thing is Europe has a history of sending its convicts elsewhere. This time it is back where they come from.
           Paraguay is seeing an increase in German immigration. It seems many who can afford it are fleeing the new Muslim Germany. It is those who can’t just run away that will have to solve that problem.

Last Laugh