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Tuesday, April 5, 2022

April 5, 2022

One year ago today: April 5, 2021, blogs rank 83rd.
Five years ago today: April 5, 2017, from the Civil War.
Nine years ago today: April 5, 2013, rumble chain music.
Random years ago today: April 5, 2009, Cape Fear.

           Great intentions, I woke up early feeling motivated to go to work, that’s a first in quite some time. Yet, by noon, I’m still not underway. Letters, bills, bass, notes, and of course this blog doesn’t write itself. Turns out I can’t access my own answering service by phone, unless I activate the phone for Internet service. Ah, I hear some saying they couldn’t believe they knew that and I did not. To them I reply, you knew that? What are you, some dismal clone of the system? Intelligent people cannot and should not be expected to know such garbage.
           But that’s another story, I’m getting on the scooter and getting my chasing around done in this, another perfect spring day. There has not been a single pallet at the collection point in nearly two weeks, so I’m taking the long way around. A local gal and I who sing duets have been searching for suitable material. There is not much available that isn’t dragging slow. We’re trying a different tack, where I sing harmony thirds, the only one that makes much sense to me. Problem, she cannot hear the harmony, which is not uncommon. She knows were are not in unison, yet that’s what she hears. And it is part of what I call the “Abba” effect. Many people do not know that is harmony.
           Now, since it is one of “my” songs, I’d prefer she do the harmony but that’s ain’t happening if she can’t even hear the part. I put another couple hours in the shed, it is definitely a better work spot than anything inside the house, most of which has to serve several purposes due to limited space. Thus, the Roman A/C gets a boost, I’ll plan out the brackets later today. A review of what work I do get done in the yard and such is later in the day, which kind of wastes mornings, but that is my prime music and logistics slot. I never could get all muddy and sweaty in the yard, then do the paperwork. But if I have a shower, I’ll take a nap, and before long, I’m past the point of no return.

           Yet it would be a boon to have a spot out there if only so I don’t have to clear a desk spot for small projects. That silo is already a necessity, I’ve measured out where two more shelves will fit, both of which have the important goal of getting stuff out of the house that I don’t frequently use, and folks, you are slowing down in life when it comes to that. I was downtown and back, stopping at the Thrift. I found another carpet for $15, I will soon have my entire cabin done for less than the cost of one tiny piece from Lowe’s or Wal*Mart. This picture is a $130 printer at the Thrift for $15 and I’m going to take a chance on it. Printers that malfunction are not an economic repair, but so far I find nothing wrong with this unit. But people in Florida love to donate junk.
           And how about the MSM now pushing the angle that it is the virus, not the jab, that is causing heart conditions in vaxed people. Twitter has a new part-owner and once again the edit button is in the news. Turns out some people don’t know what it is. Well, Twitter bases a lot on followers or likes, I forget and don’t care. What the button does is allow you to say one thing to build up your numbers, then go in and alter what you said. It’s like becoming a Democrat.

Picture of the day.
X2 underwater jet pack.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Here’s another window view of the back yard area, showing many of the plants and planters, all work in process. So far, the only carefree thing back there is the weeds. And I think my peach tree is down to three small batches of leaves. It’s been properly fertilized and cared for and this area is surrounded by peach orchards. Yet, I get sparse results no matter what. Note the dirt, this is from a lack of anything that provides good ground cover. I try to weed it once a week or so, but please something find something that grows, then stops growing and stays nice and green forever. There are at least five birdfeeders in this view.
           How goes my flower seedlings? The box that was supposed to cover 25 square feet came back with 41 sprouts so far. That’s more than one per square foot, so maybe that’s what they meant. Tomorrow is day ten so what we see then is what we got. The picture on the box shows at least five times that density. I’ve received the schedule from Tennessee and I’m probably leaving town before these flowers are expected to bud or bloom. Same as before, but I’ll weed it good and look at mulch, which will just get covered by falling leaves. My poor, poor yard. The best friend I have out there is Mrs. Red.

           Mars One. This is the outfit that planned one-way trips to Mars and got 200,000 applicants. They would be nearly ready for the first mission now, had they not run out of money. They had the number of applicants down to around a thousand and only four would leave on the first spaceship. I don’t blame them for keeping the short list an absolute secret, or you’d have libtards in there demanding unqualified freaks get key positions. Anyway, it’s sad the mission was scrubbed if only because of its popularity and impact on how these things work in real life. Yes, I would go to Mars and never come back, if certain guarantees were put in place, such as no crew self-assessment.
           Has Disney put itself out of business? By declaring their cartoon and move characters will be 50% queers by year’s end, they stand to lose plenty. My conjecture is they chose this moment to make these insane announcement due to political pressure. Otherwise it seems crazy they would try this in such a charged atmosphere. But the far left has a history of making these sort of announcements to see how far they get. And America is quite aware of how the people “behind” these sort of companies always bring sexual perversion with them, it is part of their culture.

           While the media denies a vaxed pilot died in flight, a pending court case against the CDC says otherwise. The MSM is now trying to pain heart failure amongst the vaxed as the fault of the virus. A completely unqualified black is getting appointed to the Supreme Court. Trump rallies continue to smash all previous records. There are 76 apps on my new smart phone cannot be disabled or deleted, such as Google shopping, but I tried.
           The Democrat left position becomes weaker and freakier by the day now. The Hildebeest announced that if Biden is displaced in the mid-terms and anybody dares to prosecute her, will “take half of Washington with her”. She earlier said anybody who testifies, but her desperation is taking root, that is she can beat testimony, but not necessarily prosecution. And America just got treated to a Paki lecturing a native-born white what free speech was all about. Folks, this can go nowhere good at this time and place.

           TMOR readers, I know the impression of America is that we are a degenerate society taken over by queers, pedophiles, and crooked politicians. That is because the same people control the media, the banks, and a lot of the civil service. All I can tell you is these people are a tiny minority, less than 1% and less than 3% even agree with them. Now don’t go smugly thinking your societies are any better. The reality is if you have a central banking system, your society is just as bad if not worse. The difference in America is we don’t behead these queers or dump them off tall buildings. Not yet, anyway.
           It’s true these things happen in America because America is the last free country left on the planet. But things will be tightening up shortly. The crazy things you are witnessing are the desperate throes of evil people who know if they don’t manipulate this next election, they are in heap big trouble. And as for the theories that say they are manufacturing some big mass public protest so they can call out what’s left of our armed forces, remember there is no precedent for this in recorded history.
           That is, no tyranny has ever tried what these people are trying against a population that is better armed than they are. If they do, it will be the experiment of the ages, and I have no doubt the libtards will not only be overthrown, but they will be hunted down.

Last Laugh